Uses of Annotation Type
Basic utility libraries and interfaces.
Discouraged (in favor of Caffeine) caching utilities.
Collection interfaces and implementations, and other utilities for collections.
Utility methods and classes for I/O; for example input streams, output streams, readers, writers,
and files.
Arithmetic functions operating on primitive values and on
and BigDecimal
instances.Utility methods and classes for networking (such as IP addresses and domain names).
Static utilities for the eight primitive types and
, and value types for treating
them as unsigned or storing them in immutable arrays.Concurrency utilities.
Uses of GwtIncompatible in
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
This class provides default values for all Java types, as defined by the class
Utility methods for working withEnum
Phantom reference with afinalizeReferent()
method which a background thread invokes after the garbage collector reclaims the referent.interface
Implemented by references that have code to run after garbage collection of their referents.class
A reference queue with an associated background thread that dequeues references and invokesFinalizableReference.finalizeReferent()
on them.class
Soft reference with afinalizeReferent()
method which a background thread invokes after the garbage collector reclaims the referent.class
Weak reference with afinalizeReferent()
method which a background thread invokes after the garbage collector reclaims the referent.enum
Represents a standard system property.Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final Charset
Deprecated.static final Charset
instead.static final Charset
instead.static final Charset
instead.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Predicate
<CharSequence> Returns a predicate that evaluates totrue
if theCharSequence
being tested contains any match for the given regular expression pattern.static Predicate
<CharSequence> Predicates.containsPattern
(String pattern) Returns a predicate that evaluates totrue
if theCharSequence
being tested contains any match for the given regular expression pattern.Stopwatch.elapsed()
Returns the current elapsed time shown on this stopwatch as aDuration
(Throwable throwable, Class<X> expectedCauseType) Returnsthrowable
's cause, cast toexpectedCauseType
.static Field
Returns theField
in whichenumValue
is defined.static String
(Throwable throwable) Returns a string containing the result oftoString()
, followed by the full, recursive stack trace ofthrowable
(Class<?> clazz) Returns a predicate that evaluates totrue
if the object being tested is an instance of the given class.static List
<StackTraceElement> Throwables.lazyStackTrace
(Throwable throwable) Deprecated.This method is equivalent toThrowable.getStackTrace()
on JDK versions past JDK 8 and on all Android versions.static boolean
Deprecated.This method always returns false on JDK versions past JDK 8 and on all Android versions.Suppliers.memoizeWithExpiration
(Supplier<T> delegate, Duration duration) Returns a supplier that caches the instance supplied by the delegate and removes the cached value after the specified time has passed.static Splitter
Returns a splitter that considers any subsequence matchingpattern
to be a separator.static Splitter
Returns a splitter that considers any subsequence matching a given pattern (regular expression) to be a separator.static RuntimeException
Deprecated.To preserve behavior, usethrow e
orthrow new RuntimeException(e)
directly, or use a combination ofThrowables.throwIfUnchecked(java.lang.Throwable)
andthrow new RuntimeException(e)
.static <X extends Throwable>
(@Nullable Throwable throwable, Class<X> declaredType) Deprecated.UseThrowables.throwIfInstanceOf(java.lang.Throwable, java.lang.Class<X>)
, which has the same behavior but rejectsnull
.static void
(@Nullable Throwable throwable) Deprecated.UseThrowables.throwIfUnchecked(java.lang.Throwable)
, which has the same behavior but rejectsnull
.static <X extends Throwable>
(@Nullable Throwable throwable, Class<X> declaredType) Deprecated.Use a combination ofThrowables.throwIfInstanceOf(java.lang.Throwable, java.lang.Class<X>)
, which togther provide the same behavior except that they rejectnull
(@Nullable Throwable throwable, Class<X1> declaredType1, Class<X2> declaredType2) Deprecated.Use a combination of two calls toThrowables.throwIfInstanceOf(java.lang.Throwable, java.lang.Class<X>)
and one call toThrowables.throwIfUnchecked(java.lang.Throwable)
, which togther provide the same behavior except that they rejectnull
(Class<T> enumClass) Returns a serializable converter that converts between strings andenum
values of typeenumClass
usingEnum.valueOf(Class, String)
.Returns a predicate that evaluates totrue
if the class being tested is assignable to (is a subtype of)clazz
.static <X extends Throwable>
(Throwable throwable, Class<X> declaredType) Throwsthrowable
if it is an instance ofdeclaredType
. -
Uses of GwtIncompatible in
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
V> This class provides a skeletal implementation of theCache
interface to minimize the effort required to implement this class
A specification of aCacheBuilder
V> A cache which forwards all its method calls to another cache.class
A cache which forwards all its method calls to another class
A collection of common removal listeners.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <K,
V> CacheLoader <K, V> CacheLoader.asyncReloading
(CacheLoader<K, V> loader, Executor executor) Returns aCacheLoader
which wrapsloader
, executing calls toCacheLoader.reload(K, V)
(Duration duration) Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed duration has elapsed after the entry's creation, the most recent replacement of its value, or its last access.CacheBuilder.expireAfterWrite
(Duration duration) Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed duration has elapsed after the entry's creation, or the most recent replacement of its value.static CacheBuilder
<Object, Object> CacheBuilder.from
(CacheBuilderSpec spec) Constructs a newCacheBuilder
instance with the settings specified inspec
.static CacheBuilder
<Object, Object> Constructs a newCacheBuilder
instance with the settings specified inspec
(long maximumWeight) Specifies the maximum weight of entries the cache may contain.CacheBuilder.refreshAfterWrite
(long duration, TimeUnit unit) Specifies that active entries are eligible for automatic refresh once a fixed duration has elapsed after the entry's creation, or the most recent replacement of its value.CacheBuilder.refreshAfterWrite
(Duration duration) Specifies that active entries are eligible for automatic refresh once a fixed duration has elapsed after the entry's creation, or the most recent replacement of its value.Computes or retrieves a replacement value corresponding to an already-cachedkey
Specifies that each value (not key) stored in the cache should be wrapped in aSoftReference
(by default, strong references are used).CacheBuilder.weakKeys()
Specifies that each key (not value) stored in the cache should be wrapped in aWeakReference
(by default, strong references are used).CacheBuilder.weakValues()
Specifies that each value (not key) stored in the cache should be wrapped in aWeakReference
(by default, strong references are used).<K1 extends K,
V1 extends V>
CacheBuilder<K1, V1> Specifies the weigher to use in determining the weight of entries. -
Uses of GwtIncompatible in
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
A multiset that supports concurrent modifications and that provides atomic versions of mostMultiset
operations (exceptions where noted).class
Deprecated.This class has moved
ForwardingDeque<E extends @Nullable Object>
A deque which forwards all its method calls to another deque.class
ForwardingNavigableMap<K extends @Nullable Object,
V extends @Nullable Object> A navigable map which forwards all its method calls to another navigable map.class
ForwardingNavigableSet<E extends @Nullable Object>
A navigable set which forwards all its method calls to another navigable class
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
ImmutableRangeMap<K extends Comparable<?>,
V> ARangeMap
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
.final class
ImmutableRangeSet<C extends Comparable>
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
Provides similar behavior toString.intern()
for any immutable class
Contains static methods pertaining to instances ofInterner
.final class
MutableClassToInstanceMap<B extends @Nullable Object>
A mutable class-to-instance map backed by an arbitrary user-provided map.interface
RangeMap<K extends Comparable,
V> A mapping from disjoint nonempty ranges to non-null values.interface
RangeSet<C extends Comparable>
final class
TreeRangeMap<K extends Comparable,
V> An implementation ofRangeMap
based on aTreeMap
, supporting all optional operations.class
TreeRangeSet<C extends Comparable<?>>
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <K extends @Nullable Object,
V extends @Nullable Object>
NavigableMap<K, V> Maps.asMap
(NavigableSet<K> set, Function<? super K, V> function) Returns a view of the navigable set as a map, mapping keys from the set according to the specified function.Sets.complementOf
(Collection<E> collection) Creates anEnumSet
consisting of all enum values that are not in the specified collection.Sets.complementOf
(Collection<E> collection, Class<E> type) Creates anEnumSet
consisting of all enum values that are not in the specified collection.Returns a new array that contains the concatenated contents of two arrays.abstract UnmodifiableIterator
<E> ImmutableSortedSet.descendingIterator()
static <E> int
(BlockingQueue<E> q, Collection<? super E> buffer, int numElements, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) Drains the queue asBlockingQueue.drainTo(Collection, int)
, but if the requestednumElements
elements are not available, it will wait for them up to the specified timeout.static <E> int
(BlockingQueue<E> q, Collection<? super E> buffer, int numElements, Duration timeout) Drains the queue asBlockingQueue.drainTo(Collection, int)
, but if the requestednumElements
elements are not available, it will wait for them up to the specified timeout.static <E> int
(BlockingQueue<E> q, Collection<? super E> buffer, int numElements, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) Drains the queue as Queues.drain(BlockingQueue, Collection, int, long, TimeUnit), but with a different behavior in case it is interrupted while waiting.static <E> int
(BlockingQueue<E> q, Collection<? super E> buffer, int numElements, Duration timeout) Drains the queue as Queues.drain(BlockingQueue, Collection, int, Duration), but with a different behavior in case it is interrupted while <T> FluentIterable
<T> Returns the elements from this fluent iterable that are instances of classtype
.static <T> Iterable
<T> Returns a view ofunfiltered
containing all elements that are of the typedesiredType
.static <T> UnmodifiableIterator
<T> Returns a view ofunfiltered
containing all elements that are of the typedesiredType
.static <E extends @Nullable Object>
NavigableSet<E> Sets.filter
(NavigableSet<E> unfiltered, Predicate<? super E> predicate) Returns the elements of aNavigableSet
, that satisfy a predicate.static <K extends @Nullable Object,
V extends @Nullable Object>
NavigableMap<K, V> Maps.filterEntries
(NavigableMap<K, V> unfiltered, Predicate<? super Map.Entry<K, V>> entryPredicate) Returns a sorted map containing the mappings inunfiltered
that satisfy a predicate.static <K extends @Nullable Object,
V extends @Nullable Object>
NavigableMap<K, V> Maps.filterKeys
(NavigableMap<K, V> unfiltered, Predicate<? super K> keyPredicate) Returns a navigable map containing the mappings inunfiltered
whose keys satisfy a predicate.static <K extends @Nullable Object,
V extends @Nullable Object>
NavigableMap<K, V> Maps.filterValues
(NavigableMap<K, V> unfiltered, Predicate<? super V> valuePredicate) Returns a navigable map containing the mappings inunfiltered
whose values satisfy a predicate.static ImmutableMap
<String, String> Maps.fromProperties
(Properties properties) Creates anImmutableMap<String, String>
from aProperties
Returns the associated key type.EnumHashBiMap.keyType()
Returns the associated key type.Returns a new array of the given length with the specified component type.static <E> ArrayBlockingQueue
<E> Queues.newArrayBlockingQueue
(int capacity) Creates an emptyArrayBlockingQueue
with the given (fixed) capacity and nonfair access policy.static <E> ConcurrentLinkedQueue
<E> Queues.newConcurrentLinkedQueue()
Creates an emptyConcurrentLinkedQueue
.static <E> ConcurrentLinkedQueue
<E> Queues.newConcurrentLinkedQueue
(Iterable<? extends E> elements) Creates aConcurrentLinkedQueue
containing the elements of the specified iterable, in the order they are returned by the iterable's iterator.static <E extends @Nullable Object>
CopyOnWriteArrayList<E> Lists.newCopyOnWriteArrayList()
Creates an emptyCopyOnWriteArrayList
instance.static <E extends @Nullable Object>
CopyOnWriteArrayList<E> Lists.newCopyOnWriteArrayList
(Iterable<? extends E> elements) Creates aCopyOnWriteArrayList
instance containing the given elements.static <E extends @Nullable Object>
CopyOnWriteArraySet<E> Sets.newCopyOnWriteArraySet()
Creates an emptyCopyOnWriteArraySet
instance.static <E extends @Nullable Object>
CopyOnWriteArraySet<E> Sets.newCopyOnWriteArraySet
(Iterable<? extends E> elements) Creates aCopyOnWriteArraySet
instance containing the given elements.static <E> LinkedBlockingDeque
<E> Queues.newLinkedBlockingDeque()
Creates an emptyLinkedBlockingDeque
with a capacity ofInteger.MAX_VALUE
.static <E> LinkedBlockingDeque
<E> Queues.newLinkedBlockingDeque
(int capacity) Creates an emptyLinkedBlockingDeque
with the given (fixed) capacity.static <E> LinkedBlockingDeque
<E> Queues.newLinkedBlockingDeque
(Iterable<? extends E> elements) Creates aLinkedBlockingDeque
with a capacity ofInteger.MAX_VALUE
, containing the elements of the specified iterable, in the order they are returned by the iterable's iterator.static <E> LinkedBlockingQueue
<E> Queues.newLinkedBlockingQueue()
Creates an emptyLinkedBlockingQueue
with a capacity ofInteger.MAX_VALUE
.static <E> LinkedBlockingQueue
<E> Queues.newLinkedBlockingQueue
(int capacity) Creates an emptyLinkedBlockingQueue
with the given (fixed) capacity.static <E> LinkedBlockingQueue
<E> Queues.newLinkedBlockingQueue
(Iterable<? extends E> elements) Creates aLinkedBlockingQueue
with a capacity ofInteger.MAX_VALUE
, containing the elements of the specified iterable, in the order they are returned by the iterable's iterator.static <E extends Comparable>
PriorityBlockingQueue<E> Queues.newPriorityBlockingQueue()
Creates an emptyPriorityBlockingQueue
with the ordering given by its elements' natural ordering.static <E extends Comparable>
PriorityBlockingQueue<E> Queues.newPriorityBlockingQueue
(Iterable<? extends E> elements) Creates aPriorityBlockingQueue
containing the given elements.static <E> SynchronousQueue
<E> Queues.newSynchronousQueue()
Creates an emptySynchronousQueue
with nonfair access policy.static <E> Interner
<E> Interners.newWeakInterner()
Returns a new thread-safe interner which retains a weak reference to each instance it has interned, and so does not prevent these instances from being garbage-collected.ImmutableSortedSet.pollFirst()
Deprecated.Unsupported operation.ImmutableSortedSet.pollLast()
Deprecated.Unsupported operation.static <K extends Comparable<? super K>,
V extends @Nullable Object>
NavigableMap<K, V> Maps.subMap
(NavigableMap<K, V> map, Range<K> range) Returns a view of the portion ofmap
whose keys are contained byrange
.static <K extends Comparable<? super K>>
NavigableSet<K> Sets.subSet
(NavigableSet<K> set, Range<K> range) Returns a view of the portion ofset
whose elements are contained byrange
.static <K extends @Nullable Object,
V extends @Nullable Object>
NavigableMap<K, V> Maps.synchronizedNavigableMap
(NavigableMap<K, V> navigableMap) Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) navigable map backed by the specified navigable map.static <E extends @Nullable Object>
NavigableSet<E> Sets.synchronizedNavigableSet
(NavigableSet<E> navigableSet) Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) navigable set backed by the specified navigable set.Returns a two-dimensional array with the table E[]
Returns an array containing all of the elements from this fluent iterable in iteration order.Copies an iterable's elements into an array.Copies an iterator's elements into an array.static <K extends @Nullable Object,
V1 extends @Nullable Object, V2 extends @Nullable Object>
NavigableMap<K, V2> Maps.transformEntries
(NavigableMap<K, V1> fromMap, Maps.EntryTransformer<? super K, ? super V1, V2> transformer) Returns a view of a navigable map whose values are derived from the original navigable map's entries.static <K extends @Nullable Object,
V1 extends @Nullable Object, V2 extends @Nullable Object>
NavigableMap<K, V2> Maps.transformValues
(NavigableMap<K, V1> fromMap, Function<? super V1, V2> function) Returns a view of a navigable map where each value is transformed by a function.static <K extends @Nullable Object,
V extends @Nullable Object>
NavigableMap<K, V> Maps.unmodifiableNavigableMap
(NavigableMap<K, ? extends V> map) Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified navigable map.EnumBiMap.valueType()
Returns the associated value type.Interners.InternerBuilder.weak()
Instructs theInterners.InternerBuilder
to build a weak interner.MapMaker.weakKeys()
Specifies that each key (not value) stored in the map should be wrapped in aWeakReference
(by default, strong references are used).MapMaker.weakValues()
Specifies that each value (not key) stored in the map should be wrapped in aWeakReference
(by default, strong references are used). -
Uses of GwtIncompatible in
Modifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
An extension ofDataInput
for reading from in-memory byte arrays; its methods offer identical functionality but do not throwIOException
An extension ofDataOutput
for writing to in-memory byte arrays; its methods offer identical functionality but do not throwIOException
ByteProcessor<T extends @Nullable Object>
A callback interface to process bytes from a stream.class
A destination to which bytes can be written, such as a file.class
A readable source of bytes, such as a class
Provides utility methods for working with byte arrays and I/O streams.class
A destination to which characters can be written, such as a text file.class
A readable source of characters, such as a text class
Provides utility methods for working with character class
Utility methods for working withCloseable class
final class
that counts the number of bytes class
An OutputStream that counts the number of bytes class
that starts buffering to a byte array, but switches to file buffering once the data reaches a configurable class
Provides utility methods for working with files.enum
Modes for opening a file for class
Utility methods for working withFlushable class
Exception indicating that a recursive delete can't be performed because the file system does not have the support necessary to guarantee that it is not vulnerable to race conditions that would allow it to delete files and directories outside of the directory being deleted (i.e.,SecureDirectoryStream
is not supported).interface
LineProcessor<T extends @Nullable Object>
A callback to be used with the streamingreadLines class
A class for reading lines of class
An implementation ofDataInput
that uses little-endian byte ordering for readingshort
, andlong class
An implementation ofDataOutput
that uses little-endian byte ordering for writingchar
, andlong class
final class
File name filter that only accepts files matching a regular expression.enum
Options for use with recursive delete methods (MoreFiles.deleteRecursively(java.nio.file.Path,
).final class
Provides utility methods for working with resources in the classpath.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal ByteSource
(CharSource encodedSource) Returns aByteSource
that reads base-encoded bytes from the specifiedCharSource
.abstract InputStream
(Reader reader) Returns anInputStream
that decodes base-encoded input from the specifiedReader
.final ByteSink
(CharSink encodedSink) Returns aByteSink
that writes base-encoded bytes to the specifiedCharSink
.abstract OutputStream
(Writer writer) Returns anOutputStream
that encodes bytes using this encoding into the specifiedWriter
. -
Uses of GwtIncompatible in
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A class for arithmetic onBigDecimal
that is not covered by its built-in methods.class
The representation of a linear transformation between real numbersx
.final class
An immutable value object capturing some basic statistics about a collection of paired double values (e.g. points on a plane).final class
A mutable object which accumulates paired double values (e.g. points on a plane) and tracks some basic statistics over all the values added so class
Provides a fluent API for calculating class
A bundle of statistical summary values -- sum, count, mean/average, min and max, and several forms of variance -- that were computed from a single set of zero or more floating-point class
A mutable object which accumulates double values and tracks some basic statistics over all the values added so far.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic long
(long b, int k) Returns theb
to thek
th power, provided it does not overflow.static BigInteger
(BigInteger p, BigInteger q, RoundingMode mode) Returns the result of dividingp
, rounding using the specifiedRoundingMode
.static long
(long p, long q, RoundingMode mode) Returns the result of dividingp
, rounding using the specifiedRoundingMode
.static long
(int n) Returnsn!
, that is, the product of the firstn
positive integers,1
ifn == 0
, orLong.MAX_VALUE
if the result does not fit in along
.static boolean
(double x) Returnstrue
represents a mathematical integer.static boolean
(double x) Returnstrue
is exactly equal to2^k
for some finite integerk
.static boolean
(int n) Returnstrue
is a prime number: an integer greater than one that cannot be factored into a product of smaller positive integers.static boolean
(long n) Returnstrue
is a prime number: an integer greater than one that cannot be factored into a product of smaller positive integers.static int
(BigInteger x, RoundingMode mode) Returns the base-10 logarithm ofx
, rounded according to the specified rounding mode.static int
(int x, RoundingMode mode) Returns the base-10 logarithm ofx
, rounded according to the specified rounding mode.static int
(long x, RoundingMode mode) Returns the base-10 logarithm ofx
, rounded according to the specified rounding mode.static int
(double x, RoundingMode mode) Returns the base 2 logarithm of a double value, rounded with the specified rounding mode to anint
.static double
(double... values) Deprecated.UseStats.meanOf(java.lang.Iterable<? extends java.lang.Number>)
instead, noting the less strict handling of non-finite values.static double
Deprecated.UseStats.meanOf(java.lang.Iterable<? extends java.lang.Number>)
instead, noting the less strict handling of non-finite values.static double
Deprecated.UseStats.meanOf(java.lang.Iterable<? extends java.lang.Number>)
instead, noting the less strict handling of non-finite values.static int
(long x, int m) Returnsx mod m
, a non-negative value less thanm
.static long
(long x, long m) Returnsx mod m
, a non-negative value less thanm
.static int
(int b, int k) Returnsb
to thek
th power.static long
(long b, int k) Returnsb
to thek
th power.static BigInteger
(double x, RoundingMode mode) Returns theBigInteger
value that is equal tox
rounded with the specified rounding mode, if possible.static double
(BigInteger x, RoundingMode mode) Returnsx
, rounded to adouble
with the specified rounding mode.static double
(long x, RoundingMode mode) Returnsx
, rounded to adouble
with the specified rounding mode.static int
(double x, RoundingMode mode) Returns theint
value that is equal tox
rounded with the specified rounding mode, if possible.static long
(double x, RoundingMode mode) Returns thelong
value that is equal tox
rounded with the specified rounding mode, if possible.static BigInteger
(BigInteger x, RoundingMode mode) Returns the square root ofx
, rounded with the specified rounding mode.static int
(int x, RoundingMode mode) Returns the square root ofx
, rounded with the specified rounding mode.static long
(long x, RoundingMode mode) Returns the square root ofx
, rounded with the specified rounding mode. -
Uses of GwtIncompatible in
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
A syntactically valid host specifier, suitable for use in a class
Static utility methods pertaining toInetAddress
instances. -
Uses of GwtIncompatible in
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Static utility methods pertaining tobyte
primitives that interpret values as unsigned (that is, any negative valueb
is treated as the positive value256 + b
).Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic char
(byte[] bytes) Returns thechar
value whose big-endian representation is stored in the first 2 bytes ofbytes
; equivalent toByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).getChar()
.static short
(byte[] bytes) Returns theshort
value whose big-endian representation is stored in the first 2 bytes ofbytes
; equivalent toByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).getShort()
.static char
(byte b1, byte b2) Returns thechar
value whose byte representation is the given 2 bytes, in big-endian order; equivalent toChars.fromByteArray(new byte[] {b1, b2})
.static short
(byte b1, byte b2) Returns theshort
value whose byte representation is the given 2 bytes, in big-endian order; equivalent toShorts.fromByteArray(new byte[] {b1, b2})
.static double
(double... array) Returns the greatest value present inarray
, using the same rules of comparison asMath.max(double, double)
.static float
(float... array) Returns the greatest value present inarray
, using the same rules of comparison asMath.max(float, float)
.static int
(int... array) Returns the greatest value present inarray
.static short
(short... array) Returns the greatest value present inarray
.static double
(double... array) Returns the least value present inarray
, using the same rules of comparison asMath.min(double, double)
.static float
(float... array) Returns the least value present inarray
, using the same rules of comparison asMath.min(float, float)
.static int
(int... array) Returns the least value present inarray
.static short
(short... array) Returns the least value present inarray
(UnsignedInteger val) Returns the result of multiplying this andval
.static byte[]
(char value) Returns a big-endian representation ofvalue
in a 2-element byte array; equivalent toByteBuffer.allocate(2).putChar(value).array()
.static byte[]
(short value) Returns a big-endian representation ofvalue
in a 2-element byte array; equivalent toByteBuffer.allocate(2).putShort(value).array()
.Parses the specified string as a double-precision floating point value.Parses the specified string as a single-precision floating point value. -
Uses of GwtIncompatible in
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Base class for services that can implementAbstractExecutionThreadService.startUp()
Base class for services that do not need a thread while "running" but may need one during startup and shutdown.class
implementation that createsListenableFuture
instances for eachRunnable
submitted to it.class
Base class for services that can implementAbstractScheduledService.startUp()
but while in the "running" state need to perform a periodic task.class
Base class for implementing services that can handleAbstractService.doStart()
requests, responding to them withAbstractService.notifyStarted()
array in which elements may be updated class
Static utility methods pertaining to classes in thejava.util.concurrent.atomic
instances andReentrantReadWriteLock
instances that detect potential deadlock by checking for cycles in lock acquisition class
A support class forListenableFuture
implementations to manage their class
A TimeLimiter implementation which actually does not attempt to limit time at all.class
which forwards all its method calls to anotherBlockingDeque
which forwards all its method calls to anotherBlockingQueue
An executor service which forwards all its method calls to another executor service.class
A listening executor service which forwards all its method calls to another listening executor class
Utilities necessary for working with libraries that supply plainFuture
ListenableFutureTask<V extends @Nullable Object>
that also implements theListenableFuture
that returnsListenableFuture
that returnsListenableFuture
instances from itsExecutorService class
A synchronization abstraction supporting waiting on arbitrary boolean conditions.class
A rate limiter.interface
An object with an operational state, plus asynchronousService.startAsync()
lifecycle methods to transition between class
A manager for monitoring and controlling a set of class
A TimeLimiter that runs method calls in the background using anExecutorService
A stripedLock/Semaphore/ReadWriteLock
.final class
A ThreadFactory builder, providing any combination of these features: whether threads should be marked as daemon threads a naming format a thread priority an uncaught exception handler a backing thread factoryinterface
Imposes a time limit on method class
Factories forThread.UncaughtExceptionHandler
Unchecked version ofTimeoutException
.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(ExecutorService service, long terminationTimeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) Add a shutdown hook to wait for thread completion in the givenservice
.static void
(ExecutorService service, Duration terminationTimeout) Add a shutdown hook to wait for thread completion in the givenservice
.static <T extends @Nullable Object>
AsyncCallable<T> Callables.asAsyncCallable
(Callable<T> callable, ListeningExecutorService listeningExecutorService) Creates anAsyncCallable
from aCallable
.static void
(ExecutorService executor) Invokesexecutor.
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit)
uninterruptibly with no timeout.static boolean
(ExecutorService executor, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) Invokesexecutor.
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit)
uninterruptibly.static boolean
(ExecutorService executor, Duration timeout) Invokesexecutor.
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit)
uninterruptibly.static void
(CountDownLatch latch) Invokeslatch.
uninterruptibly.static boolean
(CountDownLatch latch, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) Invokeslatch.
await(timeout, unit)
uninterruptibly.static boolean
(CountDownLatch latch, Duration timeout) Invokeslatch.
await(timeout, unit)
uninterruptibly.static boolean
(Condition condition, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) Invokescondition.
await(timeout, unit)
uninterruptibly.static boolean
(Condition condition, Duration timeout) Invokescondition.
await(timeout, unit)
(Future<V> future, Class<X> exceptionClass) Returns the result ofFuture.get()
, converting most exceptions to a new instance of the given checked exception type.Futures.getChecked
(Future<V> future, Class<X> exceptionClass, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) Returns the result ofFuture.get(long, TimeUnit)
, converting most exceptions to a new instance of the given checked exception type.Futures.getChecked
(Future<V> future, Class<X> exceptionClass, Duration timeout) Returns the result ofFuture.get(long, TimeUnit)
, converting most exceptions to a new instance of the given checked exception type.static ExecutorService
(ThreadPoolExecutor executor) Converts the given ThreadPoolExecutor into an ExecutorService that exits when the application is complete.static ExecutorService
(ThreadPoolExecutor executor, long terminationTimeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) Converts the given ThreadPoolExecutor into an ExecutorService that exits when the application is complete.static ExecutorService
(ThreadPoolExecutor executor, Duration terminationTimeout) Converts the given ThreadPoolExecutor into an ExecutorService that exits when the application is complete.static ScheduledExecutorService
(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor) Converts the given ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor into a ScheduledExecutorService that exits when the application is complete.static ScheduledExecutorService
(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor, long terminationTimeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) Converts the given ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor into a ScheduledExecutorService that exits when the application is complete.static ScheduledExecutorService
(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor, Duration terminationTimeout) Converts the given ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor into a ScheduledExecutorService that exits when the application is complete.Uninterruptibles.getUninterruptibly
(Future<V> future, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) Invokesfuture.
get(timeout, unit)
(Future<V> future, Duration timeout) Invokesfuture.
get(timeout, unit)
uninterruptibly.static void
(Thread toJoin) InvokestoJoin.
uninterruptibly.static void
(Thread toJoin, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) Invokesunit.
timedJoin(toJoin, timeout)
uninterruptibly.static void
(Thread toJoin, Duration timeout) Invokesunit.
timedJoin(toJoin, timeout)
(Future<I> input, Function<? super I, ? extends O> function) LikeFutures.transform(ListenableFuture, Function, Executor)
except that the transformationfunction
is invoked on each call toget()
on the returned future.static ListeningExecutorService
(ExecutorService delegate) Creates anExecutorService
methods submitListenableFutureTask
instances to the given delegate executor.MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator
(ScheduledExecutorService delegate) Creates aScheduledExecutorService
methods submitListenableFutureTask
instances to the given delegate executor.static ListeningExecutorService
Creates an executor service that runs each task in the thread that invokesexecute/submit
, as inThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy
.static Executor
(Executor delegate) Returns anExecutor
that runs each task executed sequentially, such that no two tasks are running concurrently.static ThreadFactory
Returns a default thread factory used to create new threads.static <E> void
(BlockingQueue<E> queue, E element) Invokesqueue.
uninterruptibly.static <O extends @Nullable Object>
ListenableFuture<O> Futures.scheduleAsync
(AsyncCallable<O> callable, long delay, TimeUnit timeUnit, ScheduledExecutorService executorService) Schedulescallable
on the specifiedexecutor
, returning aFuture
.static <O extends @Nullable Object>
ListenableFuture<O> Futures.scheduleAsync
(AsyncCallable<O> callable, Duration delay, ScheduledExecutorService executorService) Schedulescallable
on the specifiedexecutor
, returning aFuture
.static boolean
(ExecutorService service, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) Shuts down the given executor service gradually, first disabling new submissions and later, if necessary, cancelling remaining tasks.static boolean
(ExecutorService service, Duration timeout) Shuts down the given executor service gradually, first disabling new submissions and later, if necessary, cancelling remaining tasks.static void
(long sleepFor, TimeUnit unit) Invokesunit.
uninterruptibly.static void
(Duration sleepFor) Invokesunit.
uninterruptibly.static <E> E
(BlockingQueue<E> queue) Invokesqueue.
uninterruptibly.static boolean
(Semaphore semaphore, int permits, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) Invokessemaphore.
tryAcquire(permits, timeout, unit)
uninterruptibly.static boolean
(Semaphore semaphore, int permits, Duration timeout) Invokessemaphore.
tryAcquire(permits, timeout, unit)
uninterruptibly.static boolean
(Semaphore semaphore, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) Invokessemaphore.
tryAcquire(1, timeout, unit)
uninterruptibly.static boolean
(Semaphore semaphore, Duration timeout) Invokessemaphore.
tryAcquire(1, timeout, unit)
uninterruptibly.static boolean
(Lock lock, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) Invokeslock.
tryLock(timeout, unit)
uninterruptibly.static boolean
(Lock lock, Duration timeout) Invokeslock.
tryLock(timeout, unit) FluentFuture
<V> FluentFuture.withTimeout
(long timeout, TimeUnit unit, ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor) Returns a future that delegates to this future but will finish early (via aTimeoutException
wrapped in anExecutionException
) if the specified timeout FluentFuture
<V> FluentFuture.withTimeout
(Duration timeout, ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor) Returns a future that delegates to this future but will finish early (via aTimeoutException
wrapped in anExecutionException
) if the specified timeout expires.static <V extends @Nullable Object>
ListenableFuture<V> Futures.withTimeout
(ListenableFuture<V> delegate, long time, TimeUnit unit, ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor) Returns a future that delegates to another but will finish early (via aTimeoutException
wrapped in anExecutionException
) if the specified duration expires.static <V extends @Nullable Object>
ListenableFuture<V> Futures.withTimeout
(ListenableFuture<V> delegate, Duration time, ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor) Returns a future that delegates to another but will finish early (via aTimeoutException
wrapped in anExecutionException
) if the specified duration expires.