Class Interners


@GwtIncompatible public final class Interners extends Object
Contains static methods pertaining to instances of Interner.
Kevin Bourrillion
  • Method Details

    • newBuilder

      public static Interners.InternerBuilder newBuilder()
      Returns a fresh Interners.InternerBuilder instance.
    • newStrongInterner

      public static <E> Interner<E> newStrongInterner()
      Returns a new thread-safe interner which retains a strong reference to each instance it has interned, thus preventing these instances from being garbage-collected. If this retention is acceptable, this implementation may perform better than newWeakInterner().
    • newWeakInterner

      @GwtIncompatible("java.lang.ref.WeakReference") public static <E> Interner<E> newWeakInterner()
      Returns a new thread-safe interner which retains a weak reference to each instance it has interned, and so does not prevent these instances from being garbage-collected. This most likely does not perform as well as newStrongInterner(), but is the best alternative when the memory usage of that implementation is unacceptable.
    • asFunction

      public static <E> Function<E,E> asFunction(Interner<E> interner)
      Returns a function that delegates to the Interner.intern(E) method of the given interner.