Uses of Class

Packages that use UnsignedInteger Static utilities for working with the eight primitive types and void

Uses of UnsignedInteger in

Fields in declared as UnsignedInteger
static UnsignedInteger UnsignedInteger.MAX_VALUE
static UnsignedInteger UnsignedInteger.ONE
static UnsignedInteger UnsignedInteger.ZERO

Methods in that return UnsignedInteger
 UnsignedInteger UnsignedInteger.add(UnsignedInteger val)
          Returns the result of adding this and val.
static UnsignedInteger UnsignedInteger.asUnsigned(int value)
          Returns an UnsignedInteger that, when treated as signed, is equal to value.
 UnsignedInteger UnsignedInteger.divide(UnsignedInteger val)
          Returns the result of dividing this by val.
 UnsignedInteger UnsignedInteger.multiply(UnsignedInteger val)
          Returns the result of multiplying this and val.
 UnsignedInteger UnsignedInteger.remainder(UnsignedInteger val)
          Returns the remainder of dividing this by val.
 UnsignedInteger UnsignedInteger.subtract(UnsignedInteger val)
          Returns the result of subtracting this and val.
static UnsignedInteger UnsignedInteger.valueOf(BigInteger value)
          Returns a UnsignedInteger representing the same value as the specified BigInteger.
static UnsignedInteger UnsignedInteger.valueOf(long value)
          Returns an UnsignedInteger that is equal to value, if possible.
static UnsignedInteger UnsignedInteger.valueOf(String string)
          Returns an UnsignedInteger holding the value of the specified String, parsed as an unsigned int value.
static UnsignedInteger UnsignedInteger.valueOf(String string, int radix)
          Returns an UnsignedInteger holding the value of the specified String, parsed as an unsigned int value in the specified radix.

Methods in with parameters of type UnsignedInteger
 UnsignedInteger UnsignedInteger.add(UnsignedInteger val)
          Returns the result of adding this and val.
 int UnsignedInteger.compareTo(UnsignedInteger other)
          Compares this unsigned integer to another unsigned integer.
 UnsignedInteger UnsignedInteger.divide(UnsignedInteger val)
          Returns the result of dividing this by val.
 UnsignedInteger UnsignedInteger.multiply(UnsignedInteger val)
          Returns the result of multiplying this and val.
 UnsignedInteger UnsignedInteger.remainder(UnsignedInteger val)
          Returns the remainder of dividing this by val.
 UnsignedInteger UnsignedInteger.subtract(UnsignedInteger val)
          Returns the result of subtracting this and val.

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