Class CharEscaperBuilder


@GwtCompatible public final class CharEscaperBuilder extends Object
Simple helper class to build a "sparse" array of objects based on the indexes that were added to it. The array will be from 0 to the maximum index given. All non-set indexes will contain null (so it's not really a sparse array, just a pseudo sparse array). The builder can also return a CharEscaper based on the generated array.
Sven Mawson
  • Constructor Details

    • CharEscaperBuilder

      public CharEscaperBuilder()
      Construct a new sparse array builder.
  • Method Details

    • addEscape

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public CharEscaperBuilder addEscape(char c, String r)
      Add a new mapping from an index to an object to the escaping.
    • addEscapes

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public CharEscaperBuilder addEscapes(char[] cs, String r)
      Add multiple mappings at once for a particular index.
    • toArray

      public char[] @Nullable [] toArray()
      Convert this builder into an array of char[]s where the maximum index is the value of the highest character that has been seen. The array will be sparse in the sense that any unseen index will default to null.
      a "sparse" array that holds the replacement mappings.
    • toEscaper

      public Escaper toEscaper()
      Convert this builder into a char escaper which is just a decorator around the underlying array of replacement char[]s.
      an escaper that escapes based on the underlying array.