Uses of Interface

Packages that use Hasher Hash functions and related structures. 

Uses of Hasher in

Methods in that return Hasher
 Hasher HashFunction.newHasher()
          Begins a new hash code computation by returning an initialized, stateful Hasher instance that is ready to receive data.
 Hasher HashFunction.newHasher(int expectedInputSize)
          Begins a new hash code computation as HashFunction.newHasher(), but provides a hint of the expected size of the input (in bytes).
 Hasher Hasher.putBoolean(boolean b)
          Equivalent to putByte(b ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0).
 Hasher Hasher.putByte(byte b)
 Hasher Hasher.putBytes(byte[] bytes)
 Hasher Hasher.putBytes(byte[] bytes, int off, int len)
 Hasher Hasher.putChar(char c)
 Hasher Hasher.putDouble(double d)
          Equivalent to putLong(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d)).
 Hasher Hasher.putFloat(float f)
          Equivalent to putInt(Float.floatToRawIntBits(f)).
 Hasher Hasher.putInt(int i)
 Hasher Hasher.putLong(long l)
<T> Hasher
Hasher.putObject(T instance, Funnel<? super T> funnel)
          A simple convenience for funnel.funnel(object, this).
 Hasher Hasher.putShort(short s)
 Hasher Hasher.putString(CharSequence charSequence)
          Equivalent to processing each char value in the CharSequence, in order.
 Hasher Hasher.putString(CharSequence charSequence, Charset charset)
          Equivalent to putBytes(charSequence.toString().getBytes(charset)).

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