Class Quantiles.ScaleAndIndexes

Enclosing class:

public static final class Quantiles.ScaleAndIndexes extends Object
Describes the point in a fluent API chain where the scale and a multiple quantile indexes (i.e. the q and a set of values for the k in the kth q-quantile) have been specified.
Pete Gillin
  • Method Details

    • compute

      public Map<Integer,Double> compute(Collection<? extends Number> dataset)
      Computes the quantile values of the given dataset.
      dataset - the dataset to do the calculation on, which must be non-empty, which will be cast to doubles (with any associated lost of precision), and which will not be mutated by this call (it is copied instead)
      an unmodifiable, ordered map of results: the keys will be the specified quantile indexes, and the values the corresponding quantile values. When iterating, entries in the map are ordered by quantile index in the same order they were passed to the indexes method.
    • compute

      public Map<Integer,Double> compute(double... dataset)
      Computes the quantile values of the given dataset.
      dataset - the dataset to do the calculation on, which must be non-empty, which will not be mutated by this call (it is copied instead)
      an unmodifiable, ordered map of results: the keys will be the specified quantile indexes, and the values the corresponding quantile values. When iterating, entries in the map are ordered by quantile index in the same order they were passed to the indexes method.
    • compute

      public Map<Integer,Double> compute(long... dataset)
      Computes the quantile values of the given dataset.
      dataset - the dataset to do the calculation on, which must be non-empty, which will be cast to doubles (with any associated lost of precision), and which will not be mutated by this call (it is copied instead)
      an unmodifiable, ordered map of results: the keys will be the specified quantile indexes, and the values the corresponding quantile values. When iterating, entries in the map are ordered by quantile index in the same order they were passed to the indexes method.
    • compute

      public Map<Integer,Double> compute(int... dataset)
      Computes the quantile values of the given dataset.
      dataset - the dataset to do the calculation on, which must be non-empty, which will be cast to doubles, and which will not be mutated by this call (it is copied instead)
      an unmodifiable, ordered map of results: the keys will be the specified quantile indexes, and the values the corresponding quantile values. When iterating, entries in the map are ordered by quantile index in the same order they were passed to the indexes method.
    • computeInPlace

      public Map<Integer,Double> computeInPlace(double... dataset)
      Computes the quantile values of the given dataset, performing the computation in-place.
      dataset - the dataset to do the calculation on, which must be non-empty, and which will be arbitrarily reordered by this method call
      an unmodifiable, ordered map of results: the keys will be the specified quantile indexes, and the values the corresponding quantile values. When iterating, entries in the map are ordered by quantile index in the same order that the indexes were passed to the indexes method.