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Removed Methods
NavigableSet<E> standardSubSet(E, boolean, E, boolean) A sensible definition of .subSet(Object, boolean, Object, boolean) in terms of the {@code headSet} and {@code tailSet} methods.
SortedSet<E> standardSubSet(E, E) A sensible definition of .subSet(Object, Object) in terms of the .subSet(Object, boolean, Object, boolean) method.

Added Methods
NavigableSet<E> standardSubSet(E, extends, Object, boolean, E, extends, Object, boolean) A sensible definition of .subSet(Object, boolean, Object, boolean) in terms of the {@code headSet} and {@code tailSet} methods.
SortedSet<E> standardSubSet(E, extends, Object, E, extends, Object) A sensible definition of .subSet(Object, Object) in terms of the .subSet(Object, boolean, Object, boolean) method.

Changed Methods
E extends Object ceiling(E extends Object) Change in return type from E to (E extends Object).
Change in signature from E to (E extends Object).
E extends Object floor(E extends Object) Change in return type from E to (E extends Object).
Change in signature from E to (E extends Object).
NavigableSet<E> headSet(E, extends, Object, boolean) Change in signature from (E, boolean) to (E extends Object, boolean).
E extends Object higher(E extends Object) Change in return type from E to (E extends Object).
Change in signature from E to (E extends Object).
E extends Object lower(E extends Object) Change in return type from E to (E extends Object).
Change in signature from E to (E extends Object).
E extends Object pollFirst() Change in return type from E to (E extends Object).
E extends Object pollLast() Change in return type from E to (E extends Object).
E extends Object standardCeiling(E extends Object) Change in return type from E to (E extends Object).
Change in signature from E to (E extends Object).
A sensible definition of .ceiling in terms of the {@code iterator} method of .tailSet(Object, boolean).
E extends Object standardFirst() Change in return type from E to (E extends Object).
E extends Object standardFloor(E extends Object) Change in return type from E to (E extends Object).
Change in signature from E to (E extends Object).
A sensible definition of .floor in terms of the {@code descendingIterator} method of .headSet(Object, boolean).
SortedSet<E> standardHeadSet(E extends Object) Change in signature from E to (E extends Object).
A sensible definition of .headSet(Object) in terms of the .headSet(Object, boolean) method.
E extends Object standardHigher(E extends Object) Change in return type from E to (E extends Object).
Change in signature from E to (E extends Object).
A sensible definition of .higher in terms of the {@code iterator} method of .tailSet(Object, boolean).
E extends Object standardLast() Change in return type from E to (E extends Object).
E extends Object standardLower(E extends Object) Change in return type from E to (E extends Object).
Change in signature from E to (E extends Object).
A sensible definition of .lower in terms of the {@code descendingIterator} method of .headSet(Object, boolean).
E extends Object standardPollFirst() Change in return type from E to (E extends Object).
A sensible definition of .pollFirst in terms of the {@code iterator} method.
E extends Object standardPollLast() Change in return type from E to (E extends Object).
A sensible definition of .pollLast in terms of the {@code descendingIterator} method.
SortedSet<E> standardTailSet(E extends Object) Change in signature from E to (E extends Object).
A sensible definition of .tailSet(Object) in terms of the .tailSet(Object, boolean) method.
NavigableSet<E> subSet(E, extends, Object, boolean, E, extends, Object, boolean) Change in signature from (E, boolean, E, boolean) to (E extends Object, boolean, E extends Object, boolean).
NavigableSet<E> tailSet(E, extends, Object, boolean) Change in signature from (E, boolean) to (E extends Object, boolean).