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Changed Classes and Interfaces
AbstractExecutionThreadService Base class for services that can implement .startUp, .run and .shutDown methods.
AbstractIdleService Base class for services that do not need a thread while "running" but may need one during startup and shutdown.
AbstractScheduledService Base class for services that can implement .startUp and .shutDown but while in the "running" state need to perform a periodic task.
A scheduler defines the policy for how the AbstractScheduledService should run its task.
AbstractService Base class for implementing services that can handle .doStart and .doStop requests, responding to them with .notifyStarted() and .notifyStopped() callbacks.
AtomicLongMap A map containing {@code long} values that can be atomically updated.
ClosingFuture.DeferredCloser An object that can capture objects to be closed later, when a ClosingFuture pipeline is done.
FluentFuture A ListenableFuture that supports fluent chains of operations.
Futures Static utility methods pertaining to the Future interface.
ListeningScheduledExecutorService A ScheduledExecutorService that returns ListenableFuture instances from its {@code ExecutorService} methods.
Monitor A synchronization abstraction supporting waiting on arbitrary boolean conditions.
MoreExecutors Factory and utility methods for java.util.concurrent.Executor, ExecutorService, and java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory.
RateLimiter A rate limiter.
Service An object with an operational state, plus asynchronous .startAsync() and .stopAsync() lifecycle methods to transition between states.
ServiceManager A manager for monitoring and controlling a set of Service services.
TimeLimiter Imposes a time limit on method calls.
Uninterruptibles Utilities for treating interruptible operations as uninterruptible.