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Changed Methods
Entry ceilingEntry(K) Change in return type from (Entry<K, V>) to Entry.
Entry firstEntry() Change in return type from (Entry<K, V>) to Entry.
Entry floorEntry(K) Change in return type from (Entry<K, V>) to Entry.
V get(Object) Change in signature from java.lang.Object to Object.
Entry higherEntry(K) Change in return type from (Entry<K, V>) to Entry.
Entry lastEntry() Change in return type from (Entry<K, V>) to Entry.
Entry lowerEntry(K) Change in return type from (Entry<K, V>) to Entry.
Entry pollFirstEntry() Change in return type from (Entry<K, V>) to Entry.
Unsupported operation.
Entry pollLastEntry() Change in return type from (Entry<K, V>) to Entry.
Unsupported operation.