All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractCache<K,V> |
This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Cache interface to minimize the
effort required to implement this interface.
AbstractCache.SimpleStatsCounter |
AbstractCache.StatsCounter |
AbstractExecutionThreadService |
AbstractFuture<V> |
An abstract implementation of ListenableFuture , intended for advanced users only.
AbstractGraph<N> |
This class provides a skeletal implementation of Graph .
AbstractIdleService |
Base class for services that do not need a thread while "running" but may need one during startup
and shutdown.
AbstractInvocationHandler |
AbstractIterator<T> |
This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Iterator interface, to make this
interface easier to implement for certain types of data sources.
AbstractListeningExecutorService |
AbstractLoadingCache<K,V> |
This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Cache interface to minimize the
effort required to implement this interface.
AbstractNetwork<N,E> |
This class provides a skeletal implementation of Network .
AbstractScheduledService |
AbstractScheduledService.CustomScheduler |
AbstractScheduledService.CustomScheduler.Schedule |
A value object that represents an absolute delay until a task should be invoked.
AbstractScheduledService.Scheduler |
AbstractSequentialIterator<T> |
This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Iterator interface for sequences
whose next element can always be derived from the previous element.
AbstractService |
AbstractValueGraph<N,V> |
This class provides a skeletal implementation of ValueGraph .
AllowConcurrentEvents |
Marks an event subscriber method as being thread-safe.
ArrayBasedCharEscaper |
A CharEscaper that uses an array to quickly look up replacement characters for a given
char value.
ArrayBasedEscaperMap |
ArrayBasedUnicodeEscaper |
A UnicodeEscaper that uses an array to quickly look up replacement characters for a given
code point.
ArrayListMultimap<K,V> |
Implementation of Multimap that uses an ArrayList to store the values for a given
ArrayTable<R,C,V> |
Fixed-size Table implementation backed by a two-dimensional array.
Ascii |
Static methods pertaining to ASCII characters (those in the range of values 0x00 through
0x7F ), and to strings containing such characters.
AsyncCallable<V> |
Computes a value, possibly asynchronously.
AsyncEventBus |
An EventBus that takes the Executor of your choice and uses it to dispatch events,
allowing dispatch to occur asynchronously.
AsyncFunction<I,O> |
Transforms a value, possibly asynchronously.
AtomicDouble |
A double value that may be updated atomically.
AtomicDoubleArray |
A double array in which elements may be updated atomically.
AtomicLongMap<K> |
A map containing long values that can be atomically updated.
Atomics |
Static utility methods pertaining to classes in the java.util.concurrent.atomic package.
BaseEncoding |
A binary encoding scheme for reversibly translating between byte sequences and printable ASCII
BaseEncoding.DecodingException |
Exception indicating invalid base-encoded input encountered while decoding.
Beta |
Signifies that a public API (public class, method or field) is subject to incompatible changes,
or even removal, in a future release.
BigDecimalMath |
A class for arithmetic on BigDecimal that is not covered by its built-in methods.
BigIntegerMath |
A class for arithmetic on values of type BigInteger .
BiMap<K,V> |
A bimap (or "bidirectional map") is a map that preserves the uniqueness of its values as well as
that of its keys.
BloomFilter<T> |
A Bloom filter for instances of T .
Booleans |
Static utility methods pertaining to boolean primitives, that are not already found in
either Boolean or Arrays .
BoundType |
Indicates whether an endpoint of some range is contained in the range itself ("closed") or not
ByteArrayDataInput |
An extension of DataInput for reading from in-memory byte arrays; its methods offer
identical functionality but do not throw IOException .
ByteArrayDataOutput |
An extension of DataOutput for writing to in-memory byte arrays; its methods offer
identical functionality but do not throw IOException .
ByteProcessor<T> |
A callback interface to process bytes from a stream.
Bytes |
Static utility methods pertaining to byte primitives, that are not already found in
either Byte or Arrays , and interpret bytes as neither signed nor unsigned.
ByteSink |
A destination to which bytes can be written, such as a file.
ByteSource |
A readable source of bytes, such as a file.
ByteStreams |
Provides utility methods for working with byte arrays and I/O streams.
Cache<K,V> |
A semi-persistent mapping from keys to values.
CacheBuilder<K,V> |
A builder of LoadingCache and Cache instances having any combination of the
following features:
automatic loading of entries into the cache
least-recently-used eviction when a maximum size is exceeded
time-based expiration of entries, measured since last access or last write
keys automatically wrapped in WeakReference
values automatically wrapped in WeakReference or SoftReference
notification of evicted (or otherwise removed) entries
accumulation of cache access statistics
CacheBuilderSpec |
CacheLoader<K,V> |
Computes or retrieves values, based on a key, for use in populating a LoadingCache .
CacheLoader.InvalidCacheLoadException |
Thrown to indicate that an invalid response was returned from a call to CacheLoader .
CacheLoader.UnsupportedLoadingOperationException |
Exception thrown by loadAll() to indicate that it is not supported.
CacheStats |
Statistics about the performance of a Cache .
Callables |
Static utility methods pertaining to the Callable interface.
CaseFormat |
Utility class for converting between various ASCII case formats.
CharEscaper |
An object that converts literal text into a format safe for inclusion in a particular context
(such as an XML document).
CharEscaperBuilder |
Simple helper class to build a "sparse" array of objects based on the indexes that were added to
CharMatcher |
Determines a true or false value for any Java char value, just as Predicate does
for any Object .
Chars |
Static utility methods pertaining to char primitives, that are not already found in
either Character or Arrays .
Charsets |
Contains constant definitions for the six standard Charset instances, which are
guaranteed to be supported by all Java platform implementations.
CharSink |
A destination to which characters can be written, such as a text file.
CharSource |
A readable source of characters, such as a text file.
CharStreams |
Provides utility methods for working with character streams.
ClassPath |
Scans the source of a ClassLoader and finds all loadable classes and resources.
ClassPath.ClassInfo |
ClassPath.ResourceInfo |
Represents a class path resource that can be either a class file or any other resource file
loadable from the class path.
ClassToInstanceMap<B> |
A map, each entry of which maps a Java raw type to an
instance of that type.
Closeables |
Utility methods for working with Closeable objects.
Closer |
A Closeable that collects Closeable resources and closes them all when it is
ClosingFuture<V> |
A step in a pipeline of an asynchronous computation.
ClosingFuture.AsyncClosingFunction<T,U> |
ClosingFuture.ClosingCallable<V> |
An operation that computes a result.
ClosingFuture.ClosingFunction<T,U> |
A function from an input to a result.
ClosingFuture.Combiner |
A builder of a ClosingFuture step that is derived from more than one input step.
ClosingFuture.Combiner.AsyncCombiningCallable<V> |
An operation that returns a ClosingFuture result and may throw an exception.
ClosingFuture.Combiner.CombiningCallable<V> |
An operation that returns a result and may throw an exception.
ClosingFuture.Combiner2<V1,V2> |
ClosingFuture.Combiner2.AsyncClosingFunction2<V1,V2,U> |
ClosingFuture.Combiner2.ClosingFunction2<V1,V2,U> |
ClosingFuture.Combiner3<V1,V2,V3> |
ClosingFuture.Combiner3.AsyncClosingFunction3<V1,V2,V3,U> |
ClosingFuture.Combiner3.ClosingFunction3<V1,V2,V3,U> |
ClosingFuture.Combiner4<V1,V2,V3,V4> |
ClosingFuture.Combiner4.AsyncClosingFunction4<V1,V2,V3,V4,U> |
ClosingFuture.Combiner4.ClosingFunction4<V1,V2,V3,V4,U> |
ClosingFuture.Combiner5<V1,V2,V3,V4,V5> |
ClosingFuture.Combiner5.AsyncClosingFunction5<V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,U> |
ClosingFuture.Combiner5.ClosingFunction5<V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,U> |
ClosingFuture.DeferredCloser |
An object that can capture objects to be closed later, when a ClosingFuture pipeline is
ClosingFuture.Peeker |
ClosingFuture.ValueAndCloser<V> |
An object that holds the final result of an asynchronous ClosingFuture operation and
allows the user to close all the closeable objects that were captured during it for later
ClosingFuture.ValueAndCloserConsumer<V> |
Collections2 |
Provides static methods for working with Collection instances.
Comparators |
Provides static methods for working with Comparator instances.
ComparisonChain |
A utility for performing a chained comparison statement.
ComputationException |
ConcurrentHashMultiset<E> |
A multiset that supports concurrent modifications and that provides atomic versions of most
Multiset operations (exceptions where noted).
ContiguousSet<C extends Comparable> |
Converter<A,B> |
A function from A to B with an associated reverse function from B
to A ; used for converting back and forth between different representations of the same
CountingInputStream |
CountingOutputStream |
An OutputStream that counts the number of bytes written.
CycleDetectingLockFactory |
The CycleDetectingLockFactory creates ReentrantLock instances and ReentrantReadWriteLock instances that detect potential deadlock by checking for cycles in lock
acquisition order.
CycleDetectingLockFactory.Policies |
CycleDetectingLockFactory.Policy |
Encapsulates the action to be taken when a potential deadlock is encountered.
CycleDetectingLockFactory.PotentialDeadlockException |
Represents a detected cycle in lock acquisition ordering.
CycleDetectingLockFactory.WithExplicitOrdering<E extends Enum<E>> |
A CycleDetectingLockFactory.WithExplicitOrdering provides the additional enforcement of
an application-specified ordering of lock acquisitions.
DeadEvent |
Wraps an event that was posted, but which had no subscribers and thus could not be delivered.
Defaults |
This class provides default values for all Java types, as defined by the JLS.
DiscreteDomain<C extends Comparable> |
A descriptor for a discrete Comparable domain such as all Integer
DoubleMath |
A class for arithmetic on doubles that is not covered by Math .
Doubles |
Static utility methods pertaining to double primitives, that are not already found in
either Double or Arrays .
ElementOrder<T> |
Used to represent the order of elements in a data structure that supports different options for
iteration order guarantees.
ElementOrder.Type |
The type of ordering that this object specifies.
EndpointPair<N> |
An immutable pair representing the two endpoints of an edge in a graph.
EnumBiMap<K extends Enum<K>,V extends Enum<V>> |
A BiMap backed by two EnumMap instances.
EnumHashBiMap<K extends Enum<K>,V> |
A BiMap backed by an EnumMap instance for keys-to-values, and a HashMap
instance for values-to-keys.
EnumMultiset<E extends Enum<E>> |
Multiset implementation specialized for enum elements, supporting all single-element operations
in O(1).
Enums |
Utility methods for working with Enum instances.
Equivalence<T> |
A strategy for determining whether two instances are considered equivalent, and for computing
hash codes in a manner consistent with that equivalence.
Equivalence.Wrapper<T> |
Escaper |
An object that converts literal text into a format safe for inclusion in a particular context
(such as an XML document).
Escapers |
Static utility methods pertaining to Escaper instances.
Escapers.Builder |
A builder for simple, fast escapers.
EventBus |
Dispatches events to listeners, and provides ways for listeners to register themselves.
EvictingQueue<E> |
A non-blocking queue which automatically evicts elements from the head of the queue when
attempting to add new elements onto the queue and it is full.
ExecutionError |
ExecutionList |
A support class for ListenableFuture implementations to manage their listeners.
ExecutionSequencer |
Serializes execution of tasks, somewhat like an "asynchronous synchronized block." Each
enqueued callable will not be submitted to its associated executor until the
previous callable has returned -- and, if the previous callable was an AsyncCallable , not
until the Future it returned is done (successful, failed, or
FakeTimeLimiter |
A TimeLimiter implementation which actually does not attempt to limit time at all.
FileBackedOutputStream |
An OutputStream that starts buffering to a byte array, but switches to file buffering
once the data reaches a configurable size.
Files |
Provides utility methods for working with files.
FileWriteMode |
Modes for opening a file for writing.
FinalizablePhantomReference<T> |
Phantom reference with a finalizeReferent() method which a background thread invokes
after the garbage collector reclaims the referent.
FinalizableReference |
Implemented by references that have code to run after garbage collection of their referents.
FinalizableReferenceQueue |
FinalizableSoftReference<T> |
Soft reference with a finalizeReferent() method which a background thread invokes after
the garbage collector reclaims the referent.
FinalizableWeakReference<T> |
Weak reference with a finalizeReferent() method which a background thread invokes after
the garbage collector reclaims the referent.
Floats |
Static utility methods pertaining to float primitives, that are not already found in
either Float or Arrays .
FluentFuture<V> |
FluentIterable<E> |
An expanded Iterable API, providing functionality similar to Java 8's powerful streams library in a slightly different way.
Flushables |
Utility methods for working with Flushable objects.
ForwardingBlockingDeque<E> |
ForwardingBlockingDeque<E> |
A BlockingDeque which forwards all its method calls to another BlockingDeque .
ForwardingBlockingQueue<E> |
ForwardingCache<K,V> |
A cache which forwards all its method calls to another cache.
ForwardingCache.SimpleForwardingCache<K,V> |
A simplified version of ForwardingCache where subclasses can pass in an already
constructed Cache as the delegate.
ForwardingCollection<E> |
A collection which forwards all its method calls to another collection.
ForwardingConcurrentMap<K,V> |
A concurrent map which forwards all its method calls to another concurrent map.
ForwardingDeque<E> |
A deque which forwards all its method calls to another deque.
ForwardingExecutorService |
An executor service which forwards all its method calls to another executor service.
ForwardingFuture<V> |
A Future which forwards all its method calls to another future.
ForwardingFuture.SimpleForwardingFuture<V> |
A simplified version of ForwardingFuture where subclasses can pass in an already
constructed Future as the delegate.
ForwardingIterator<T> |
An iterator which forwards all its method calls to another iterator.
ForwardingList<E> |
A list which forwards all its method calls to another list.
ForwardingListenableFuture<V> |
ForwardingListenableFuture.SimpleForwardingListenableFuture<V> |
ForwardingListeningExecutorService |
A listening executor service which forwards all its method calls to another listening executor
ForwardingListIterator<E> |
A list iterator which forwards all its method calls to another list iterator.
ForwardingListMultimap<K,V> |
A list multimap which forwards all its method calls to another list multimap.
ForwardingLoadingCache<K,V> |
A cache which forwards all its method calls to another cache.
ForwardingLoadingCache.SimpleForwardingLoadingCache<K,V> |
ForwardingMap<K,V> |
A map which forwards all its method calls to another map.
ForwardingMapEntry<K,V> |
A map entry which forwards all its method calls to another map entry.
ForwardingMultimap<K,V> |
A multimap which forwards all its method calls to another multimap.
ForwardingMultiset<E> |
A multiset which forwards all its method calls to another multiset.
ForwardingNavigableMap<K,V> |
A navigable map which forwards all its method calls to another navigable map.
ForwardingNavigableSet<E> |
A navigable set which forwards all its method calls to another navigable set.
ForwardingObject |
ForwardingQueue<E> |
A queue which forwards all its method calls to another queue.
ForwardingSet<E> |
A set which forwards all its method calls to another set.
ForwardingSetMultimap<K,V> |
A set multimap which forwards all its method calls to another set multimap.
ForwardingSortedMap<K,V> |
A sorted map which forwards all its method calls to another sorted map.
ForwardingSortedMultiset<E> |
A sorted multiset which forwards all its method calls to another sorted multiset.
ForwardingSortedSet<E> |
A sorted set which forwards all its method calls to another sorted set.
ForwardingSortedSetMultimap<K,V> |
A sorted set multimap which forwards all its method calls to another sorted set multimap.
ForwardingTable<R,C,V> |
A table which forwards all its method calls to another table.
Function<F,T> |
Functions |
Static utility methods pertaining to instances; see that
class for information about migrating to java.util.function .
Funnel<T> |
An object which can send data from an object of type T into a PrimitiveSink .
Funnels |
Funnels for common types.
FutureCallback<V> |
A callback for accepting the results of a Future computation
Futures |
Static utility methods pertaining to the Future interface.
Futures.FutureCombiner<V> |
A helper to create a new ListenableFuture whose result is generated from a combination
of input futures.
Graph<N> |
An interface for graph-structured data,
whose edges are anonymous entities with no identity or information of their own.
GraphBuilder<N> |
Graphs |
GwtCompatible |
The presence of this annotation on a type indicates that the type may be used with the Google Web Toolkit (GWT).
GwtIncompatible |
The presence of this annotation on an API indicates that the method may not be used with
the Google Web Toolkit (GWT).
HashBasedTable<R,C,V> |
Implementation of Table using linked hash tables.
HashBiMap<K,V> |
A BiMap backed by two hash tables.
HashCode |
An immutable hash code of arbitrary bit length.
Hasher |
A PrimitiveSink that can compute a hash code after reading the input.
HashFunction |
A hash function is a collision-averse pure function that maps an arbitrary block of data to a
number called a hash code.
Hashing |
Static methods to obtain HashFunction instances, and other static hashing-related
HashingInputStream |
An InputStream that maintains a hash of the data read from it.
HashingOutputStream |
An OutputStream that maintains a hash of the data written to it.
HashMultimap<K,V> |
Implementation of Multimap using hash tables.
HashMultiset<E> |
Multiset implementation that uses hashing for key and entry access.
HostAndPort |
An immutable representation of a host and port.
HostSpecifier |
A syntactically valid host specifier, suitable for use in a URI.
HtmlEscapers |
Escaper instances suitable for strings to be included in HTML attribute values and
most elements' text contents.
HttpHeaders |
Contains constant definitions for the HTTP header field names.
HttpHeaders.ReferrerPolicyValues |
ImmutableBiMap<K,V> |
ImmutableBiMap.Builder<K,V> |
A builder for creating immutable bimap instances, especially public static final bimaps
("constant bimaps").
ImmutableClassToInstanceMap<B> |
ImmutableClassToInstanceMap.Builder<B> |
A builder for creating immutable class-to-instance maps.
ImmutableCollection<E> |
A Collection whose contents will never change, and which offers a few additional
guarantees detailed below.
ImmutableCollection.Builder<E> |
ImmutableDoubleArray |
An immutable array of double values, with an API resembling List .
ImmutableDoubleArray.Builder |
ImmutableGraph<N> |
A Graph whose elements and structural relationships will never change.
ImmutableGraph.Builder<N> |
A builder for creating ImmutableGraph instances, especially static final
ImmutableIntArray |
An immutable array of int values, with an API resembling List .
ImmutableIntArray.Builder |
ImmutableList<E> |
ImmutableList.Builder<E> |
A builder for creating immutable list instances, especially public static final lists
("constant lists").
ImmutableListMultimap<K,V> |
ImmutableListMultimap.Builder<K,V> |
A builder for creating immutable ListMultimap instances, especially public
static final multimaps ("constant multimaps").
ImmutableLongArray |
An immutable array of long values, with an API resembling List .
ImmutableLongArray.Builder |
ImmutableMap<K,V> |
ImmutableMap.Builder<K,V> |
A builder for creating immutable map instances, especially public static final maps
("constant maps").
ImmutableMultimap<K,V> |
ImmutableMultimap.Builder<K,V> |
A builder for creating immutable multimap instances, especially public static final
multimaps ("constant multimaps").
ImmutableMultiset<E> |
ImmutableMultiset.Builder<E> |
A builder for creating immutable multiset instances, especially public static final
multisets ("constant multisets").
ImmutableNetwork<N,E> |
A Network whose elements and structural relationships will never change.
ImmutableNetwork.Builder<N,E> |
A builder for creating ImmutableNetwork instances, especially static final
ImmutableRangeMap<K extends Comparable<?>,V> |
ImmutableRangeMap.Builder<K extends Comparable<?>,V> |
A builder for immutable range maps.
ImmutableRangeSet<C extends Comparable> |
ImmutableRangeSet.Builder<C extends Comparable<?>> |
A builder for immutable range sets.
ImmutableSet<E> |
ImmutableSet.Builder<E> |
A builder for creating ImmutableSet instances.
ImmutableSetMultimap<K,V> |
ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder<K,V> |
A builder for creating immutable SetMultimap instances, especially public static
final multimaps ("constant multimaps").
ImmutableSortedMap<K,V> |
ImmutableSortedMap.Builder<K,V> |
A builder for creating immutable sorted map instances, especially public static final
maps ("constant maps").
ImmutableSortedMultiset<E> |
ImmutableSortedMultiset.Builder<E> |
A builder for creating immutable multiset instances, especially public static final
multisets ("constant multisets").
ImmutableSortedSet<E> |
ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<E> |
A builder for creating immutable sorted set instances, especially public static final
sets ("constant sets"), with a given comparator.
ImmutableTable<R,C,V> |
ImmutableTable.Builder<R,C,V> |
A builder for creating immutable table instances, especially public static final tables
("constant tables").
ImmutableTypeToInstanceMap<B> |
ImmutableTypeToInstanceMap.Builder<B> |
A builder for creating immutable type-to-instance maps.
ImmutableValueGraph<N,V> |
A ValueGraph whose elements and structural relationships will never change.
ImmutableValueGraph.Builder<N,V> |
InetAddresses |
Static utility methods pertaining to InetAddress instances.
InetAddresses.TeredoInfo |
A simple immutable data class to encapsulate the information to be found in a Teredo address.
Interner<E> |
Interners |
Contains static methods pertaining to instances of Interner .
Interners.InternerBuilder |
InternetDomainName |
An immutable well-formed internet domain name, such as com or .
IntMath |
A class for arithmetic on values of type int .
Ints |
Static utility methods pertaining to int primitives, that are not already found in either
Integer or Arrays .
Invokable<T,R> |
Iterables |
An assortment of mainly legacy static utility methods that operate on or return objects of type
Iterable .
Iterators |
This class contains static utility methods that operate on or return objects of type Iterator .
JdkFutureAdapters |
Utilities necessary for working with libraries that supply plain Future instances.
Joiner |
An object which joins pieces of text (specified as an array, Iterable , varargs or even a
Map ) with a separator.
Joiner.MapJoiner |
An object that joins map entries in the same manner as Joiner joins iterables and
LinearTransformation |
The representation of a linear transformation between real numbers x and y .
LinearTransformation.LinearTransformationBuilder |
This is an intermediate stage in the construction process.
LineProcessor<T> |
A callback to be used with the streaming readLines methods.
LineReader |
A class for reading lines of text.
LinkedHashMultimap<K,V> |
Implementation of Multimap that does not allow duplicate key-value entries and that
returns collections whose iterators follow the ordering in which the data was added to the
LinkedHashMultiset<E> |
A Multiset implementation with predictable iteration order.
LinkedListMultimap<K,V> |
An implementation of ListMultimap that supports deterministic iteration order for both
keys and values.
ListenableFuture<V> |
A Future that accepts completion listeners.
ListenableFutureTask<V> |
ListenableScheduledFuture<V> |
ListeningExecutorService |
ListeningScheduledExecutorService |
ListMultimap<K,V> |
A Multimap that can hold duplicate key-value pairs and that maintains the insertion
ordering of values for a given key.
Lists |
Static utility methods pertaining to List instances.
LittleEndianDataInputStream |
An implementation of DataInput that uses little-endian byte ordering for reading
short , int , float , double , and long values.
LittleEndianDataOutputStream |
An implementation of DataOutput that uses little-endian byte ordering for writing
char , short , int , float , double , and long values.
LoadingCache<K,V> |
A semi-persistent mapping from keys to values.
LongMath |
A class for arithmetic on values of type long .
Longs |
Static utility methods pertaining to long primitives, that are not already found in
either Long or Arrays .
MapDifference<K,V> |
An object representing the differences between two maps.
MapDifference.ValueDifference<V> |
A difference between the mappings from two maps with the same key.
MapMaker |
A builder of ConcurrentMap instances that can have keys or values automatically wrapped
in weak references.
Maps |
Static utility methods pertaining to Map instances (including instances of SortedMap , BiMap , etc.).
Maps.EntryTransformer<K,V1,V2> |
A transformation of the value of a key-value pair, using both key and value as inputs.
MediaType |
MinMaxPriorityQueue<E> |
A double-ended priority queue, which provides constant-time access to both its least element and
its greatest element, as determined by the queue's specified comparator.
MinMaxPriorityQueue.Builder<B> |
The builder class used in creation of min-max priority queues.
Monitor |
A synchronization abstraction supporting waiting on arbitrary boolean conditions.
Monitor.Guard |
A boolean condition for which a thread may wait.
MoreExecutors |
MoreObjects |
Helper functions that operate on any Object , and are not already provided in Objects .
MoreObjects.ToStringHelper |
Multimap<K,V> |
A collection that maps keys to values, similar to Map , but in which each key may be
associated with multiple values.
MultimapBuilder<K0,V0> |
A builder for a multimap implementation that allows customization of the backing map and value
collection implementations used in a particular multimap.
MultimapBuilder.ListMultimapBuilder<K0,V0> |
MultimapBuilder.MultimapBuilderWithKeys<K0> |
An intermediate stage in a MultimapBuilder in which the key-value collection map
implementation has been specified, but the value collection implementation has not.
MultimapBuilder.SetMultimapBuilder<K0,V0> |
MultimapBuilder.SortedSetMultimapBuilder<K0,V0> |
Multimaps |
Provides static methods acting on or generating a Multimap .
Multiset<E> |
A collection that supports order-independent equality, like Set , but may have duplicate
Multiset.Entry<E> |
An unmodifiable element-count pair for a multiset.
Multisets |
Provides static utility methods for creating and working with Multiset instances.
MutableClassToInstanceMap<B> |
A mutable class-to-instance map backed by an arbitrary user-provided map.
MutableGraph<N> |
A subinterface of Graph which adds mutation methods.
MutableNetwork<N,E> |
A subinterface of Network which adds mutation methods.
MutableTypeToInstanceMap<B> |
A mutable type-to-instance map.
MutableValueGraph<N,V> |
A subinterface of ValueGraph which adds mutation methods.
Network<N,E> |
An interface for graph-structured data,
whose edges are unique objects.
NetworkBuilder<N,E> |
ObjectArrays |
Static utility methods pertaining to object arrays.
Objects |
Helper functions that can operate on any Object .
Optional<T> |
An immutable object that may contain a non-null reference to another object.
Ordering<T> |
A comparator, with additional methods to support common operations.
PairedStats |
An immutable value object capturing some basic statistics about a collection of paired double
values (e.g.
PairedStatsAccumulator |
A mutable object which accumulates paired double values (e.g.
Parameter |
Represents a method or constructor parameter.
PatternFilenameFilter |
File name filter that only accepts files matching a regular expression.
PeekingIterator<E> |
An iterator that supports a one-element lookahead while iterating.
PercentEscaper |
A UnicodeEscaper that escapes some set of Java characters using a UTF-8 based percent
encoding scheme.
Preconditions |
Static convenience methods that help a method or constructor check whether it was invoked
correctly (that is, whether its preconditions were met).
PredecessorsFunction<N> |
A functional interface for graph-structured data.
Predicate<T> |
Predicates |
Static utility methods pertaining to Predicate instances.
Primitives |
Contains static utility methods pertaining to primitive types and their corresponding wrapper
PrimitiveSink |
An object which can receive a stream of primitive values.
Quantiles |
Provides a fluent API for calculating quantiles.
Quantiles.Scale |
Describes the point in a fluent API chain where only the scale (i.e.
Quantiles.ScaleAndIndex |
Describes the point in a fluent API chain where the scale and a single quantile index (i.e.
Quantiles.ScaleAndIndexes |
Describes the point in a fluent API chain where the scale and a multiple quantile indexes (i.e.
Queues |
Static utility methods pertaining to Queue and Deque instances.
Range<C extends Comparable> |
A range (or "interval") defines the boundaries around a contiguous span of values of some
Comparable type; for example, "integers from 1 to 100 inclusive." Note that it is not
possible to iterate over these contained values.
RangeMap<K extends Comparable,V> |
A mapping from disjoint nonempty ranges to non-null values.
RangeSet<C extends Comparable> |
RateLimiter |
A rate limiter.
Reflection |
Static utilities relating to Java reflection.
RemovalCause |
The reason why a cached entry was removed.
RemovalListener<K,V> |
An object that can receive a notification when an entry is removed from a cache.
RemovalListeners |
A collection of common removal listeners.
RemovalNotification<K,V> |
A notification of the removal of a single entry.
Resources |
Provides utility methods for working with resources in the classpath.
RowSortedTable<R,C,V> |
Interface that extends Table and whose rows are sorted.
Runnables |
Static utility methods pertaining to the Runnable interface.
Service |
Service.Listener |
A listener for the various state changes that a Service goes through in its lifecycle.
Service.State |
The lifecycle states of a service.
ServiceManager |
A manager for monitoring and controlling a set of services.
ServiceManager.Listener |
A listener for the aggregate state changes of the services that are under management.
SetMultimap<K,V> |
A Multimap that cannot hold duplicate key-value pairs.
Sets |
Static utility methods pertaining to Set instances.
Sets.SetView<E> |
An unmodifiable view of a set which may be backed by other sets; this view will change as the
backing sets do.
SettableFuture<V> |
Shorts |
Static utility methods pertaining to short primitives, that are not already found in
either Short or Arrays .
SignedBytes |
Static utility methods pertaining to byte primitives that interpret values as signed.
SimpleTimeLimiter |
A TimeLimiter that runs method calls in the background using an ExecutorService .
SortedMapDifference<K,V> |
An object representing the differences between two sorted maps.
SortedMultiset<E> |
A Multiset which maintains the ordering of its elements, according to either their
natural order or an explicit Comparator .
SortedSetMultimap<K,V> |
A SetMultimap whose set of values for a given key are kept sorted; that is, they comprise
a SortedSet .
Splitter |
Extracts non-overlapping substrings from an input string, typically by recognizing appearances of
a separator sequence.
Splitter.MapSplitter |
An object that splits strings into maps as Splitter splits iterables and lists.
StandardSystemProperty |
Stats |
A bundle of statistical summary values -- sum, count, mean/average, min and max, and several
forms of variance -- that were computed from a single set of zero or more floating-point values.
StatsAccumulator |
A mutable object which accumulates double values and tracks some basic statistics over all the
values added so far.
Stopwatch |
An object that accurately measures elapsed time: the measured duration between two
successive readings of "now" in the same process.
Strings |
Static utility methods pertaining to String or CharSequence instances.
Striped<L> |
A striped Lock/Semaphore/ReadWriteLock .
Subscribe |
Marks a method as an event subscriber.
SubscriberExceptionContext |
Context for an exception thrown by a subscriber.
SubscriberExceptionHandler |
Handler for exceptions thrown by event subscribers.
SuccessorsFunction<N> |
A functional interface for graph-structured data.
Supplier<T> |
Suppliers |
Useful suppliers.
Table<R,C,V> |
A collection that associates an ordered pair of keys, called a row key and a column key, with a
single value.
Table.Cell<R,C,V> |
Row key / column key / value triplet corresponding to a mapping in a table.
Tables |
Provides static methods that involve a Table .
ThreadFactoryBuilder |
Throwables |
Static utility methods pertaining to instances of Throwable .
Ticker |
A time source; returns a time value representing the number of nanoseconds elapsed since some
fixed but arbitrary point in time.
TimeLimiter |
Imposes a time limit on method calls.
Traverser<N> |
An object that can traverse the nodes that are reachable from a specified (set of) start node(s)
using a specified SuccessorsFunction .
TreeBasedTable<R,C,V> |
Implementation of Table whose row keys and column keys are ordered by their natural
ordering or by supplied comparators.
TreeMultimap<K,V> |
Implementation of Multimap whose keys and values are ordered by their natural ordering or
by supplied comparators.
TreeMultiset<E> |
A multiset which maintains the ordering of its elements, according to either their natural order
or an explicit Comparator .
TreeRangeMap<K extends Comparable,V> |
An implementation of RangeMap based on a TreeMap , supporting all optional
TreeRangeSet<C extends Comparable<?>> |
TreeTraverser<T> |
TypeParameter<T> |
TypeResolver |
An object of this class encapsulates type mappings from type variables.
TypeToInstanceMap<B> |
A map, each entry of which maps a TypeToken to an instance of that type.
TypeToken<T> |
UncaughtExceptionHandlers |
UncheckedExecutionException |
UncheckedTimeoutException |
UnicodeEscaper |
An Escaper that converts literal text into a format safe for inclusion in a particular
context (such as an XML document).
Uninterruptibles |
Utilities for treating interruptible operations as uninterruptible.
UnmodifiableIterator<E> |
UnmodifiableListIterator<E> |
UnsignedBytes |
Static utility methods pertaining to byte primitives that interpret values as
unsigned (that is, any negative value b is treated as the positive value
256 + b ).
UnsignedInteger |
A wrapper class for unsigned int values, supporting arithmetic operations.
UnsignedInts |
Static utility methods pertaining to int primitives that interpret values as
unsigned (that is, any negative value x is treated as the positive value
2^32 + x ).
UnsignedLong |
A wrapper class for unsigned long values, supporting arithmetic operations.
UnsignedLongs |
Static utility methods pertaining to long primitives that interpret values as
unsigned (that is, any negative value x is treated as the positive value
2^64 + x ).
UrlEscapers |
Escaper instances suitable for strings to be included in particular sections of URLs.
Utf8 |
Low-level, high-performance utility methods related to the UTF-8
character encoding.
ValueGraph<N,V> |
An interface for graph-structured data,
whose edges have associated non-unique values.
ValueGraphBuilder<N,V> |
Verify |
Static convenience methods that serve the same purpose as Java language assertions,
except that they are always enabled.
VerifyException |
Exception thrown upon the failure of a verification check,
including those performed by the convenience methods of the Verify class.
VisibleForTesting |
Annotates a program element that exists, or is more widely visible than otherwise necessary, only
for use in test code.
Weigher<K,V> |
Calculates the weights of cache entries.
XmlEscapers |
Escaper instances suitable for strings to be included in XML attribute values and
elements' text contents.