Class ForwardingSortedMultiset.StandardDescendingMultiset

All Implemented Interfaces:
Multiset<E>, SortedMultiset<E>, Iterable<E>, Collection<E>
Enclosing class:
ForwardingSortedMultiset<E extends @Nullable Object>

protected abstract class ForwardingSortedMultiset.StandardDescendingMultiset extends ForwardingMultiset<E>
A skeleton implementation of a descending multiset view. Normally, SortedMultiset.descendingMultiset() will not reflect any changes you make to the behavior of methods such as ForwardingCollection.add(Object) or SortedMultiset.pollFirstEntry(). This skeleton implementation correctly delegates each of its operations to the appropriate methods of this ForwardingSortedMultiset.

In many cases, you may wish to override SortedMultiset.descendingMultiset() to return an instance of a subclass of StandardDescendingMultiset.

Louis Wasserman
  • Constructor Details

    • StandardDescendingMultiset

      public StandardDescendingMultiset()
      Constructor for use by subclasses.
  • Method Details