Class ImmutableNetwork<N,​E>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.util.Set<N> adjacentNodes​(N node)
      Returns a live view of the nodes which have an incident edge in common with node in this network.
      boolean allowsParallelEdges()
      Returns true if this network allows parallel edges.
      boolean allowsSelfLoops()
      Returns true if this network allows self-loops (edges that connect a node to itself).
      ImmutableGraph<N> asGraph()
      Returns a live view of this network as a Graph.
      static <N,​E>
      copyOf​(ImmutableNetwork<N,​E> network)
      no need to use this
      static <N,​E>
      copyOf​(Network<N,​E> network)
      Returns an immutable copy of network.
      ElementOrder<E> edgeOrder()
      Returns the order of iteration for the elements of Network.edges().
      java.util.Set<E> edges()
      Returns all edges in this network, in the order specified by Network.edgeOrder().
      java.util.Set<E> edgesConnecting​(N nodeU, N nodeV)
      Returns a live view of the set of edges that each directly connect nodeU to nodeV.
      java.util.Set<E> incidentEdges​(N node)
      Returns a live view of the edges whose incident nodes in this network include node.
      EndpointPair<N> incidentNodes​(E edge)
      Returns the nodes which are the endpoints of edge in this network.
      java.util.Set<E> inEdges​(N node)
      Returns a live view of all edges in this network which can be traversed in the direction (if any) of the edge to end at node.
      boolean isDirected()
      Returns true if the edges in this network are directed.
      ElementOrder<N> nodeOrder()
      Returns the order of iteration for the elements of Network.nodes().
      java.util.Set<N> nodes()
      Returns all nodes in this network, in the order specified by Network.nodeOrder().
      java.util.Set<E> outEdges​(N node)
      Returns a live view of all edges in this network which can be traversed in the direction (if any) of the edge starting from node.
      java.util.Set<N> predecessors​(N node)
      Returns a live view of all nodes in this network adjacent to node which can be reached by traversing node's incoming edges against the direction (if any) of the edge.
      java.util.Set<N> successors​(N node)
      Returns a live view of all nodes in this network adjacent to node which can be reached by traversing node's outgoing edges in the direction (if any) of the edge.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • nodes

        public java.util.Set<N> nodes()
        Description copied from interface: Network
        Returns all nodes in this network, in the order specified by Network.nodeOrder().
      • edges

        public java.util.Set<E> edges()
        Description copied from interface: Network
        Returns all edges in this network, in the order specified by Network.edgeOrder().
      • isDirected

        public boolean isDirected()
        Description copied from interface: Network
        Returns true if the edges in this network are directed. Directed edges connect a source node to a target node, while undirected edges connect a pair of nodes to each other.
      • allowsParallelEdges

        public boolean allowsParallelEdges()
        Description copied from interface: Network
        Returns true if this network allows parallel edges. Attempting to add a parallel edge to a network that does not allow them will throw an IllegalArgumentException.
      • allowsSelfLoops

        public boolean allowsSelfLoops()
        Description copied from interface: Network
        Returns true if this network allows self-loops (edges that connect a node to itself). Attempting to add a self-loop to a network that does not allow them will throw an IllegalArgumentException.
      • incidentEdges

        public java.util.Set<E> incidentEdges​(N node)
        Description copied from interface: Network
        Returns a live view of the edges whose incident nodes in this network include node.

        This is equal to the union of Network.inEdges(Object) and Network.outEdges(Object).

        If node is removed from the network after this method is called, the Set view returned by this method will be invalidated, and will throw IllegalStateException if it is accessed in any way, with the following exceptions:

        • view.equals(view) evaluates to true (but any other `equals()` expression involving view will throw)
        • hashCode() does not throw
        • if node is re-added to the network after having been removed, view's behavior is undefined
      • incidentNodes

        public EndpointPair<N> incidentNodes​(E edge)
        Description copied from interface: Network
        Returns the nodes which are the endpoints of edge in this network.
      • adjacentNodes

        public java.util.Set<N> adjacentNodes​(N node)
        Description copied from interface: Network
        Returns a live view of the nodes which have an incident edge in common with node in this network.

        This is equal to the union of Network.predecessors(Object) and Network.successors(Object).

        If node is removed from the network after this method is called, the Set view returned by this method will be invalidated, and will throw IllegalStateException if it is accessed in any way, with the following exceptions:

        • view.equals(view) evaluates to true (but any other `equals()` expression involving view will throw)
        • hashCode() does not throw
        • if node is re-added to the network after having been removed, view's behavior is undefined
      • edgesConnecting

        public java.util.Set<E> edgesConnecting​(N nodeU,
                                                N nodeV)
        Description copied from interface: Network
        Returns a live view of the set of edges that each directly connect nodeU to nodeV.

        In an undirected network, this is equal to edgesConnecting(nodeV, nodeU).

        The resulting set of edges will be parallel (i.e. have equal Network.incidentNodes(Object)). If this network does not allow parallel edges, the resulting set will contain at most one edge (equivalent to edgeConnecting(nodeU, nodeV).asSet()).

        If either nodeU or nodeV are removed from the network after this method is called, the Set view returned by this method will be invalidated, and will throw IllegalStateException if it is accessed in any way, with the following exceptions:

        • view.equals(view) evaluates to true (but any other `equals()` expression involving view will throw)
        • hashCode() does not throw
        • if nodeU or nodeV are re-added to the network after having been removed, view's behavior is undefined
        Specified by:
        edgesConnecting in interface Network<N,​E>
        edgesConnecting in class AbstractNetwork<N,​E>
      • inEdges

        public java.util.Set<E> inEdges​(N node)
        Description copied from interface: Network
        Returns a live view of all edges in this network which can be traversed in the direction (if any) of the edge to end at node.

        In a directed network, an incoming edge's equals node.

        In an undirected network, this is equivalent to Network.incidentEdges(Object).

        If node is removed from the network after this method is called, the Set view returned by this method will be invalidated, and will throw IllegalStateException if it is accessed in any way, with the following exceptions:

        • view.equals(view) evaluates to true (but any other `equals()` expression involving view will throw)
        • hashCode() does not throw
        • if node is re-added to the network after having been removed, view's behavior is undefined
      • outEdges

        public java.util.Set<E> outEdges​(N node)
        Description copied from interface: Network
        Returns a live view of all edges in this network which can be traversed in the direction (if any) of the edge starting from node.

        In a directed network, an outgoing edge's EndpointPair.source() equals node.

        In an undirected network, this is equivalent to Network.incidentEdges(Object).

        If node is removed from the network after this method is called, the Set view returned by this method will be invalidated, and will throw IllegalStateException if it is accessed in any way, with the following exceptions:

        • view.equals(view) evaluates to true (but any other `equals()` expression involving view will throw)
        • hashCode() does not throw
        • if node is re-added to the network after having been removed, view's behavior is undefined
      • predecessors

        public java.util.Set<N> predecessors​(N node)
        Description copied from interface: Network
        Returns a live view of all nodes in this network adjacent to node which can be reached by traversing node's incoming edges against the direction (if any) of the edge.

        In an undirected network, this is equivalent to Network.adjacentNodes(Object).

        If node is removed from the network after this method is called, the `Set` returned by this method will be invalidated, and will throw `IllegalStateException` if it is accessed in any way.

      • successors

        public java.util.Set<N> successors​(N node)
        Description copied from interface: Network
        Returns a live view of all nodes in this network adjacent to node which can be reached by traversing node's outgoing edges in the direction (if any) of the edge.

        In an undirected network, this is equivalent to Network.adjacentNodes(Object).

        This is not the same as "all nodes reachable from node by following outgoing edges". For that functionality, see Graphs.reachableNodes(Graph, Object).

        If node is removed from the network after this method is called, the Set view returned by this method will be invalidated, and will throw IllegalStateException if it is accessed in any way, with the following exceptions:

        • view.equals(view) evaluates to true (but any other `equals()` expression involving view will throw)
        • hashCode() does not throw
        • if node is re-added to the network after having been removed, view's behavior is undefined