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Changed Classes and Interfaces
AbstractFuture An abstract implementation of ListenableFuture, intended for advanced users only.
A scheduler defines the policy for how the AbstractScheduledService should run its task.
AtomicLongMap A map containing {@code long} values that can be atomically updated.
ExecutionError Error variant of java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException.
FluentFuture A ListenableFuture that supports fluent chains of operations.
Futures Static utility methods pertaining to the Future interface.
Monitor A synchronization abstraction supporting waiting on arbitrary boolean conditions.
MoreExecutors Factory and utility methods for java.util.concurrent.Executor, ExecutorService, and ThreadFactory.
RateLimiter A rate limiter.
Service An object with an operational state, plus asynchronous .startAsync() and .stopAsync() lifecycle methods to transition between states.
ServiceManager A manager for monitoring and controlling a set of Service services.
TimeLimiter Imposes a time limit on method calls.
UncheckedExecutionException Unchecked variant of java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException.
UncheckedTimeoutException Unchecked version of java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException.
Uninterruptibles Utilities for treating interruptible operations as uninterruptible.