Package | Description |
---|---| |
Basic utility libraries and interfaces.
| |
This package contains caching utilities.
| |
This package contains generic collection interfaces and implementations, and other utilities for
working with collections.
| |
Interfaces, utilities, and simple implementations of escapers and encoders.
| |
Concurrency utilities.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A function from
A to B with an associated reverse function from B
to A ; used for converting back and forth between different representations of the same
information. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <A,B,C> Function<A,C> |
Functions.compose(Function<B,C> g,
Function<A,? extends B> f)
Returns the composition of two functions.
static <E> Function<Object,E> |
Functions.constant(E value)
Returns a function that ignores its input and always returns
value . |
static <K,V> Function<K,V> |
Functions.forMap(Map<K,? extends V> map,
V defaultValue)
Returns a function which performs a map lookup with a default value.
static <K,V> Function<K,V> |
Functions.forMap(Map<K,V> map)
Returns a function which performs a map lookup.
static <T> Function<T,Boolean> |
Functions.forPredicate(Predicate<T> predicate)
Creates a function that returns the same boolean output as the given predicate for all inputs.
static <T> Function<Object,T> |
Functions.forSupplier(Supplier<T> supplier)
Returns a function that ignores its input and returns the result of
supplier.get() . |
static <E> Function<E,E> |
Returns the identity function.
static <T> Function<Supplier<T>,T> |
Returns a function that accepts a supplier and returns the result of invoking
Supplier.get() on that supplier. |
static Function<Object,String> |
A function equivalent to the method reference
Object::toString , for users not yet using
Java 8. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <F,T> Supplier<T> |
Suppliers.compose(Function<? super F,T> function,
Supplier<F> supplier)
Returns a new supplier which is the composition of the provided function and supplier.
static <A,B,C> Function<A,C> |
Functions.compose(Function<B,C> g,
Function<A,? extends B> f)
Returns the composition of two functions.
static <A,B,C> Function<A,C> |
Functions.compose(Function<B,C> g,
Function<A,? extends B> f)
Returns the composition of two functions.
static <A,B> Predicate<A> |
Predicates.compose(Predicate<B> predicate,
Function<A,? extends B> function)
Returns the composition of a function and a predicate.
static <A,B> Converter<A,B> |
Converter.from(Function<? super A,? extends B> forwardFunction,
Function<? super B,? extends A> backwardFunction)
Returns a converter based on separate forward and backward functions.
static <A,B> Converter<A,B> |
Converter.from(Function<? super A,? extends B> forwardFunction,
Function<? super B,? extends A> backwardFunction)
Returns a converter based on separate forward and backward functions.
<F> Equivalence<F> |
Equivalence.onResultOf(Function<F,? extends T> function)
Returns a new equivalence relation for
F which evaluates equivalence by first applying
function to the argument, then evaluating using this . |
abstract <V> Optional<V> |
Optional.transform(Function<? super T,V> function)
If the instance is present, it is transformed with the given
Function ; otherwise,
Optional.absent() is returned. |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
A semi-persistent mapping from keys to values.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This class provides a skeletal implementation of the
Cache interface to minimize the
effort required to implement this interface. |
class |
A cache which forwards all its method calls to another cache.
static class |
A simplified version of
ForwardingLoadingCache where subclasses can pass in an already
constructed LoadingCache as the delegate. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <K,V> CacheLoader<K,V> |
CacheLoader.from(Function<K,V> function)
Returns a cache loader that uses
function to load keys, and without supporting either
reloading or bulk loading. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <E> Function<E,E> |
Interners.asFunction(Interner<E> interner)
Returns a function that delegates to the
Interner.intern(E) method of the given interner. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <K,V> NavigableMap<K,V> |
Maps.asMap(NavigableSet<K> set,
Function<? super K,V> function)
Returns a view of the navigable set as a map, mapping keys from the set according to the
specified function.
static <K,V> Map<K,V> |
Maps.asMap(Set<K> set,
Function<? super K,V> function)
Returns a live
Map view whose keys are the contents of set and whose values are
computed on demand using function . |
static <K,V> SortedMap<K,V> |
Maps.asMap(SortedSet<K> set,
Function<? super K,V> function)
Returns a view of the sorted set as a map, mapping keys from the set according to the specified
<K> ImmutableListMultimap<K,E> |
FluentIterable.index(Function<? super E,K> keyFunction)
Creates an index
ImmutableListMultimap that contains the results of applying a
specified function to each item in this FluentIterable of values. |
static <K,V> ImmutableListMultimap<K,V> |
Multimaps.index(Iterable<V> values,
Function<? super V,K> keyFunction)
Creates an index
ImmutableListMultimap that contains the results of applying a
specified function to each item in an Iterable of values. |
static <K,V> ImmutableListMultimap<K,V> |
Multimaps.index(Iterator<V> values,
Function<? super V,K> keyFunction)
Creates an index
ImmutableListMultimap that contains the results of applying a
specified function to each item in an Iterator of values. |
<F> Ordering<F> |
Ordering.onResultOf(Function<F,? extends T> function)
Returns a new ordering on
F which orders elements by first applying a function to them,
then comparing those results using this . |
<V> ImmutableMap<E,V> |
FluentIterable.toMap(Function<? super E,V> valueFunction)
Returns an immutable map whose keys are the distinct elements of this
and whose value for each key was computed by valueFunction . |
static <K,V> ImmutableMap<K,V> |
Maps.toMap(Iterable<K> keys,
Function<? super K,V> valueFunction)
Returns an immutable map whose keys are the distinct elements of
keys and whose value
for each key was computed by valueFunction . |
static <K,V> ImmutableMap<K,V> |
Maps.toMap(Iterator<K> keys,
Function<? super K,V> valueFunction)
Returns an immutable map whose keys are the distinct elements of
keys and whose value
for each key was computed by valueFunction . |
static <F,T> Collection<T> |
Collections2.transform(Collection<F> fromCollection,
Function<? super F,T> function)
Returns a collection that applies
function to each element of fromCollection . |
<T> FluentIterable<T> |
FluentIterable.transform(Function<? super E,T> function)
Returns a fluent iterable that applies
function to each element of this fluent
iterable. |
static <F,T> Iterable<T> |
Iterables.transform(Iterable<F> fromIterable,
Function<? super F,? extends T> function)
Returns a view containing the result of applying
function to each element of fromIterable . |
static <F,T> Iterator<T> |
Iterators.transform(Iterator<F> fromIterator,
Function<? super F,? extends T> function)
Returns a view containing the result of applying
function to each element of fromIterator . |
static <F,T> List<T> |
Lists.transform(List<F> fromList,
Function<? super F,? extends T> function)
Returns a list that applies
function to each element of fromList . |
<T> FluentIterable<T> |
FluentIterable.transformAndConcat(Function<? super E,? extends Iterable<? extends T>> function)
function to each element of this fluent iterable and returns a fluent iterable
with the concatenated combination of results. |
static <K,V1,V2> ListMultimap<K,V2> |
Multimaps.transformValues(ListMultimap<K,V1> fromMultimap,
Function<? super V1,V2> function)
Returns a view of a
ListMultimap where each value is transformed by a function. |
static <K,V1,V2> Map<K,V2> |
Maps.transformValues(Map<K,V1> fromMap,
Function<? super V1,V2> function)
Returns a view of a map where each value is transformed by a function.
static <K,V1,V2> Multimap<K,V2> |
Multimaps.transformValues(Multimap<K,V1> fromMultimap,
Function<? super V1,V2> function)
Returns a view of a multimap where each value is transformed by a function.
static <K,V1,V2> NavigableMap<K,V2> |
Maps.transformValues(NavigableMap<K,V1> fromMap,
Function<? super V1,V2> function)
Returns a view of a navigable map where each value is transformed by a function.
static <K,V1,V2> SortedMap<K,V2> |
Maps.transformValues(SortedMap<K,V1> fromMap,
Function<? super V1,V2> function)
Returns a view of a sorted map where each value is transformed by a function.
static <R,C,V1,V2> |
Tables.transformValues(Table<R,C,V1> fromTable,
Function<? super V1,V2> function)
Returns a view of a table where each value is transformed by a function.
<K> ImmutableMap<K,E> |
FluentIterable.uniqueIndex(Function<? super E,K> keyFunction)
Returns a map with the contents of this
FluentIterable as its values , indexed
by keys derived from those values. |
static <K,V> ImmutableMap<K,V> |
Maps.uniqueIndex(Iterable<V> values,
Function<? super V,K> keyFunction)
Returns a map with the given
values , indexed by keys derived from those values. |
static <K,V> ImmutableMap<K,V> |
Maps.uniqueIndex(Iterator<V> values,
Function<? super V,K> keyFunction)
Returns a map with the given
values , indexed by keys derived from those values. |
static <T> TreeTraverser<T> |
TreeTraverser.using(Function<T,? extends Iterable<T>> nodeToChildrenFunction)
Traverser.forTree(<N>) instead. If you are using a
lambda, these methods have exactly the same signature. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Function<String,String> |
Returns a
Function that invokes Escaper.escape(String) on this escaper. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<X extends Throwable> |
FluentFuture.catching(Class<X> exceptionType,
Function<? super X,? extends V> fallback,
Executor executor)
Returns a
Future whose result is taken from this Future or, if this Future fails with the given exceptionType , from the result provided by the fallback . |
static <V,X extends Throwable> |
Futures.catching(ListenableFuture<? extends V> input,
Class<X> exceptionType,
Function<? super X,? extends V> fallback)
Use the overload
that requires an executor. For identical behavior, pass
MoreExecutors.directExecutor() , but consider whether another executor would be safer, as
discussed in the ListenableFuture.addListener
documentation. This method is scheduled to be removed in April 2018. |
static <V,X extends Throwable> |
Futures.catching(ListenableFuture<? extends V> input,
Class<X> exceptionType,
Function<? super X,? extends V> fallback,
Executor executor)
Returns a
Future whose result is taken from the given primary input or, if the
primary input fails with the given exceptionType , from the result provided by the
fallback . |
static <I,O> Future<O> |
Futures.lazyTransform(Future<I> input,
Function<? super I,? extends O> function)
Futures.transform(ListenableFuture, Function, Executor) except that the transformation
function is invoked on each call to get() on the returned future. |
static <V,X extends Exception> |
Futures.makeChecked(ListenableFuture<V> future,
Function<? super Exception,X> mapper)
CheckedFuture cannot properly support the chained operations that are the
primary goal of ListenableFuture . CheckedFuture also encourages users to
rethrow exceptions from one thread in another thread, producing misleading stack traces.
Additionally, it has a surprising policy about which exceptions to map and which to leave
untouched. Guava users who want a CheckedFuture can fork the classes for their own
use, possibly specializing them to the particular exception type they use. We recommend
that most people use ListenableFuture and perform any exception wrapping
themselves. This method is scheduled for removal from Guava in February 2018. |
<T> FluentFuture<T> |
FluentFuture.transform(Function<? super V,T> function,
Executor executor)
Returns a new
Future whose result is derived from the result of this Future . |
static <I,O> ListenableFuture<O> |
Futures.transform(ListenableFuture<I> input,
Function<? super I,? extends O> function)
Use the overload that
requires an executor. For identical behavior, pass
MoreExecutors.directExecutor() ,
but consider whether another executor would be safer, as discussed in the ListenableFuture.addListener documentation. This method is
scheduled to be removed in April 2018. |
static <I,O> ListenableFuture<O> |
Futures.transform(ListenableFuture<I> input,
Function<? super I,? extends O> function,
Executor executor)
Returns a new
Future whose result is derived from the result of the given Future . |
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