Class AbstractCache.SimpleStatsCounter

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static final class AbstractCache.SimpleStatsCounter extends Object implements AbstractCache.StatsCounter
A thread-safe AbstractCache.StatsCounter implementation for use by Cache implementors.
Charles Fry
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleStatsCounter

      public SimpleStatsCounter()
      Constructs an instance with all counts initialized to zero.
  • Method Details

    • recordHits

      public void recordHits(int count)
      Description copied from interface: AbstractCache.StatsCounter
      Records cache hits. This should be called when a cache request returns a cached value.
      Specified by:
      recordHits in interface AbstractCache.StatsCounter
      count - the number of hits to record
    • recordMisses

      public void recordMisses(int count)
      Description copied from interface: AbstractCache.StatsCounter
      Records cache misses. This should be called when a cache request returns a value that was not found in the cache. This method should be called by the loading thread, as well as by threads blocking on the load. Multiple concurrent calls to Cache lookup methods with the same key on an absent value should result in a single call to either recordLoadSuccess or recordLoadException and multiple calls to this method, despite all being served by the results of a single load operation.
      Specified by:
      recordMisses in interface AbstractCache.StatsCounter
      count - the number of misses to record
    • recordLoadSuccess

      public void recordLoadSuccess(long loadTime)
      Description copied from interface: AbstractCache.StatsCounter
      Records the successful load of a new entry. This should be called when a cache request causes an entry to be loaded, and the loading completes successfully. In contrast to AbstractCache.StatsCounter.recordMisses(int), this method should only be called by the loading thread.
      Specified by:
      recordLoadSuccess in interface AbstractCache.StatsCounter
      loadTime - the number of nanoseconds the cache spent computing or retrieving the new value
    • recordLoadException

      public void recordLoadException(long loadTime)
      Description copied from interface: AbstractCache.StatsCounter
      Records the failed load of a new entry. This should be called when a cache request causes an entry to be loaded, but an exception is thrown while loading the entry. In contrast to AbstractCache.StatsCounter.recordMisses(int), this method should only be called by the loading thread.
      Specified by:
      recordLoadException in interface AbstractCache.StatsCounter
      loadTime - the number of nanoseconds the cache spent computing or retrieving the new value prior to an exception being thrown
    • recordEviction

      public void recordEviction()
      Description copied from interface: AbstractCache.StatsCounter
      Records the eviction of an entry from the cache. This should only been called when an entry is evicted due to the cache's eviction strategy, and not as a result of manual invalidations.
      Specified by:
      recordEviction in interface AbstractCache.StatsCounter
    • snapshot

      public CacheStats snapshot()
      Description copied from interface: AbstractCache.StatsCounter
      Returns a snapshot of this counter's values. Note that this may be an inconsistent view, as it may be interleaved with update operations.
      Specified by:
      snapshot in interface AbstractCache.StatsCounter
    • incrementBy

      public void incrementBy(AbstractCache.StatsCounter other)
      Increments all counters by the values in other.