Class Monitor.Guard

Enclosing class:

public abstract static class Monitor.Guard extends Object
A boolean condition for which a thread may wait. A Guard is associated with a single Monitor. The monitor may check the guard at arbitrary times from any thread occupying the monitor, so code should not be written to rely on how often a guard might or might not be checked.

If a Guard is passed into any method of a Monitor other than the one it is associated with, an IllegalMonitorStateException is thrown.

Justin T. Sampson, Martin Buchholz
  • Constructor Details

    • Guard

      protected Guard(Monitor monitor)
  • Method Details

    • isSatisfied

      public abstract boolean isSatisfied()
      Evaluates this guard's boolean condition. This method is always called with the associated monitor already occupied. Implementations of this method must depend only on state protected by the associated monitor, and must not modify that state.