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Removed Classes
BinaryTreeTraverser A variant of TreeTraverser for binary trees, providing additional traversals specific to binary trees.

Changed Classes
ConcurrentHashMultiset A multiset that supports concurrent modifications and that provides atomic versions of most {@code Multiset} operations (exceptions where noted).
EnumMultiset Multiset implementation specialized for enum elements, supporting all single-element operations in O(1).
ForwardingMultiset.StandardElementSet A sensible implementation of Multiset.elementSet in terms of the following methods: ForwardingMultiset.clear, ForwardingMultiset.contains, ForwardingMultiset.containsAll, ForwardingMultiset.count, ForwardingMultiset.isEmpty, the Set.size and Set.iterator methods of ForwardingMultiset.entrySet, and ForwardingMultiset.remove(Object, int).
HashMultiset Multiset implementation that uses hashing for key and entry access.
TreeMultiset A multiset which maintains the ordering of its elements, according to either their natural order or an explicit Comparator.