Class MoreFiles

  • @GwtIncompatible
    public final class MoreFiles
    extends Object
    Static utilities for use with Path instances, intended to complement Files.

    Many methods provided by Guava's Files class for File instances are now available via the JDK's Files class for Path - check the JDK's class if a sibling method from Files appears to be missing from this class.

    33.4.0 (but since 21.0 in the JRE flavor)
    Colin Decker
    • Method Detail

      • asByteSource

        public static ByteSource asByteSource​(Path path,
                                              OpenOption... options)
        Returns a view of the given path as a ByteSource.

        Any open options provided are used when opening streams to the file and may affect the behavior of the returned source and the streams it provides. See StandardOpenOption for the standard options that may be provided. Providing no options is equivalent to providing the READ option.

      • asCharSource

        public static CharSource asCharSource​(Path path,
                                              Charset charset,
                                              OpenOption... options)
        Returns a view of the given path as a CharSource using the given charset.

        Any open options provided are used when opening streams to the file and may affect the behavior of the returned source and the streams it provides. See StandardOpenOption for the standard options that may be provided. Providing no options is equivalent to providing the READ option.

      • fileTraverser

        public static Traverser<PathfileTraverser()
        Returns a Traverser instance for the file and directory tree. The returned traverser starts from a Path and will return all files and directories it encounters.

        The returned traverser attempts to avoid following symbolic links to directories. However, the traverser cannot guarantee that it will not follow symbolic links to directories as it is possible for a directory to be replaced with a symbolic link between checking if the file is a directory and actually reading the contents of that directory.

        If the Path passed to one of the traversal methods does not exist or is not a directory, no exception will be thrown and the returned Iterable will contain a single element: that path.

        DirectoryIteratorException may be thrown when iterating Iterable instances created by this traverser if an IOException is thrown by a call to listFiles(Path).

        Example: MoreFiles.fileTraverser().depthFirstPreOrder(Paths.get("/")) may return the following paths: ["/", "/etc", "/etc/config.txt", "/etc/fonts", "/home", "/home/alice", ...]

      • equal

        public static boolean equal​(Path path1,
                                    Path path2)
                             throws IOException
        Returns true if the files located by the given paths exist, are not directories, and contain the same bytes.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • touch

        public static void touch​(Path path)
                          throws IOException
        Like the unix command of the same name, creates an empty file or updates the last modified timestamp of the existing file at the given path to the current system time.
      • createParentDirectories

        public static void createParentDirectories​(Path path,
                                                   FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
                                            throws IOException
        Creates any necessary but nonexistent parent directories of the specified path. Note that if this operation fails, it may have succeeded in creating some (but not all) of the necessary parent directories. The parent directory is created with the given attrs.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs, or if any necessary but nonexistent parent directories of the specified file could not be created.
      • getFileExtension

        public static String getFileExtension​(Path path)
        Returns the file extension for the file at the given path, or the empty string if the file has no extension. The result does not include the '.'.

        Note: This method simply returns everything after the last '.' in the file's name as determined by Path.getFileName(). It does not account for any filesystem-specific behavior that the Path API does not already account for. For example, on NTFS it will report "txt" as the extension for the filename "foo.exe:.txt" even though NTFS will drop the ":.txt" part of the name when the file is actually created on the filesystem due to NTFS's Alternate Data Streams.

      • deleteRecursively

        public static void deleteRecursively​(Path path,
                                             RecursiveDeleteOption... options)
                                      throws IOException
        Deletes the file or directory at the given path recursively. Deletes symbolic links, not their targets (subject to the caveat below).

        If an I/O exception occurs attempting to read, open or delete any file under the given directory, this method skips that file and continues. All such exceptions are collected and, after attempting to delete all files, an IOException is thrown containing those exceptions as suppressed exceptions.

        Warning: Security of recursive deletes

        On a file system that supports symbolic links and does not support SecureDirectoryStream, it is possible for a recursive delete to delete files and directories that are outside the directory being deleted. This can happen if, after checking that a file is a directory (and not a symbolic link), that directory is replaced by a symbolic link to an outside directory before the call that opens the directory to read its entries.

        By default, this method throws InsecureRecursiveDeleteException if it can't guarantee the security of recursive deletes. If you wish to allow the recursive deletes anyway, pass RecursiveDeleteOption.ALLOW_INSECURE to this method to override that behavior.

        NoSuchFileException - if path does not exist (optional specific exception)
        InsecureRecursiveDeleteException - if the security of recursive deletes can't be guaranteed for the file system and RecursiveDeleteOption.ALLOW_INSECURE was not specified
        IOException - if path or any file in the subtree rooted at it can't be deleted for any reason
      • deleteDirectoryContents

        public static void deleteDirectoryContents​(Path path,
                                                   RecursiveDeleteOption... options)
                                            throws IOException
        Deletes all files within the directory at the given path recursively. Does not delete the directory itself. Deletes symbolic links, not their targets (subject to the caveat below). If path itself is a symbolic link to a directory, that link is followed and the contents of the directory it targets are deleted.

        If an I/O exception occurs attempting to read, open or delete any file under the given directory, this method skips that file and continues. All such exceptions are collected and, after attempting to delete all files, an IOException is thrown containing those exceptions as suppressed exceptions.

        Warning: Security of recursive deletes

        On a file system that supports symbolic links and does not support SecureDirectoryStream, it is possible for a recursive delete to delete files and directories that are outside the directory being deleted. This can happen if, after checking that a file is a directory (and not a symbolic link), that directory is replaced by a symbolic link to an outside directory before the call that opens the directory to read its entries.

        By default, this method throws InsecureRecursiveDeleteException if it can't guarantee the security of recursive deletes. If you wish to allow the recursive deletes anyway, pass RecursiveDeleteOption.ALLOW_INSECURE to this method to override that behavior.

        NoSuchFileException - if path does not exist (optional specific exception)
        NotDirectoryException - if the file at path is not a directory (optional specific exception)
        InsecureRecursiveDeleteException - if the security of recursive deletes can't be guaranteed for the file system and RecursiveDeleteOption.ALLOW_INSECURE was not specified
        IOException - if one or more files can't be deleted for any reason