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Removed Methods
T callUninterruptiblyWithTimeout(Callable<T>, Duration) Invokes a specified Callable, timing out after the specified time limit.
T callWithTimeout(Callable<T>, Duration) Invokes a specified Callable, timing out after the specified time limit.
T newProxy(T, Class<T>, Duration) Returns an instance of {@code interfaceType} that delegates all method calls to the {@code target} object, enforcing the specified time limit on each call. This time-limited delegation is also performed for calls to Object.equals, Object.hashCode, and Object.toString.
void runUninterruptiblyWithTimeout(Runnable, Duration) Invokes a specified Runnable, timing out after the specified time limit.
void runWithTimeout(Runnable, Duration) Invokes a specified Runnable, timing out after the specified time limit.