Packages that use Beta | |
com.google.common.annotations | Common annotation types. |
com.google.common.base | Basic utility libraries and interfaces. |
com.google.common.collect | This package contains generic collection interfaces and implementations, and other utilities for working with collections. |
com.google.common.io | This package contains utility methods and classes for working with Java I/O, for example input streams, output streams, readers, writers, and files. |
com.google.common.net | This package contains utility methods and classes for working with net addresses (numeric IP and domain names). |
com.google.common.util.concurrent | Concurrency utilities. |
Uses of Beta in com.google.common.annotations |
Classes in com.google.common.annotations with annotations of type Beta | |
interface |
Signifies that a public API (public class, method or field) is subject to incompatible changes, or even removal, in a future release. |
Uses of Beta in com.google.common.base |
Classes in com.google.common.base with annotations of type Beta | |
class |
Determines a true or false value for any Java char value, just as Predicate does
for any Object . |
class |
Utility methods for working with Enum instances. |
interface |
A strategy for determining whether two instances are considered equivalent. |
class |
Contains static factory methods for creating Equivalence instances. |
interface |
A time source; returns a time value representing the number of nanoseconds elapsed since some fixed but arbitrary point in time. |
Fields in com.google.common.base with annotations of type Beta | |
static int |
The maximum value of an ASCII character. |
static int |
The minimum value of an ASCII character. |
Methods in com.google.common.base with annotations of type Beta | ||
static List<Throwable> |
Throwables.getCausalChain(Throwable throwable)
Gets a Throwable cause chain as a list. |
Splitter |
Splitter.limit(int limit)
Returns a splitter that behaves equivalently to this splitter but
stops splitting after it reaches the limit. |
Returns a function that accepts a supplier and returns the result of invoking Supplier.get() on that supplier. |
static Exception |
Throwables.throwCause(Exception exception,
boolean combineStackTraces)
Rethrows the cause exception of a given throwable, discarding the original throwable. |
Uses of Beta in com.google.common.collect |
Classes in com.google.common.collect with annotations of type Beta | |
class |
This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Iterator
interface for sequences whose next element can always be derived from the
previous element. |
interface |
A constraint that an element must satisfy in order to be added to a collection. |
class |
Factories and utilities pertaining to the Constraint interface. |
class |
A collection of common eviction listeners. |
class |
A table which forwards all its method calls to another table. |
class |
A class exactly like MapMaker , except restricted in the types of maps
it can build. |
class |
Implementation of Table using hash tables. |
interface |
Provides equivalent behavior to String.intern() for other immutable
types. |
class |
Contains static methods pertaining to instances of Interner . |
interface |
A constraint on the keys and values that may be added to a Map or
Multimap . |
class |
Factory and utilities pertaining to the MapConstraint interface. |
interface |
An object that can receive a notification when an entry is evicted from a map. |
static interface |
A transformation of the value of a key-value pair, using both key and value as inputs. |
class |
A double-ended priority queue, which provides constant-time access to both its least element and its greatest element, as determined by the queue's specified comparator. |
static class |
The builder class used in creation of min-max priority queues. |
interface |
Interface that extends Table and whose rows are sorted. |
interface |
An object representing the differences between two sorted maps. |
class |
Static utility methods pertaining to SortedMap instances. |
interface |
A collection that associates an ordered pair of keys, called a row key and a column key, with a single value. |
static interface |
Row key / column key / value triplet corresponding to a mapping in a table. |
class |
Provides static methods that involve a Table . |
class |
Implementation of Table whose row keys and column keys are ordered
by their natural ordering or by supplied comparators. |
class |
A list iterator that does not support UnmodifiableIterator.remove() , UnmodifiableListIterator.add(E) , or
UnmodifiableListIterator.set(E) . |
Methods in com.google.common.collect with annotations of type Beta | ||
static List<Character> |
Lists.charactersOf(CharSequence sequence)
Returns a view of the specified CharSequence as a List<Character> , viewing sequence as a sequence of Unicode code
units. |
static ImmutableList<Character> |
Lists.charactersOf(String string)
Returns a view of the specified string as an immutable list of Character values. |
ConcurrentHashMultiset.create(GenericMapMaker<? super E,? super Number> mapMaker)
Creates a new, empty ConcurrentHashMultiset using mapMaker
to construct the internal backing map. |
MapMaker.evictionListener(MapEvictionListener<K,V> listener)
Specifies a listener instance, which all maps built using this MapMaker will notify each time an entry is evicted. |
abstract GenericMapMaker<K0,V0> |
GenericMapMaker.expireAfterAccess(long duration,
TimeUnit unit)
See MapMaker.expireAfterAccess(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) . |
MapMaker |
MapMaker.expireAfterAccess(long duration,
TimeUnit unit)
Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the map once a fixed duration has passed since the entry's last read or write access. |
abstract GenericMapMaker<K0,V0> |
GenericMapMaker.expireAfterWrite(long duration,
TimeUnit unit)
See MapMaker.expireAfterWrite(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) . |
MapMaker |
MapMaker.expireAfterWrite(long duration,
TimeUnit unit)
Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the map once a fixed duration has passed since the entry's creation or replacement. |
Ordering.greatestOf(Iterable<E> iterable,
int k)
Returns the k greatest elements of the given iterable according to
this ordering, in order from greatest to least. |
Ordering.leastOf(Iterable<E> iterable,
int k)
Returns the k least elements of the given iterable according to
this ordering, in order from least to greatest. |
abstract GenericMapMaker<K0,V0> |
GenericMapMaker.maximumSize(int maximumSize)
See MapMaker.maximumSize . |
MapMaker |
MapMaker.maximumSize(int size)
Specifies the maximum number of entries the map may contain. |
ImmutableMultimap.Builder<K,V> |
ImmutableMultimap.Builder.orderKeysBy(Comparator<? super K> keyComparator)
Specifies the ordering of the generated multimap's keys. |
ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder<K,V> |
ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder.orderKeysBy(Comparator<? super K> keyComparator)
Specifies the ordering of the generated multimap's keys. |
ImmutableListMultimap.Builder<K,V> |
ImmutableListMultimap.Builder.orderKeysBy(Comparator<? super K> keyComparator)
Specifies the ordering of the generated multimap's keys. |
ImmutableMultimap.Builder<K,V> |
ImmutableMultimap.Builder.orderValuesBy(Comparator<? super V> valueComparator)
Specifies the ordering of the generated multimap's values for each key. |
ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder<K,V> |
ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder.orderValuesBy(Comparator<? super V> valueComparator)
Specifies the ordering of the generated multimap's values for each key. |
ImmutableListMultimap.Builder<K,V> |
ImmutableListMultimap.Builder.orderValuesBy(Comparator<? super V> valueComparator)
Specifies the ordering of the generated multimap's values for each key. |
Iterators.skip(Iterator<T> iterator,
int numberToSkip)
Calls next() on iterator , either numberToSkip times
or until hasNext() returns false , whichever comes first. |
protected boolean |
ForwardingList.standardAdd(E element)
A sensible default implementation of ForwardingCollection.add(Object) , in terms of
ForwardingList.add(int, Object) . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingMultiset.standardAdd(E element)
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.add(Object) in terms of ForwardingMultiset.add(Object, int) . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingCollection.standardAddAll(Collection<? extends E> collection)
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.addAll(java.util.Collection extends E>) in terms of ForwardingCollection.add(E) . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingMultiset.standardAddAll(Collection<? extends E> elementsToAdd)
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.addAll(Collection) in terms of ForwardingCollection.add(Object) and ForwardingMultiset.add(Object, int) . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingList.standardAddAll(int index,
Iterable<? extends E> elements)
A sensible default implementation of ForwardingList.addAll(int, Collection) , in
terms of the add method of ForwardingList.listIterator(int) . |
protected void |
A sensible definition of ForwardingMap.clear() in terms of the iterator
method of ForwardingMap.entrySet() . |
protected void |
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.clear() in terms of ForwardingCollection.iterator() ,
using the iterator's remove method. |
protected void |
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.clear() in terms of the iterator
method of ForwardingMultiset.entrySet() . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingSortedSet.standardContains(Object object)
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.contains(java.lang.Object) in terms of the first()
method of ForwardingSortedSet.tailSet(E) . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingCollection.standardContains(Object object)
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.contains(java.lang.Object) in terms of ForwardingCollection.iterator() . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingMultiset.standardContains(Object object)
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.contains(java.lang.Object) in terms of ForwardingMultiset.count(java.lang.Object) . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingCollection.standardContainsAll(Collection<?> collection)
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.containsAll(java.util.Collection>) in terms of ForwardingCollection.contains(java.lang.Object)
. |
protected boolean |
ForwardingSortedMap.standardContainsKey(Object key)
A sensible definition of ForwardingMap.containsKey(java.lang.Object) in terms of the firstKey() method of ForwardingSortedMap.tailMap(K) . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingMap.standardContainsKey(Object key)
A sensible, albeit inefficient, definition of ForwardingMap.containsKey(java.lang.Object) in terms
of the iterator method of ForwardingMap.entrySet() . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingMap.standardContainsValue(Object value)
A sensible definition of ForwardingMap.containsValue(java.lang.Object) in terms of the iterator method of ForwardingMap.entrySet() . |
protected int |
ForwardingMultiset.standardCount(Object object)
A sensible, albeit inefficient, definition of ForwardingMultiset.count(java.lang.Object) in terms of
ForwardingMultiset.entrySet() . |
protected Set<E> |
A sensible definition of ForwardingMultiset.elementSet() in terms of the following
methods: ForwardingCollection.clear() , ForwardingCollection.contains(java.lang.Object) , ForwardingCollection.containsAll(java.util.Collection>) ,
ForwardingMultiset.count(java.lang.Object) , ForwardingCollection.isEmpty() , the size() and iterator()
methods of ForwardingMultiset.entrySet() , and ForwardingMultiset.remove(Object, int) . |
protected Set<Map.Entry<K,V>> |
ForwardingMap.standardEntrySet(Supplier<Iterator<Map.Entry<K,V>>> entryIteratorSupplier)
A sensible definition of ForwardingMap.entrySet() in terms of the specified Supplier , which is used to generate iterators over the entry set, and in
terms of the following methods: ForwardingMap.clear() , ForwardingMap.containsKey(java.lang.Object) ,
ForwardingMap.get(java.lang.Object) , ForwardingMap.isEmpty() , ForwardingMap.remove(java.lang.Object) , and ForwardingMap.size() . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingMapEntry.standardEquals(Object object)
A sensible definition of ForwardingMapEntry.equals(Object) in terms of ForwardingMapEntry.getKey() and ForwardingMapEntry.getValue() . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingList.standardEquals(Object object)
A sensible definition of ForwardingList.equals(Object) in terms of ForwardingCollection.size()
and ForwardingCollection.iterator() . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingSet.standardEquals(Object object)
A sensible definition of ForwardingSet.equals(java.lang.Object) in terms of ForwardingCollection.size() and
ForwardingCollection.containsAll(java.util.Collection>) . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingMap.standardEquals(Object object)
A sensible definition of ForwardingMap.equals(java.lang.Object) in terms of the equals
method of ForwardingMap.entrySet() . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingMultiset.standardEquals(Object object)
A sensible, albeit inefficient, definition of ForwardingCollection.size() in terms of
entrySet().size() and ForwardingMultiset.count(java.lang.Object) . |
protected int |
A sensible definition of ForwardingMapEntry.hashCode() in terms of ForwardingMapEntry.getKey()
and ForwardingMapEntry.getValue() . |
protected int |
A sensible definition of ForwardingList.hashCode() in terms of ForwardingCollection.iterator() . |
protected int |
A sensible definition of ForwardingSet.hashCode() in terms of ForwardingCollection.iterator() . |
protected int |
A sensible definition of ForwardingMap.hashCode() in terms of the iterator
method of ForwardingMap.entrySet() . |
protected int |
A sensible definition of ForwardingMultiset.hashCode() as entrySet().hashCode()
. |
protected int |
ForwardingList.standardIndexOf(Object element)
A sensible default implementation of ForwardingList.indexOf(java.lang.Object) , in terms of ForwardingList.listIterator() . |
protected boolean |
A sensible definition of ForwardingMap.isEmpty() in terms of the iterator
method of ForwardingMap.entrySet() . |
protected boolean |
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.isEmpty() as !iterator().hasNext . |
protected Iterator<E> |
A sensible default implementation of ForwardingCollection.iterator() , in terms of
ForwardingList.listIterator() . |
protected Iterator<E> |
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.iterator() in terms of ForwardingMultiset.entrySet()
and ForwardingCollection.remove(Object) . |
protected Set<K> |
A sensible definition of ForwardingMap.keySet() in terms of the following methods:
ForwardingMap.clear() , ForwardingMap.containsKey(java.lang.Object) , ForwardingMap.isEmpty() , ForwardingMap.remove(java.lang.Object) ,
ForwardingMap.size() , and the iterator method of ForwardingMap.entrySet() . |
protected int |
ForwardingList.standardLastIndexOf(Object element)
A sensible default implementation of ForwardingList.lastIndexOf(java.lang.Object) , in terms of
ForwardingList.listIterator(int) . |
protected ListIterator<E> |
A sensible default implementation of ForwardingList.listIterator() , in terms of
ForwardingList.listIterator(int) . |
protected ListIterator<E> |
ForwardingList.standardListIterator(int start)
A sensible default implementation of ForwardingList.listIterator(int) , in terms
of ForwardingCollection.size() and ForwardingList.get(int) . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingQueue.standardOffer(E e)
A sensible definition of ForwardingQueue.offer(E) in terms of ForwardingCollection.add(E) . |
protected E |
A sensible definition of ForwardingQueue.peek() in terms of ForwardingQueue.element() . |
protected E |
A sensible definition of ForwardingQueue.poll() in terms of ForwardingQueue.remove() . |
protected void |
ForwardingMap.standardPutAll(Map<? extends K,? extends V> map)
A sensible definition of ForwardingMap.putAll(Map) in terms of ForwardingMap.put(Object, Object) . |
protected V |
ForwardingSortedMap.standardRemove(Object key)
A sensible definition of ForwardingMap.remove(java.lang.Object) in terms of the iterator() of the entrySet() of ForwardingSortedMap.tailMap(K) . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingSortedSet.standardRemove(Object object)
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.remove(java.lang.Object) in terms of the iterator()
method of ForwardingSortedSet.tailSet(E) . |
protected V |
ForwardingMap.standardRemove(Object key)
A sensible, albeit inefficient, definition of ForwardingMap.remove(java.lang.Object) in terms of
the iterator method of ForwardingMap.entrySet() . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingCollection.standardRemove(Object object)
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.remove(java.lang.Object) in terms of ForwardingCollection.iterator() ,
using the iterator's remove method. |
protected boolean |
ForwardingMultiset.standardRemove(Object element)
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.remove(Object) in terms of ForwardingMultiset.remove(Object, int) . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingCollection.standardRemoveAll(Collection<?> collection)
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.removeAll(java.util.Collection>) in terms of ForwardingCollection.iterator() ,
using the iterator's remove method. |
protected boolean |
ForwardingMultiset.standardRemoveAll(Collection<?> elementsToRemove)
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.removeAll(java.util.Collection>) in terms of the removeAll method of ForwardingMultiset.elementSet() . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingCollection.standardRetainAll(Collection<?> collection)
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.retainAll(java.util.Collection>) in terms of ForwardingCollection.iterator() ,
using the iterator's remove method. |
protected boolean |
ForwardingMultiset.standardRetainAll(Collection<?> elementsToRetain)
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.retainAll(java.util.Collection>) in terms of the retainAll method of ForwardingMultiset.elementSet() . |
protected int |
ForwardingMultiset.standardSetCount(E element,
int count)
A sensible definition of ForwardingMultiset.setCount(Object, int) in terms of ForwardingMultiset.count(Object) , ForwardingMultiset.add(Object, int) , and ForwardingMultiset.remove(Object,
int) . |
protected boolean |
ForwardingMultiset.standardSetCount(E element,
int oldCount,
int newCount)
A sensible definition of ForwardingMultiset.setCount(Object, int, int) in terms of
ForwardingMultiset.count(Object) and ForwardingMultiset.setCount(Object, int) . |
protected int |
A sensible, albeit inefficient, definition of ForwardingCollection.size() in terms of
ForwardingMultiset.entrySet() . |
protected List<E> |
ForwardingList.standardSubList(int fromIndex,
int toIndex)
A sensible default implementation of ForwardingList.subList(int, int) . |
protected SortedMap<K,V> |
ForwardingSortedMap.standardSubMap(K fromKey,
K toKey)
A sensible default implementation of ForwardingSortedMap.subMap(Object, Object) in
terms of ForwardingSortedMap.headMap(Object) and ForwardingSortedMap.tailMap(Object) . |
protected SortedSet<E> |
ForwardingSortedSet.standardSubSet(E fromElement,
E toElement)
A sensible default implementation of ForwardingSortedSet.subSet(Object, Object) in
terms of ForwardingSortedSet.headSet(Object) and ForwardingSortedSet.tailSet(Object) . |
protected Object[] |
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.toArray() in terms of ForwardingCollection.toArray(Object[]) . |
ForwardingCollection.standardToArray(T[] array)
A sensible definition of ForwardingCollection.toArray(Object[]) in terms of ForwardingCollection.size() and ForwardingCollection.iterator() . |
protected String |
A sensible definition of ForwardingObject.toString() in terms of ForwardingMapEntry.getKey() and ForwardingMapEntry.getValue() . |
protected String |
A sensible definition of ForwardingObject.toString() in terms of the iterator
method of ForwardingMap.entrySet() . |
protected String |
A sensible definition of ForwardingObject.toString() in terms of ForwardingCollection.iterator() . |
protected String |
A sensible definition of ForwardingObject.toString() as entrySet().toString()
. |
protected Collection<V> |
A sensible definition of ForwardingMap.values() in terms of the following methods:
ForwardingMap.clear() , ForwardingMap.containsValue(java.lang.Object) , ForwardingMap.isEmpty() , ForwardingMap.size() ,
and the iterator method of ForwardingMap.entrySet() . |
Multimaps.transformEntries(ListMultimap<K,V1> fromMap,
Maps.EntryTransformer<? super K,? super V1,V2> transformer)
Returns a view of a ListMultimap whose values are derived from the
original multimap's entries. |
Maps.transformEntries(Map<K,V1> fromMap,
Maps.EntryTransformer<? super K,? super V1,V2> transformer)
Returns a view of a map whose values are derived from the original map's entries. |
Multimaps.transformEntries(Multimap<K,V1> fromMap,
Maps.EntryTransformer<? super K,? super V1,V2> transformer)
Returns a view of a multimap whose values are derived from the original multimap's entries. |
Multimaps.transformValues(ListMultimap<K,V1> fromMultimap,
Function<? super V1,V2> function)
Returns a view of a ListMultimap where each value is transformed by
a function. |
Multimaps.transformValues(Multimap<K,V1> fromMultimap,
Function<? super V1,V2> function)
Returns a view of a multimap where each value is transformed by a function. |
ImmutableSortedSet.withExplicitOrder(E firstElement,
E... remainingElementsInOrder)
Deprecated. If the provided elements are already in their natural order, ImmutableSortedSet.of() will produce a set with the same elements in the same
order. If the elements are arranged according to another Comparator , use ImmutableSortedSet.orderedBy(Comparator) . Otherwise, use ImmutableSet , which maintains insertion order for inputs that are
ordered but not sorted. This method is scheduled for deletion in Guava
release 10. |
ImmutableSortedSet.withExplicitOrder(List<E> elements)
Deprecated. If the provided elements are already in their natural order, ImmutableSortedSet.copyOf(Iterable) will produce a set with the same elements in
the same order. If the elements are arranged according to another
Comparator , use ImmutableSortedSet.orderedBy(Comparator) . Otherwise, use
ImmutableSet , which maintains insertion order for inputs that
are ordered but not sorted. This method is scheduled for deletion in
Guava release 10. |
Uses of Beta in com.google.common.io |
Classes in com.google.common.io with annotations of type Beta | |
interface |
A callback interface to process bytes from a stream. |
class |
Provides utility methods for working with byte arrays and I/O streams. |
class |
Provides utility methods for working with character streams. |
class |
Utility methods for working with Closeable objects. |
class |
An InputStream that counts the number of bytes read. |
class |
An OutputStream that counts the number of bytes written. |
class |
An OutputStream that starts buffering to a byte array, but
switches to file buffering once the data reaches a configurable size. |
class |
Provides utility methods for working with files. |
class |
Utility methods for working with Flushable objects. |
class |
An InputStream that limits the number of bytes which can be read. |
interface |
A callback to be used with the streaming readLines methods. |
class |
A class for reading lines of text. |
class |
An implementation of DataInput that uses little-endian byte ordering
for reading short , int , float , double , and
long values. |
class |
An implementation of DataOutput that uses little-endian byte ordering
for writing char , short , int , float , double , and long values. |
class |
Implementation of OutputStream that simply discards written bytes. |
class |
File name filter that only accepts files matching a regular expression. |
class |
Provides utility methods for working with resources in the classpath. |
Uses of Beta in com.google.common.net |
Classes in com.google.common.net with annotations of type Beta | |
class |
A syntactically valid host specifier, suitable for use in a URI. |
class |
Static utility methods pertaining to InetAddress instances. |
static class |
A simple data class to encapsulate the information to be found in a Teredo address. |
class |
An immutable well-formed internet domain name, such as com or foo.co.uk . |
Uses of Beta in com.google.common.util.concurrent |
Classes in com.google.common.util.concurrent with annotations of type Beta | |
class |
AbstractCheckedFuture<V,X extends Exception>
A delegating wrapper around a ListenableFuture that adds support for
the AbstractCheckedFuture.checkedGet() and AbstractCheckedFuture.checkedGet(long, TimeUnit) methods. |
class |
Base class for services that can implement AbstractExecutionThreadService.startUp() , AbstractExecutionThreadService.run() and
AbstractExecutionThreadService.shutDown() methods. |
class |
An abstract implementation of the Future interface. |
class |
Base class for services that do not need a thread while "running" but may need one during startup and shutdown. |
class |
An abstract base implementation of the listener support provided by ListenableFuture . |
class |
Base class for implementing services that can handle AbstractService.doStart() and
AbstractService.doStop() requests, responding to them with AbstractService.notifyStarted()
and AbstractService.notifyStopped() callbacks. |
interface |
CheckedFuture<V,X extends Exception>
A CheckedFuture is an extension of Future that includes
versions of the get methods that can throw a checked exception and
allows listeners to be attached to the future. |
class |
A list of ( Runnable , Executor ) pairs that guarantees
that every Runnable that is added using the add method will be
executed in its associated Executor after ExecutionList.run() is called. |
class |
A TimeLimiter implementation which actually does not attempt to limit time at all. |
class |
ForwardingCheckedFuture<V,X extends Exception>
A future which forwards all its method calls to another future. |
static class |
ForwardingCheckedFuture.SimpleForwardingCheckedFuture<V,X extends Exception>
A simplified version of ForwardingCheckedFuture where subclasses
can pass in an already constructed CheckedFuture as the delegate. |
static class |
A simplified version of ForwardingFuture where subclasses
can pass in an already constructed Future as the delegate. |
class |
A ForwardingListenableFuture.SimpleForwardingListenableFuture which forwards all its method calls to another
future. |
static class |
A simplified version of ForwardingListenableFuture where subclasses
can pass in an already constructed ListenableFuture
as the delegate. |
class |
A Service that forwards all method calls to another service. |
class |
Static utility methods pertaining to the Future interface. |
interface |
A Future that accepts completion listeners. |
class |
A FutureTask that also implements the ListenableFuture
interface. |
class |
Factory and utility methods for Executor , ExecutorService , and ThreadFactory . |
interface |
An object with an operational state, plus asynchronous Service.start() and
Service.stop() lifecycle methods to transfer into and out of this state. |
static class |
The lifecycle states of a service. |
class |
A ListenableFuture whose result may be set by a SettableFuture.set(Object)
or SettableFuture.setException(Throwable) call. |
class |
A TimeLimiter that runs method calls in the background using an ExecutorService . |
interface |
Produces proxies that impose a time limit on method calls to the proxied object. |
interface |
A Future whose get calls cannot be interrupted. |