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Removed Methods
void propagateIfPossible(Throwable, Class<X>) Propagates {@code throwable} exactly as-is, if and only if it is an instance of RuntimeException, Error, or {@code declaredType}.
void propagateIfPossible(Throwable, Class<X1>, Class<X2>) Propagates {@code throwable} exactly as-is, if and only if it is an instance of RuntimeException, Error, {@code declaredType1}, or {@code declaredType2}.
void propagateIfPossible(Throwable) Propagates {@code throwable} exactly as-is, if and only if it is an instance of RuntimeException or Error.

Added Methods
void propagateIfPossible(Throwable, Class<X>) Propagates {@code throwable} exactly as-is, if and only if it is an instance of RuntimeException, Error, or {@code declaredType}.
void propagateIfPossible(Throwable, Class<X1>, Class<X2>) Propagates {@code throwable} exactly as-is, if and only if it is an instance of RuntimeException, Error, {@code declaredType1}, or {@code declaredType2}.
void propagateIfPossible(Throwable) Propagates {@code throwable} exactly as-is, if and only if it is an instance of RuntimeException or Error.

Changed Methods
X getCauseAs(Throwable, Class<X>) Change in return type from (X extends Throwable) to X.
Returns {@code throwable}'s cause, cast to {@code expectedCauseType}.
void propagateIfInstanceOf(Throwable, Class<X>) Change in signature from (java.lang.Throwable, java.lang.Class) to (Throwable, java.lang.Class).
Use {@link #throwIfInstanceOf}, which has the same behavior but rejects {@code null}.