Uses of Class

Packages that use CharMatcher Basic utility libraries and interfaces. 

Uses of CharMatcher in

Fields in declared as CharMatcher
static CharMatcher CharMatcher.ANY
          Matches any character.
static CharMatcher CharMatcher.ASCII
          Determines whether a character is ASCII, meaning that its code point is less than 128.
static CharMatcher CharMatcher.BREAKING_WHITESPACE
          Determines whether a character is a breaking whitespace (that is, a whitespace which can be interpreted as a break between words for formatting purposes).
static CharMatcher CharMatcher.DIGIT
          Determines whether a character is a digit according to Unicode.
static CharMatcher CharMatcher.INVISIBLE
          Determines whether a character is invisible; that is, if its Unicode category is any of SPACE_SEPARATOR, LINE_SEPARATOR, PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR, CONTROL, FORMAT, SURROGATE, and PRIVATE_USE according to ICU4J.
static CharMatcher CharMatcher.JAVA_DIGIT
          Determines whether a character is a digit according to Java's definition.
static CharMatcher CharMatcher.JAVA_ISO_CONTROL
          Determines whether a character is an ISO control character as specified by Character.isISOControl(char).
static CharMatcher CharMatcher.JAVA_LETTER
          Determines whether a character is a letter according to Java's definition.
static CharMatcher CharMatcher.JAVA_LETTER_OR_DIGIT
          Determines whether a character is a letter or digit according to Java's definition.
static CharMatcher CharMatcher.JAVA_LOWER_CASE
          Determines whether a character is lower case according to Java's definition.
static CharMatcher CharMatcher.JAVA_UPPER_CASE
          Determines whether a character is upper case according to Java's definition.
static CharMatcher CharMatcher.NONE
          Matches no characters.
static CharMatcher CharMatcher.SINGLE_WIDTH
          Determines whether a character is single-width (not double-width).
static CharMatcher CharMatcher.WHITESPACE
          Determines whether a character is whitespace according to the latest Unicode standard, as illustrated here.

Methods in that return CharMatcher
 CharMatcher CharMatcher.and(CharMatcher other)
          Returns a matcher that matches any character matched by both this matcher and other.
static CharMatcher CharMatcher.anyOf(CharSequence sequence)
          Returns a char matcher that matches any character present in the given character sequence.
static CharMatcher CharMatcher.forPredicate(Predicate<? super Character> predicate)
          Returns a matcher with identical behavior to the given Character-based predicate, but which operates on primitive char instances instead.
static CharMatcher CharMatcher.inRange(char startInclusive, char endInclusive)
          Returns a char matcher that matches any character in a given range (both endpoints are inclusive).
static CharMatcher match)
          Returns a char matcher that matches only one specified character.
static CharMatcher CharMatcher.isNot(char match)
          Returns a char matcher that matches any character except the one specified.
 CharMatcher CharMatcher.negate()
          Returns a matcher that matches any character not matched by this matcher.
static CharMatcher CharMatcher.noneOf(CharSequence sequence)
          Returns a char matcher that matches any character not present in the given character sequence.
 CharMatcher CharMatcher.or(CharMatcher other)
          Returns a matcher that matches any character matched by either this matcher or other.
 CharMatcher CharMatcher.precomputed()
          Returns a char matcher functionally equivalent to this one, but which may be faster to query than the original; your mileage may vary.

Methods in with parameters of type CharMatcher
 CharMatcher CharMatcher.and(CharMatcher other)
          Returns a matcher that matches any character matched by both this matcher and other.
static Splitter Splitter.on(CharMatcher separatorMatcher)
          Returns a splitter that considers any single character matched by the given CharMatcher to be a separator.
 CharMatcher CharMatcher.or(CharMatcher other)
          Returns a matcher that matches any character matched by either this matcher or other.
 Splitter Splitter.trimResults(CharMatcher trimmer)
          Returns a splitter that behaves equivalently to this splitter, but removes all leading or trailing characters matching the given CharMatcher from each returned substring.

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