Interface TimeLimiter

All Known Implementing Classes:
FakeTimeLimiter, SimpleTimeLimiter

@DoNotMock("Use FakeTimeLimiter") @GwtIncompatible public interface TimeLimiter
Imposes a time limit on method calls.
Kevin Bourrillion, Jens Nyman
  • Method Details

    • newProxy

      <T> T newProxy(T target, Class<T> interfaceType, long timeoutDuration, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
      Returns an instance of interfaceType that delegates all method calls to the target object, enforcing the specified time limit on each call. This time-limited delegation is also performed for calls to Object.equals(java.lang.Object), Object.hashCode(), and Object.toString().

      If the target method call finishes before the limit is reached, the return value or exception is propagated to the caller exactly as-is. If, on the other hand, the time limit is reached, the proxy will attempt to abort the call to the target, and will throw an UncheckedTimeoutException to the caller.

      It is important to note that the primary purpose of the proxy object is to return control to the caller when the timeout elapses; aborting the target method call is of secondary concern. The particular nature and strength of the guarantees made by the proxy is implementation-dependent. However, it is important that each of the methods on the target object behaves appropriately when its thread is interrupted.

      For example, to return the value of target.someMethod(), but substitute DEFAULT_VALUE if this method call takes over 50 ms, you can use this code:

         TimeLimiter limiter = . . .;
         TargetType proxy = limiter.newProxy(
             target, TargetType.class, 50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
         try {
           return proxy.someMethod();
         } catch (UncheckedTimeoutException e) {
           return DEFAULT_VALUE;
      target - the object to proxy
      interfaceType - the interface you wish the returned proxy to implement
      timeoutDuration - with timeoutUnit, the maximum length of time that callers are willing to wait on each method call to the proxy
      timeoutUnit - with timeoutDuration, the maximum length of time that callers are willing to wait on each method call to the proxy
      a time-limiting proxy
      IllegalArgumentException - if interfaceType is a regular class, enum, or annotation type, rather than an interface
    • newProxy

      default <T> T newProxy(T target, Class<T> interfaceType, Duration timeout)
      Returns an instance of interfaceType that delegates all method calls to the target object, enforcing the specified time limit on each call. This time-limited delegation is also performed for calls to Object.equals(java.lang.Object), Object.hashCode(), and Object.toString().

      If the target method call finishes before the limit is reached, the return value or exception is propagated to the caller exactly as-is. If, on the other hand, the time limit is reached, the proxy will attempt to abort the call to the target, and will throw an UncheckedTimeoutException to the caller.

      It is important to note that the primary purpose of the proxy object is to return control to the caller when the timeout elapses; aborting the target method call is of secondary concern. The particular nature and strength of the guarantees made by the proxy is implementation-dependent. However, it is important that each of the methods on the target object behaves appropriately when its thread is interrupted.

      For example, to return the value of target.someMethod(), but substitute DEFAULT_VALUE if this method call takes over 50 ms, you can use this code:

         TimeLimiter limiter = . . .;
         TargetType proxy = limiter.newProxy(target, TargetType.class, Duration.ofMillis(50));
         try {
           return proxy.someMethod();
         } catch (UncheckedTimeoutException e) {
           return DEFAULT_VALUE;
      target - the object to proxy
      interfaceType - the interface you wish the returned proxy to implement
      timeout - the maximum length of time that callers are willing to wait on each method call to the proxy
      a time-limiting proxy
      IllegalArgumentException - if interfaceType is a regular class, enum, or annotation type, rather than an interface
    • callWithTimeout

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue <T extends @Nullable Object> T callWithTimeout(Callable<T> callable, long timeoutDuration, TimeUnit timeoutUnit) throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException
      Invokes a specified Callable, timing out after the specified time limit. If the target method call finishes before the limit is reached, the return value or a wrapped exception is propagated. If, on the other hand, the time limit is reached, we attempt to abort the call to the target, and throw a TimeoutException to the caller.
      callable - the Callable to execute
      timeoutDuration - with timeoutUnit, the maximum length of time to wait
      timeoutUnit - with timeoutDuration, the maximum length of time to wait
      the result returned by the Callable
      TimeoutException - if the time limit is reached
      InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted during execution
      ExecutionException - if callable throws a checked exception
      UncheckedExecutionException - if callable throws a RuntimeException
      ExecutionError - if callable throws an Error
    • callWithTimeout

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue default <T extends @Nullable Object> T callWithTimeout(Callable<T> callable, Duration timeout) throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException
      Invokes a specified Callable, timing out after the specified time limit. If the target method call finishes before the limit is reached, the return value or a wrapped exception is propagated. If, on the other hand, the time limit is reached, we attempt to abort the call to the target, and throw a TimeoutException to the caller.
      callable - the Callable to execute
      timeout - the maximum length of time to wait
      the result returned by the Callable
      TimeoutException - if the time limit is reached
      InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted during execution
      ExecutionException - if callable throws a checked exception
      UncheckedExecutionException - if callable throws a RuntimeException
      ExecutionError - if callable throws an Error
    • callUninterruptiblyWithTimeout

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue <T extends @Nullable Object> T callUninterruptiblyWithTimeout(Callable<T> callable, long timeoutDuration, TimeUnit timeoutUnit) throws TimeoutException, ExecutionException
      Invokes a specified Callable, timing out after the specified time limit. If the target method call finishes before the limit is reached, the return value or a wrapped exception is propagated. If, on the other hand, the time limit is reached, we attempt to abort the call to the target, and throw a TimeoutException to the caller.

      The difference with callWithTimeout(Callable, long, TimeUnit) is that this method will ignore interrupts on the current thread.

      callable - the Callable to execute
      timeoutDuration - with timeoutUnit, the maximum length of time to wait
      timeoutUnit - with timeoutDuration, the maximum length of time to wait
      the result returned by the Callable
      TimeoutException - if the time limit is reached
      ExecutionException - if callable throws a checked exception
      UncheckedExecutionException - if callable throws a RuntimeException
      ExecutionError - if callable throws an Error
    • callUninterruptiblyWithTimeout

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue default <T extends @Nullable Object> T callUninterruptiblyWithTimeout(Callable<T> callable, Duration timeout) throws TimeoutException, ExecutionException
      Invokes a specified Callable, timing out after the specified time limit. If the target method call finishes before the limit is reached, the return value or a wrapped exception is propagated. If, on the other hand, the time limit is reached, we attempt to abort the call to the target, and throw a TimeoutException to the caller.

      The difference with callWithTimeout(Callable, Duration) is that this method will ignore interrupts on the current thread.

      callable - the Callable to execute
      timeout - the maximum length of time to wait
      the result returned by the Callable
      TimeoutException - if the time limit is reached
      ExecutionException - if callable throws a checked exception
      UncheckedExecutionException - if callable throws a RuntimeException
      ExecutionError - if callable throws an Error
    • runWithTimeout

      void runWithTimeout(Runnable runnable, long timeoutDuration, TimeUnit timeoutUnit) throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException
      Invokes a specified Runnable, timing out after the specified time limit. If the target method run finishes before the limit is reached, this method returns or a wrapped exception is propagated. If, on the other hand, the time limit is reached, we attempt to abort the run, and throw a TimeoutException to the caller.
      runnable - the Runnable to execute
      timeoutDuration - with timeoutUnit, the maximum length of time to wait
      timeoutUnit - with timeoutDuration, the maximum length of time to wait
      TimeoutException - if the time limit is reached
      InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted during execution
      UncheckedExecutionException - if runnable throws a RuntimeException
      ExecutionError - if runnable throws an Error
    • runWithTimeout

      default void runWithTimeout(Runnable runnable, Duration timeout) throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException
      Invokes a specified Runnable, timing out after the specified time limit. If the target method run finishes before the limit is reached, this method returns or a wrapped exception is propagated. If, on the other hand, the time limit is reached, we attempt to abort the run, and throw a TimeoutException to the caller.
      runnable - the Runnable to execute
      timeout - the maximum length of time to wait
      TimeoutException - if the time limit is reached
      InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted during execution
      UncheckedExecutionException - if runnable throws a RuntimeException
      ExecutionError - if runnable throws an Error
    • runUninterruptiblyWithTimeout

      void runUninterruptiblyWithTimeout(Runnable runnable, long timeoutDuration, TimeUnit timeoutUnit) throws TimeoutException
      Invokes a specified Runnable, timing out after the specified time limit. If the target method run finishes before the limit is reached, this method returns or a wrapped exception is propagated. If, on the other hand, the time limit is reached, we attempt to abort the run, and throw a TimeoutException to the caller.

      The difference with runWithTimeout(Runnable, long, TimeUnit) is that this method will ignore interrupts on the current thread.

      runnable - the Runnable to execute
      timeoutDuration - with timeoutUnit, the maximum length of time to wait
      timeoutUnit - with timeoutDuration, the maximum length of time to wait
      TimeoutException - if the time limit is reached
      UncheckedExecutionException - if runnable throws a RuntimeException
      ExecutionError - if runnable throws an Error
    • runUninterruptiblyWithTimeout

      default void runUninterruptiblyWithTimeout(Runnable runnable, Duration timeout) throws TimeoutException
      Invokes a specified Runnable, timing out after the specified time limit. If the target method run finishes before the limit is reached, this method returns or a wrapped exception is propagated. If, on the other hand, the time limit is reached, we attempt to abort the run, and throw a TimeoutException to the caller.

      The difference with runWithTimeout(Runnable, Duration) is that this method will ignore interrupts on the current thread.

      runnable - the Runnable to execute
      timeout - the maximum length of time to wait
      TimeoutException - if the time limit is reached
      UncheckedExecutionException - if runnable throws a RuntimeException
      ExecutionError - if runnable throws an Error