@CheckReturnValue @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault
See: Description
Interface | Description |
FinalizableReference |
Implemented by references that have code to run after garbage collection of their referents.
Function<F,T> |
Determines an output value based on an input value; a pre-Java-8 version of
java.util.function.Function . |
Predicate<T> |
Determines a true or false value for a given input; a pre-Java-8 version of
java.util.function.Predicate . |
Supplier<T> |
A class that can supply objects of a single type; a pre-Java-8 version of
java.util.function.Supplier . |
Class | Description |
Ascii |
Static methods pertaining to ASCII characters (those in the range of values
0x00 through
0x7F ), and to strings containing such characters. |
CharMatcher | |
Charsets |
Contains constant definitions for the six standard
Charset instances, which are
guaranteed to be supported by all Java platform implementations. |
Converter<A,B> |
A function from
A to B with an associated reverse function from B
to A ; used for converting back and forth between different representations of the same
information. |
Defaults |
This class provides default values for all Java types, as defined by the JLS.
Enums |
Utility methods for working with
Enum instances. |
Equivalence<T> |
A strategy for determining whether two instances are considered equivalent, and for computing
hash codes in a manner consistent with that equivalence.
Equivalence.Wrapper<T> |
Wraps an object so that
Equivalence.Wrapper.equals(Object) and Equivalence.Wrapper.hashCode() delegate to an Equivalence . |
FinalizablePhantomReference<T> |
Phantom reference with a
finalizeReferent() method which a background thread invokes
after the garbage collector reclaims the referent. |
FinalizableReferenceQueue |
A reference queue with an associated background thread that dequeues references and invokes
FinalizableReference.finalizeReferent() on them. |
FinalizableSoftReference<T> |
Soft reference with a
finalizeReferent() method which a background thread invokes after
the garbage collector reclaims the referent. |
FinalizableWeakReference<T> |
Weak reference with a
finalizeReferent() method which a background thread invokes after
the garbage collector reclaims the referent. |
Functions |
Static utility methods pertaining to
com.google.common.base.Function instances; see that
class for information about migrating to java.util.function . |
Joiner | |
Joiner.MapJoiner |
An object that joins map entries in the same manner as
Joiner joins iterables and
arrays. |
MoreObjects |
Helper functions that operate on any
Object , and are not already provided in Objects . |
MoreObjects.ToStringHelper |
Support class for
MoreObjects.toStringHelper(java.lang.Object) . |
Objects |
Helper functions that can operate on any
Object . |
Optional<T> |
An immutable object that may contain a non-null reference to another object.
Preconditions |
Static convenience methods that help a method or constructor check whether it was invoked
correctly (that is, whether its preconditions were met).
Predicates |
Static utility methods pertaining to
Predicate instances. |
Splitter |
Extracts non-overlapping substrings from an input string, typically by recognizing appearances of
a separator sequence.
Splitter.MapSplitter |
An object that splits strings into maps as
Splitter splits iterables and lists. |
Stopwatch |
An object that measures elapsed time in nanoseconds.
Strings |
Static utility methods pertaining to
String or CharSequence instances. |
Suppliers |
Useful suppliers.
Throwables |
Static utility methods pertaining to instances of
Throwable . |
Ticker |
A time source; returns a time value representing the number of nanoseconds elapsed since some
fixed but arbitrary point in time.
Utf8 |
Low-level, high-performance utility methods related to the UTF-8
character encoding.
Verify |
Static convenience methods that serve the same purpose as Java language assertions,
except that they are always enabled.
Enum | Description |
CaseFormat |
Utility class for converting between various ASCII case formats.
StandardSystemProperty |
Represents a standard system property.
Exception | Description |
VerifyException |
Exception thrown upon the failure of a verification check,
including those performed by the convenience methods of the
Verify class. |
This package is a part of the open-source Guava library.
Copyright © 2010–2017. All rights reserved.