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Removed Methods
T find(Iterable<?, extends, T>, Predicate<?, super, T>, T) Returns the first element in {@code iterable} that satisfies the given predicate, or {@code defaultValue} if none found.
T find(Iterable<T>, Predicate<?, super, T>) Returns the first element in {@code iterable} that satisfies the given predicate; use this method only when such an element is known to exist.
T get(Iterable<?, extends, T>, int, T) Returns the element at the specified position in an iterable or a default value otherwise.
T get(Iterable<T>, int) Returns the element at the specified position in an iterable.
T getLast(Iterable<?, extends, T>, T) Returns the last element of {@code iterable} or {@code defaultValue} if the iterable is empty.
T getLast(Iterable<T>) Returns the last element of {@code iterable}.
T getOnlyElement(Iterable<?, extends, T>, T) Returns the single element contained in {@code iterable}, or {@code defaultValue} if the iterable is empty.
T getOnlyElement(Iterable<T>) Returns the single element contained in {@code iterable}.

Added Methods
(T extends Objectfind(Iterable<?, extends, T>, Predicate<?, super, T>, T, extends, Object) Returns the first element in {@code iterable} that satisfies the given predicate, or {@code defaultValue} if none found.
(T extends Objectfind(Iterable<T>, Predicate<?, super, T>) Returns the first element in {@code iterable} that satisfies the given predicate; use this method only when such an element is known to exist.
(T extends Objectget(Iterable<?, extends, T>, int, T, extends, Object) Returns the element at the specified position in an iterable or a default value otherwise.
(T extends Objectget(Iterable<T>, int) Returns the element at the specified position in an iterable.
(T extends ObjectgetLast(Iterable<?, extends, T>, T, extends, Object) Returns the last element of {@code iterable} or {@code defaultValue} if the iterable is empty.
(T extends ObjectgetLast(Iterable<T>) Returns the last element of {@code iterable}.
(T extends ObjectgetOnlyElement(Iterable<?, extends, T>, T, extends, Object) Returns the single element contained in {@code iterable}, or {@code defaultValue} if the iterable is empty.
(T extends ObjectgetOnlyElement(Iterable<T>) Returns the single element contained in {@code iterable}.

Changed Methods
boolean contains(Iterable<?, extends, Object>, Object) Change in signature from (Iterable<?>, Object) to (Iterable<? extends Object>, Object).
Returns {@code true} if {@code iterable} contains any element {@code o} for which {@code Objects.equals(o, element)} would return {@code true}.
int frequency(Iterable<?>, Object) Change in signature from (java.lang.Iterable, Object) to (java.lang.Iterable, java.lang.Object).
Returns the number of elements in the specified iterable that equal the specified object.
T extends Object getFirst(Iterable<?, extends, T>, T, extends, Object) Change in return type from T to (T extends Object).
Change in signature from (Iterable<? extends T>, T) to (Iterable<? extends T>, T extends Object).
Returns the first element in {@code iterable} or {@code defaultValue} if the iterable is empty.