Uses of Package
Packages that use
Discouraged (in favor of Caffeine) caching utilities.
Collection interfaces and implementations, and other utilities for collections.
An API for representing graph (node and edge) data.
Utility methods and classes for I/O; for example input streams, output streams, readers, writers,
and files.
Utility methods and classes for networking (such as IP addresses and domain names).
Utilities for reflection.
Concurrency utilities.
Classes in used by abstract base class for implementing the decorator pattern.A
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
. -
Classes in used by of
that uses anArrayList
to store the values for a given key.Fixed-sizeTable
implementation backed by a two-dimensional array.A bimap (or "bidirectional map") is a map that preserves the uniqueness of its values as well as that of its keys.Indicates whether an endpoint of some range is contained in the range itself ("closed") or not ("open").A map, each entry of which maps a Java raw type to an instance of that type.A utility for performing a chained comparison statement.A multiset that supports concurrent modifications and that provides atomic versions of mostMultiset
operations (exceptions where noted).A sorted set of contiguous values in a givenDiscreteDomain
.A descriptor for a discreteComparable
domain such as allInteger
backed by twoEnumMap
backed by anEnumMap
instance for keys-to-values, and aHashMap
instance for values-to-keys.Multiset implementation specialized for enum elements, supporting all single-element operations in O(1).A non-blocking queue which automatically evicts elements from the head of the queue when attempting to add new elements onto the queue and it is full.A discouraged (but not deprecated) precursor to Java's superiorStream
library.A collection which forwards all its method calls to another collection.A deque which forwards all its method calls to another deque.An iterator which forwards all its method calls to another iterator.A map which forwards all its method calls to another map.A multimap which forwards all its method calls to another multimap.A multiset which forwards all its method calls to another multiset.A navigable set which forwards all its method calls to another navigable set.An abstract base class for implementing the decorator pattern.A queue which forwards all its method calls to another queue.A set which forwards all its method calls to another set.A set multimap which forwards all its method calls to another set multimap.A sorted map which forwards all its method calls to another sorted map.A sorted set which forwards all its method calls to another sorted set.Implementation ofTable
using linked hash tables.ABiMap
backed by two hash tables.Implementation ofMultimap
using hash tables.Multiset implementation backed by aHashMap
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
.A builder for creating immutable bimap instances, especiallypublic static final
bimaps ("constant bimaps").AClassToInstanceMap
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
.A builder for creating immutable class-to-instance maps.ACollection
whose contents will never change, and which offers a few additional guarantees detailed below.Abstract base class for builders ofImmutableCollection
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
.A builder for creating immutable list instances, especiallypublic static final
lists ("constant lists").AListMultimap
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
.A builder for creating immutableListMultimap
instances, especiallypublic static final
multimaps ("constant multimaps").AMap
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
.A builder for creating immutable map instances, especiallypublic static final
maps ("constant maps").AMultimap
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
.A builder for creating immutable multimap instances, especiallypublic static final
multimaps ("constant multimaps").AMultiset
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
.A builder for creating immutable multiset instances, especiallypublic static final
multisets ("constant multisets").ARangeMap
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
.A builder for immutable range maps.ARangeSet
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
.A builder for immutable range sets.ASet
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
.A builder for creatingImmutableSet
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
.A builder for creating immutableSetMultimap
instances, especiallypublic static final
multimaps ("constant multimaps").ANavigableMap
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
.A builder for creating immutable sorted map instances, especiallypublic static final
maps ("constant maps").ASortedMultiset
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
.A builder for creating immutable multiset instances, especiallypublic static final
multisets ("constant multisets").ANavigableSet
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
.A builder for creating immutable sorted set instances, especiallypublic static final
sets ("constant sets"), with a given comparator.ATable
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
.A builder for creating immutable table instances, especiallypublic static final
tables ("constant tables").Provides similar behavior toString.intern()
for any immutable type.Builder forInterner
instances.Implementation ofMultimap
that does not allow duplicate key-value entries and that returns collections whose iterators follow the ordering in which the data was added to the multimap.AMultiset
implementation with predictable iteration order.An implementation ofListMultimap
that supports deterministic iteration order for both keys and values.AMultimap
that can hold duplicate key-value pairs and that maintains the insertion ordering of values for a given key.An object representing the differences between two maps.A difference between the mappings from two maps with the same key.A builder ofConcurrentMap
instances that can have keys or values automatically wrapped in weak references.A transformation of the value of a key-value pair, using both key and value as inputs.A double-ended priority queue, which provides constant-time access to both its least element and its greatest element, as determined by the queue's specified comparator.The builder class used in creation of min-max priority queues.A collection that maps keys to values, similar toMap
, but in which each key may be associated with multiple values.An immutable builder forMultimap
instances, letting you independently select the desired behaviors (for example, ordering) of the backing map and value-collections.A specialization ofMultimapBuilder
that generatesListMultimap
instances.An intermediate stage in aMultimapBuilder
in which the key-value collection map implementation has been specified, but the value collection implementation has not.A specialization ofMultimapBuilder
that generatesSetMultimap
instances.A specialization ofMultimapBuilder
that generatesSortedSetMultimap
instances.A collection that supports order-independent equality, likeSet
, but may have duplicate elements.An unmodifiable element-count pair for a multiset.A mutable class-to-instance map backed by an arbitrary user-provided map.A comparator, with additional methods to support common operations.An iterator that supports a one-element lookahead while iterating.A range (or "interval") defines the boundaries around a contiguous span of values of someComparable
type; for example, "integers from 1 to 100 inclusive."A mapping from disjoint nonempty ranges to non-null values.Interface that extendsTable
and whose rows are sorted.AMultimap
that cannot hold duplicate key-value pairs.An unmodifiable view of a set which may be backed by other sets; this view will change as the backing sets do.An object representing the differences between two sorted maps.AMultiset
which maintains the ordering of its elements, according to either their natural order or an explicitComparator
whose set of values for a given key are kept sorted; that is, they comprise aSortedSet
.An analogue ofDoubleFunction
also accepting an index.An analogue ofFunction
also accepting an index.An analogue ofIntFunction
also accepting an index.An analogue ofLongFunction
also accepting an index.A collection that associates an ordered pair of keys, called a row key and a column key, with a single value.Row key / column key / value triplet corresponding to a mapping in a table.Implementation ofTable
whose row keys and column keys are ordered by their natural ordering or by supplied comparators.Implementation ofMultimap
whose keys and values are ordered by their natural ordering or by supplied comparators.A multiset which maintains the ordering of its elements, according to either their natural order or an explicitComparator
.An implementation ofRangeMap
based on aTreeMap
, supporting all optional operations.Deprecated.An iterator that does not supportUnmodifiableIterator.remove()
.A list iterator that does not supportUnmodifiableIterator.remove()
, orUnmodifiableListIterator.set(E)
. -
Classes in used by
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
.An iterator that does not supportUnmodifiableIterator.remove()
. -
Classes in used by
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
. -
Classes in used by
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
.A collection that maps keys to values, similar toMap
, but in which each key may be associated with multiple values. -
Classes in used by collection which forwards all its method calls to another collection.A map which forwards all its method calls to another map.An abstract base class for implementing the decorator pattern.A set which forwards all its method calls to another set.A
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
. -
Classes in used by collection which forwards all its method calls to another collection.A deque which forwards all its method calls to another deque.An abstract base class for implementing the decorator pattern.A queue which forwards all its method calls to another queue.A
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection
whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed atImmutableCollection