Uses of Class

Packages that use BoundType This package contains generic collection interfaces and implementations, and other utilities for working with collections. 

Uses of BoundType in

Methods in that return BoundType
 BoundType Range.lowerBoundType()
          Returns the type of this range's lower bound: CLOSED if the range includes its lower endpoint, OPEN if it does not.
 BoundType Range.upperBoundType()
          Returns the type of this range's upper bound: CLOSED if the range includes its upper endpoint, OPEN if it does not.
static BoundType BoundType.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static BoundType[] BoundType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in with parameters of type BoundType
<C extends Comparable<?>>
Ranges.downTo(C endpoint, BoundType boundType)
          Returns a range from the given endpoint, which may be either inclusive (closed) or exclusive (open), with no upper bound.
 SortedMultiset<E> TreeMultiset.headMultiset(E upperBound, BoundType boundType)
abstract  ImmutableSortedMultiset<E> ImmutableSortedMultiset.headMultiset(E upperBound, BoundType boundType)
 SortedMultiset<E> SortedMultiset.headMultiset(E upperBound, BoundType boundType)
          Returns a view of this multiset restricted to the elements less than upperBound, optionally including upperBound itself.
abstract  Range<C> ContiguousSet.range(BoundType lowerBoundType, BoundType upperBoundType)
          Returns the minimal range with the given boundary types for which all values in this set are contained within the range.
<C extends Comparable<?>>
Ranges.range(C lower, BoundType lowerType, C upper, BoundType upperType)
          Returns a range that contains any value from lower to upper, where each endpoint may be either inclusive (closed) or exclusive (open).
 ImmutableSortedMultiset<E> ImmutableSortedMultiset.subMultiset(E lowerBound, BoundType lowerBoundType, E upperBound, BoundType upperBoundType)
 SortedMultiset<E> SortedMultiset.subMultiset(E lowerBound, BoundType lowerBoundType, E upperBound, BoundType upperBoundType)
          Returns a view of this multiset restricted to the range between lowerBound and upperBound.
 SortedMultiset<E> TreeMultiset.tailMultiset(E lowerBound, BoundType boundType)
abstract  ImmutableSortedMultiset<E> ImmutableSortedMultiset.tailMultiset(E lowerBound, BoundType boundType)
 SortedMultiset<E> SortedMultiset.tailMultiset(E lowerBound, BoundType boundType)
          Returns a view of this multiset restricted to the elements greater than lowerBound, optionally including lowerBound itself.
<C extends Comparable<?>>
Ranges.upTo(C endpoint, BoundType boundType)
          Returns a range with no lower bound up to the given endpoint, which may be either inclusive (closed) or exclusive (open).

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