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Removed Methods
boolean setCount(E, int, int)  
int setCount(E, int)  

Added Methods
boolean setCount(E, extends, Object, int, int)  
int setCount(E, extends, Object, int)  

Changed Methods
int add(E, extends, Object, int) Change in signature from (E, int) to (E extends Object, int).
int count(Object) Change in signature from Object to java.lang.Object.
SortedMultiset<E> headMultiset(E, extends, Object, BoundType) Change in signature from (E, BoundType) to (E extends Object, BoundType).
int remove(Object, int) Change in signature from (Object, int) to (java.lang.Object, int).
SortedMultiset<E> tailMultiset(E, extends, Object, BoundType) Change in signature from (E, BoundType) to (E extends Object, BoundType).
TreeMultiset<E> create(Comparator<? super E>) Change in signature from Comparator to (Comparator<? super E>).
Creates a new, empty multiset, sorted according to the specified comparator.