Class ConcurrentHashMultiset<E>

    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static <E> ConcurrentHashMultiset<E> create()
        Creates a new, empty ConcurrentHashMultiset using the default initial capacity, load factor, and concurrency settings.
      • create

        public static <E> ConcurrentHashMultiset<E> create​(Iterable<? extends E> elements)
        Creates a new ConcurrentHashMultiset containing the specified elements, using the default initial capacity, load factor, and concurrency settings.

        This implementation is highly efficient when elements is itself a Multiset.

        elements - the elements that the multiset should contain
      • create

        public static <E> ConcurrentHashMultiset<E> create​(ConcurrentMap<E,​AtomicInteger> countMap)
        Creates a new, empty ConcurrentHashMultiset using countMap as the internal backing map.

        This instance will assume ownership of countMap, and other code should not maintain references to the map or modify it in any way.

        The returned multiset is serializable if the input map is.

        countMap - backing map for storing the elements in the multiset and their counts. It must be empty.
        IllegalArgumentException - if countMap is not empty
      • count

        public int count​(@CheckForNull
                         Object element)
        Returns the number of occurrences of element in this multiset.
        Specified by:
        count in interface Multiset<E>
        element - the element to look for
        the nonnegative number of occurrences of the element
      • size

        public int size()
        Returns the total number of all occurrences of all elements in this multiset.

        Note: this method does not return the number of distinct elements in the multiset, which is given by entrySet().size().

        If the data in the multiset is modified by any other threads during this method, it is undefined which (if any) of these modifications will be reflected in the result.

        Specified by:
        size in interface Collection<E>
        Specified by:
        size in interface Multiset<E>
        Specified by:
        size in class AbstractCollection<E>
      • add

        public int add​(E element,
                       int occurrences)
        Adds a number of occurrences of the specified element to this multiset.
        Specified by:
        add in interface Multiset<E>
        element - the element to add
        occurrences - the number of occurrences to add
        the previous count of the element before the operation; possibly zero
        IllegalArgumentException - if occurrences is negative, or if the resulting amount would exceed Integer.MAX_VALUE
      • remove

        public int remove​(@CheckForNull
                          Object element,
                          int occurrences)
        Removes a number of occurrences of the specified element from this multiset. If the multiset contains fewer than this number of occurrences to begin with, all occurrences will be removed.
        Specified by:
        remove in interface Multiset<E>
        element - the element whose occurrences should be removed
        occurrences - the number of occurrences of the element to remove
        the count of the element before the operation; possibly zero
        IllegalArgumentException - if occurrences is negative
      • removeExactly

        public boolean removeExactly​(@CheckForNull
                                     Object element,
                                     int occurrences)
        Removes exactly the specified number of occurrences of element, or makes no change if this is not possible.

        This method, in contrast to remove(Object, int), has no effect when the element count is smaller than occurrences.

        element - the element to remove
        occurrences - the number of occurrences of element to remove
        true if the removal was possible (including if occurrences is zero)
        IllegalArgumentException - if occurrences is negative
      • setCount

        public int setCount​(E element,
                            int count)
        Adds or removes occurrences of element such that the count(java.lang.Object) of the element becomes count.
        Specified by:
        setCount in interface Multiset<E>
        element - the element to add or remove occurrences of; may be null only if explicitly allowed by the implementation
        count - the desired count of the element in this multiset
        the count of element in the multiset before this call
        IllegalArgumentException - if count is negative
      • setCount

        public boolean setCount​(E element,
                                int expectedOldCount,
                                int newCount)
        Sets the number of occurrences of element to newCount, but only if the count is currently expectedOldCount. If element does not appear in the multiset exactly expectedOldCount times, no changes will be made.
        Specified by:
        setCount in interface Multiset<E>
        element - the element to conditionally set the count of; may be null only if explicitly allowed by the implementation
        expectedOldCount - the expected present count of the element in this multiset
        newCount - the desired count of the element in this multiset
        true if the change was successful. This usually indicates that the multiset has been modified, but not always: in the case that expectedOldCount == newCount, the method will return true if the condition was met.
        IllegalArgumentException - if expectedOldCount or newCount is negative
      • add

        public final boolean add​(E element)
        Description copied from interface: Multiset
        Adds a single occurrence of the specified element to this multiset.

        This method refines Collection.add(E), which only ensures the presence of the element, to further specify that a successful call must always increment the count of the element, and the overall size of the collection, by one.

        To both add the element and obtain the previous count of that element, use add(element, 1) instead.

        Specified by:
        add in interface Collection<E extends @Nullable Object>
        Specified by:
        add in interface Multiset<E extends @Nullable Object>
        add in class AbstractCollection<E extends @Nullable Object>
        element - the element to add one occurrence of; may be null only if explicitly allowed by the implementation
        true always, since this call is required to modify the multiset, unlike other Collection types
      • elementSet

        public Set<E> elementSet()
        Description copied from interface: Multiset
        Returns the set of distinct elements contained in this multiset. The element set is backed by the same data as the multiset, so any change to either is immediately reflected in the other. The order of the elements in the element set is unspecified.

        If the element set supports any removal operations, these necessarily cause all occurrences of the removed element(s) to be removed from the multiset. Implementations are not expected to support the add operations, although this is possible.

        A common use for the element set is to find the number of distinct elements in the multiset: elementSet().size().

        Specified by:
        elementSet in interface Multiset<E extends @Nullable Object>
        a view of the set of distinct elements in this multiset
      • entrySet

        public Set<Multiset.Entry<E>> entrySet()
        Description copied from interface: Multiset
        Returns a view of the contents of this multiset, grouped into Multiset.Entry instances, each providing an element of the multiset and the count of that element. This set contains exactly one entry for each distinct element in the multiset (thus it always has the same size as the Multiset.elementSet()). The order of the elements in the element set is unspecified.

        The entry set is backed by the same data as the multiset, so any change to either is immediately reflected in the other. However, multiset changes may or may not be reflected in any Entry instances already retrieved from the entry set (this is implementation-dependent). Furthermore, implementations are not required to support modifications to the entry set at all, and the Entry instances themselves don't even have methods for modification. See the specific implementation class for more details on how its entry set handles modifications.

        Specified by:
        entrySet in interface Multiset<E extends @Nullable Object>
        a set of entries representing the data of this multiset
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(@CheckForNull
                                    Object object)
        Compares the specified object with this multiset for equality. Returns true if the given object is also a multiset and contains equal elements with equal counts, regardless of order.

        This implementation returns true if object is a multiset of the same size and if, for each element, the two multisets have the same count.

        Specified by:
        equals in interface Collection<E extends @Nullable Object>
        Specified by:
        equals in interface Multiset<E extends @Nullable Object>
        equals in class Object
      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        Returns the hash code for this multiset. This is defined as the sum of
         ((element == null) ? 0 : element.hashCode()) ^ count(element)

        over all distinct elements in the multiset. It follows that a multiset and its entry set always have the same hash code.

        This implementation returns the hash code of Multiset.entrySet().

        Specified by:
        hashCode in interface Collection<E extends @Nullable Object>
        Specified by:
        hashCode in interface Multiset<E extends @Nullable Object>
        hashCode in class Object