Class ImmutableValueGraph<N,V>

Type Parameters:
N - Node parameter type
V - Value parameter type
All Implemented Interfaces:
PredecessorsFunction<N>, SuccessorsFunction<N>, ValueGraph<N,V>

@Beta @Immutable(containerOf={"N","V"}) public final class ImmutableValueGraph<N,V> extends AbstractValueGraph<N,V>
A ValueGraph whose elements and structural relationships will never change. Instances of this class may be obtained with copyOf(ValueGraph).

See the Guava User's Guide's discussion of the Immutable* types for more information on the properties and guarantees provided by this class.

James Sexton, Jens Nyman
  • Method Details

    • copyOf

      public static <N, V> ImmutableValueGraph<N,V> copyOf(ValueGraph<N,V> graph)
      Returns an immutable copy of graph.
    • copyOf

      @InlineMe(replacement="checkNotNull(graph)", staticImports="") @Deprecated public static <N, V> ImmutableValueGraph<N,V> copyOf(ImmutableValueGraph<N,V> graph)
      no need to use this
      Simply returns its argument.
    • incidentEdgeOrder

      public ElementOrder<N> incidentEdgeOrder()
      Description copied from interface: ValueGraph
      Specified by:
      incidentEdgeOrder in interface ValueGraph<N,V>
    • asGraph

      public ImmutableGraph<N> asGraph()
      Description copied from interface: ValueGraph
      Returns a live view of this graph as a Graph. The resulting Graph will have an edge connecting node A to node B if this ValueGraph has an edge connecting A to B.
      Specified by:
      asGraph in interface ValueGraph<N,V>
      asGraph in class AbstractValueGraph<N,V>
    • nodes

      public Set<N> nodes()
      Description copied from interface: ValueGraph
      Returns all nodes in this graph, in the order specified by ValueGraph.nodeOrder().
    • isDirected

      public boolean isDirected()
      Description copied from interface: ValueGraph
      Returns true if the edges in this graph are directed. Directed edges connect a source node to a target node, while undirected edges connect a pair of nodes to each other.
    • allowsSelfLoops

      public boolean allowsSelfLoops()
      Description copied from interface: ValueGraph
      Returns true if this graph allows self-loops (edges that connect a node to itself). Attempting to add a self-loop to a graph that does not allow them will throw an IllegalArgumentException.
    • nodeOrder

      public ElementOrder<N> nodeOrder()
      Description copied from interface: ValueGraph
      Returns the order of iteration for the elements of ValueGraph.nodes().
    • adjacentNodes

      public Set<N> adjacentNodes(N node)
      Description copied from interface: ValueGraph
      Returns a live view of the nodes which have an incident edge in common with node in this graph.

      This is equal to the union of ValueGraph.predecessors(Object) and ValueGraph.successors(Object).

      If node is removed from the graph after this method is called, the Set view returned by this method will be invalidated, and will throw IllegalStateException if it is accessed in any way, with the following exceptions:

      • view.equals(view) evaluates to true (but any other equals() expression involving view will throw)
      • hashCode() does not throw
      • if node is re-added to the graph after having been removed, view's behavior is undefined
    • predecessors

      public Set<N> predecessors(N node)
      Description copied from interface: PredecessorsFunction
      Returns all nodes in this graph adjacent to node which can be reached by traversing node's incoming edges against the direction (if any) of the edge.

      Some algorithms that operate on a PredecessorsFunction may produce undesired results if the returned Iterable contains duplicate elements. Implementations of such algorithms should document their behavior in the presence of duplicates.

      The elements of the returned Iterable must each be:

      • Non-null
      • Usable as Map keys (see the Guava User Guide's section on graph elements for details)
    • successors

      public Set<N> successors(N node)
      Description copied from interface: SuccessorsFunction
      Returns all nodes in this graph adjacent to node which can be reached by traversing node's outgoing edges in the direction (if any) of the edge.

      This is not the same as "all nodes reachable from node by following outgoing edges". For that functionality, see Graphs.reachableNodes(Graph, Object).

      Some algorithms that operate on a SuccessorsFunction may produce undesired results if the returned Iterable contains duplicate elements. Implementations of such algorithms should document their behavior in the presence of duplicates.

      The elements of the returned Iterable must each be:

      • Non-null
      • Usable as Map keys (see the Guava User Guide's section on graph elements for details)
    • incidentEdges

      public Set<EndpointPair<N>> incidentEdges(N node)
      Description copied from interface: ValueGraph
      Returns a live view of the edges in this graph whose endpoints include node.

      This is equal to the union of incoming and outgoing edges.

      If node is removed from the graph after this method is called, the Set view returned by this method will be invalidated, and will throw IllegalStateException if it is accessed in any way, with the following exceptions:

      • view.equals(view) evaluates to true (but any other equals() expression involving view will throw)
      • hashCode() does not throw
      • if node is re-added to the graph after having been removed, view's behavior is undefined
      Specified by:
      incidentEdges in interface ValueGraph<N,V>
    • hasEdgeConnecting

      public boolean hasEdgeConnecting(N nodeU, N nodeV)
      Description copied from interface: ValueGraph
      Returns true if there is an edge that directly connects nodeU to nodeV. This is equivalent to nodes().contains(nodeU) && successors(nodeU).contains(nodeV).

      In an undirected graph, this is equal to hasEdgeConnecting(nodeV, nodeU).

      Specified by:
      hasEdgeConnecting in interface ValueGraph<N,V>
    • hasEdgeConnecting

      public boolean hasEdgeConnecting(EndpointPair<N> endpoints)
      Description copied from interface: ValueGraph
      Returns true if there is an edge that directly connects endpoints (in the order, if any, specified by endpoints). This is equivalent to edges().contains(endpoints).

      Unlike the other EndpointPair-accepting methods, this method does not throw if the endpoints are unordered and the graph is directed; it simply returns false. This is for consistency with the behavior of Collection.contains(Object) (which does not generally throw if the object cannot be present in the collection), and the desire to have this method's behavior be compatible with edges().contains(endpoints).

      Specified by:
      hasEdgeConnecting in interface ValueGraph<N,V>
    • edgeValueOrDefault

      public V edgeValueOrDefault(N nodeU, N nodeV, V defaultValue)
      Description copied from interface: ValueGraph
      Returns the value of the edge that connects nodeU to nodeV, if one is present; otherwise, returns defaultValue.

      In an undirected graph, this is equal to edgeValueOrDefault(nodeV, nodeU, defaultValue).

    • edgeValueOrDefault

      public V edgeValueOrDefault(EndpointPair<N> endpoints, V defaultValue)
      Description copied from interface: ValueGraph
      Returns the value of the edge that connects endpoints (in the order, if any, specified by endpoints), if one is present; otherwise, returns defaultValue.

      If this graph is directed, the endpoints must be ordered.

    • edgeCount

      protected long edgeCount()
      Returns the number of edges in this graph; used to calculate the size of Graph.edges(). This implementation requires O(|N|) time. Classes extending this one may manually keep track of the number of edges as the graph is updated, and override this method for better performance.
    • edges

      public Set<EndpointPair<N>> edges()
      An implementation of BaseGraph.edges() defined in terms of Graph.nodes() and SuccessorsFunction.successors(Object).
    • degree

      public int degree(N node)
    • inDegree

      public int inDegree(N node)
    • outDegree

      public int outDegree(N node)
    • validateEndpoints

      protected final void validateEndpoints(EndpointPair<?> endpoints)
      Throws IllegalArgumentException if the ordering of endpoints is not compatible with the directionality of this graph.
    • isOrderingCompatible

      protected final boolean isOrderingCompatible(EndpointPair<?> endpoints)
      Returns true iff endpoints' ordering is compatible with the directionality of this graph.
    • nodeInvalidatableSet

      protected final <T> Set<T> nodeInvalidatableSet(Set<T> set, N node)
    • nodePairInvalidatableSet

      protected final <T> Set<T> nodePairInvalidatableSet(Set<T> set, N nodeU, N nodeV)