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Removed Methods
RateLimiter create(double, Duration) Creates a {@code RateLimiter} with the specified stable throughput, given as "permits per second" (commonly referred to as QPS, queries per second), and a warmup period, during which the {@code RateLimiter} smoothly ramps up its rate, until it reaches its maximum rate at the end of the period (as long as there are enough requests to saturate it).
boolean tryAcquire(int, Duration) Acquires the given number of permits from this {@code RateLimiter} if it can be obtained without exceeding the specified {@code timeout}, or returns {@code false} immediately (without waiting) if the permits would not have been granted before the timeout expired.
boolean tryAcquire(Duration) Acquires a permit from this {@code RateLimiter} if it can be obtained without exceeding the specified {@code timeout}, or returns {@code false} immediately (without waiting) if the permit would not have been granted before the timeout expired.