Package | Description |
---|---| |
This package contains generic collection interfaces and implementations, and
other utilities for working with collections.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <C extends Comparable<?>> |
Returns a range that contains every value of type
C . |
static <C extends Comparable<?>> |
Range.atLeast(C endpoint)
Returns a range that contains all values greater than or equal to
endpoint . |
static <C extends Comparable<?>> |
Range.atMost(C endpoint)
Returns a range that contains all values less than or equal to
endpoint . |
Range<C> |
Range.canonical(DiscreteDomain<C> domain)
Returns the canonical form of this range in the given domain.
static <C extends Comparable<?>> |
Range.closed(C lower,
C upper)
Returns a range that contains all values greater than or equal to
lower and less than or equal to upper . |
static <C extends Comparable<?>> |
Range.closedOpen(C lower,
C upper)
Returns a range that contains all values greater than or equal to
lower and strictly less than upper . |
static <C extends Comparable<?>> |
Range.downTo(C endpoint,
BoundType boundType)
Returns a range from the given endpoint, which may be either inclusive
(closed) or exclusive (open), with no upper bound.
static <C extends Comparable<?>> |
Range.encloseAll(Iterable<C> values)
Returns the minimal range that
contains all of the given values.
static <C extends Comparable<?>> |
Range.greaterThan(C endpoint)
Returns a range that contains all values strictly greater than
endpoint . |
Range<C> |
Range.intersection(Range<C> connectedRange)
Returns the maximal range enclosed by both this range and
connectedRange , if such a range exists. |
static <C extends Comparable<?>> |
Range.lessThan(C endpoint)
Returns a range that contains all values strictly less than
endpoint . |
static <C extends Comparable<?>> | lower,
C upper)
Returns a range that contains all values strictly greater than
lower and strictly less than upper . |
static <C extends Comparable<?>> |
Range.openClosed(C lower,
C upper)
Returns a range that contains all values strictly greater than
lower and less than or equal to upper . |
abstract Range<C> |
Returns a range, closed on both ends, whose endpoints are the minimum and maximum values
contained in this set.
abstract Range<C> |
ContiguousSet.range(BoundType lowerBoundType,
BoundType upperBoundType)
Returns the minimal range with the given boundary types for which all values in this set are
contained within the range.
static <C extends Comparable<?>> |
Range.range(C lower,
BoundType lowerType,
C upper,
BoundType upperType)
Returns a range that contains any value from
lower to upper , where each endpoint may be either inclusive (closed) or exclusive
(open). |
Range<C> |
ImmutableRangeSet.rangeContaining(C value) |
Range<C> |
TreeRangeSet.rangeContaining(C value) |
Range<C> |
RangeSet.rangeContaining(C value)
Returns the unique range from this range set that contains
value , or null if this range set does not contain value . |
static <C extends Comparable<?>> |
Range.singleton(C value)
Returns a range that contains only
the given value.
Range<K> |
Returns the minimal range enclosing the ranges
in this
RangeMap . |
Range<K> |
ImmutableRangeMap.span() |
Range<C> |
ImmutableRangeSet.span() |
Range<C> |
TreeRangeSet.span() |
Range<K> |
TreeRangeMap.span() |
Range<C> |
Returns the minimal range which encloses all ranges
in this range set.
Range<C> |
Range.span(Range<C> other)
Returns the minimal range that encloses both this range and
other . |
static <C extends Comparable<?>> |
Range.upTo(C endpoint,
BoundType boundType)
Returns a range with no lower bound up to the given endpoint, which may be
either inclusive (closed) or exclusive (open).
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<Range<K>,V> |
Returns a view of this range map as an unmodifiable
Map<Range<K>, V> . |
ImmutableMap<Range<K>,V> |
ImmutableRangeMap.asDescendingMapOfRanges() |
Map<Range<K>,V> |
TreeRangeMap.asDescendingMapOfRanges() |
ImmutableSet<Range<C>> |
ImmutableRangeSet.asDescendingSetOfRanges() |
Set<Range<C>> |
TreeRangeSet.asDescendingSetOfRanges() |
Set<Range<C>> |
Returns a descending view of the disconnected ranges that
make up this range set.
Map<Range<K>,V> |
Returns a view of this range map as an unmodifiable
Map<Range<K>, V> . |
ImmutableMap<Range<K>,V> |
ImmutableRangeMap.asMapOfRanges() |
Map<Range<K>,V> |
TreeRangeMap.asMapOfRanges() |
ImmutableSet<Range<C>> |
ImmutableRangeSet.asRanges() |
Set<Range<C>> |
TreeRangeSet.asRanges() |
Set<Range<C>> |
Returns a view of the disconnected ranges that make up this
range set.
Map.Entry<Range<K>,V> |
RangeMap.getEntry(K key)
Returns the range containing this key and its associated value, if such a range is present
in the range map, or
null otherwise. |
Map.Entry<Range<K>,V> |
ImmutableRangeMap.getEntry(K key) |
Map.Entry<Range<K>,V> |
TreeRangeMap.getEntry(K key) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ImmutableRangeSet.add(Range<C> range)
Unsupported operation.
ImmutableRangeSet.Builder<C> |
ImmutableRangeSet.Builder.add(Range<C> range)
Add the specified range to this builder.
void |
TreeRangeSet.add(Range<C> rangeToAdd) |
void |
RangeSet.add(Range<C> range)
Adds the specified range to this
RangeSet (optional operation). |
static <C extends Comparable> |
ContiguousSet.create(Range<C> range,
DiscreteDomain<C> domain)
Returns a
ContiguousSet containing the same values in the given domain
contained by the range. |
boolean |
Range.encloses(Range<C> other)
true if the bounds of other do not extend outside the bounds of this
range. |
boolean |
ImmutableRangeSet.encloses(Range<C> otherRange) |
boolean |
TreeRangeSet.encloses(Range<C> range) |
boolean |
RangeSet.encloses(Range<C> otherRange)
true if there exists a member range in this range set which
encloses the specified range. |
Range<C> |
Range.intersection(Range<C> connectedRange)
Returns the maximal range enclosed by both this range and
connectedRange , if such a range exists. |
boolean |
ImmutableRangeSet.intersects(Range<C> otherRange) |
boolean |
TreeRangeSet.intersects(Range<C> range) |
boolean |
RangeSet.intersects(Range<C> otherRange)
true if there exists a non-empty range enclosed by both a member range in this
range set and the specified range. |
boolean |
Range.isConnected(Range<C> other)
true if there exists a (possibly empty) range which is enclosed by both this range and other . |
static <C extends Comparable> |
ImmutableRangeSet.of(Range<C> range)
Returns an immutable range set containing the specified single range.
static <K extends Comparable<?>,V> |
ImmutableRangeMap.of(Range<K> range,
V value)
Returns an immutable range map mapping a single range to a single value.
void |
RangeMap.put(Range<K> range,
V value)
Maps a range to a specified value (optional operation).
void |
ImmutableRangeMap.put(Range<K> range,
V value)
Unsupported operation.
ImmutableRangeMap.Builder<K,V> |
ImmutableRangeMap.Builder.put(Range<K> range,
V value)
Associates the specified range with the specified value.
void |
TreeRangeMap.put(Range<K> range,
V value) |
void |
RangeMap.putCoalescing(Range<K> range,
V value)
Maps a range to a specified value, coalescing this range with any existing ranges with the same
value that are connected to this range.
void |
ImmutableRangeMap.putCoalescing(Range<K> range,
V value)
Unsupported operation.
void |
TreeRangeMap.putCoalescing(Range<K> range,
V value) |
void |
ImmutableRangeSet.remove(Range<C> range)
Unsupported operation.
void |
TreeRangeSet.remove(Range<C> rangeToRemove) |
void |
RangeSet.remove(Range<C> range)
Removes the specified range from this
RangeSet (optional operation). |
void |
RangeMap.remove(Range<K> range)
Removes all associations from this range map in the specified range (optional operation).
void |
ImmutableRangeMap.remove(Range<K> range)
Unsupported operation.
void |
TreeRangeMap.remove(Range<K> rangeToRemove) |
Range<C> |
Range.span(Range<C> other)
Returns the minimal range that encloses both this range and
other . |
static <K extends Comparable<? super K>,V> |
Maps.subMap(NavigableMap<K,V> map,
Range<K> range)
Returns a view of the portion of
map whose keys are contained by range . |
RangeMap<K,V> |
RangeMap.subRangeMap(Range<K> range)
Returns a view of the part of this range map that intersects with
range . |
ImmutableRangeMap<K,V> |
ImmutableRangeMap.subRangeMap(Range<K> range) |
RangeMap<K,V> |
TreeRangeMap.subRangeMap(Range<K> subRange) |
ImmutableRangeSet<C> |
ImmutableRangeSet.subRangeSet(Range<C> range)
Returns a view of the intersection of this range set with the given range.
RangeSet<C> |
TreeRangeSet.subRangeSet(Range<C> view) |
RangeSet<C> |
RangeSet.subRangeSet(Range<C> view)
Returns a view of the intersection of this
RangeSet with the specified range. |
static <K extends Comparable<? super K>> |
Sets.subSet(NavigableSet<K> set,
Range<K> range)
Returns a view of the portion of
set whose elements are contained by range . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ImmutableRangeSet.addAll(Iterable<Range<C>> other)
Unsupported operation.
ImmutableRangeSet.Builder<C> |
ImmutableRangeSet.Builder.addAll(Iterable<Range<C>> ranges)
Add all of the specified ranges to this builder.
void |
RangeSet.addAll(Iterable<Range<C>> ranges)
Adds all of the specified ranges to this range set (optional operation).
static <C extends Comparable<?>> |
ImmutableRangeSet.copyOf(Iterable<Range<C>> ranges)
Returns an
ImmutableRangeSet containing each of the specified disjoint ranges. |
static <C extends Comparable<?>> |
TreeRangeSet.create(Iterable<Range<C>> ranges)
Returns a
TreeRangeSet representing the union of the specified ranges. |
boolean |
RangeSet.enclosesAll(Iterable<Range<C>> other)
true if for each range in other there exists a member range in this
range set which encloses it. |
void |
ImmutableRangeSet.removeAll(Iterable<Range<C>> other)
Unsupported operation.
void |
RangeSet.removeAll(Iterable<Range<C>> ranges)
Removes all of the specified ranges from this range set (optional operation).
static <C extends Comparable<?>> |
ImmutableRangeSet.unionOf(Iterable<Range<C>> ranges)
Returns an
ImmutableRangeSet representing the union of the specified ranges. |
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