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Changed Methods
boolean containsKey(Object) Change in signature from Object to java.lang.Object.
boolean containsValue(Object) Change in signature from Object to java.lang.Object.
boolean equals(Object) Change in signature from Object to java.lang.Object.
V get(Object) Change in signature from Object to java.lang.Object.
boolean standardContainsKey(Object) Change in signature from Object to java.lang.Object.
A sensible, albeit inefficient, definition of .containsKey in terms of the {@code iterator} method of .entrySet.
boolean standardContainsValue(Object) Change in signature from Object to java.lang.Object.
A sensible definition of .containsValue in terms of the {@code iterator} method of .entrySet.
boolean standardEquals(Object) Change in signature from Object to java.lang.Object.
A sensible definition of .equals in terms of the {@code equals} method of .entrySet.
V standardRemove(Object) Change in signature from Object to java.lang.Object.
A sensible, albeit inefficient, definition of .remove in terms of the {@code iterator} method of .entrySet.