Changed Methods |
int add(E, extends, Object, int)
Change in signature from (E, int ) to (E extends Object, int ).
int count(Object )
Change in signature from Object to java.lang.Object .
SortedMultiset<E> headMultiset(E, extends, Object, BoundType)
Change in signature from (E, BoundType ) to (E extends Object, BoundType ).
int remove(Object, int)
Change in signature from (Object, int ) to (java.lang.Object, int ).
SortedMultiset<E> tailMultiset(E, extends, Object, BoundType)
Change in signature from (E, BoundType ) to (E extends Object, BoundType ).
TreeMultiset<E> create(Comparator<? super E> )
Change in signature from Comparator to (Comparator<? super E> ).
Creates a new, empty multiset, sorted according to the specified comparator. |