Uses of Class

Packages that use MapMaker This package contains generic collection interfaces and implementations, and other utilities for working with collections. 

Uses of MapMaker in

Methods in that return MapMaker
 MapMaker MapMaker.concurrencyLevel(int concurrencyLevel)
          Guides the allowed concurrency among update operations.
 MapMaker MapMaker.expiration(long duration, TimeUnit unit)
          Deprecated. use expireAfterWrite(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit), which behaves exactly the same. This method is scheduled for deletion in July 2012.
 MapMaker MapMaker.expireAfterAccess(long duration, TimeUnit unit)
          Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the map once a fixed duration has passed since the entry's last read or write access.
 MapMaker MapMaker.expireAfterWrite(long duration, TimeUnit unit)
          Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the map once a fixed duration has passed since the entry's creation or replacement.
 MapMaker MapMaker.initialCapacity(int initialCapacity)
          Sets a custom initial capacity (defaults to 16).
 MapMaker MapMaker.maximumSize(int size)
          Specifies the maximum number of entries the map may contain.
 MapMaker MapMaker.softKeys()
          Specifies that each key (not value) stored in the map should be wrapped in a SoftReference (by default, strong references are used).
 MapMaker MapMaker.softValues()
          Specifies that each value (not key) stored in the map should be wrapped in a SoftReference (by default, strong references are used).
 MapMaker MapMaker.weakKeys()
          Specifies that each key (not value) stored in the map should be wrapped in a WeakReference (by default, strong references are used).
 MapMaker MapMaker.weakValues()
          Specifies that each value (not key) stored in the map should be wrapped in a WeakReference (by default, strong references are used).