Uses of Class
Collection interfaces and implementations, and other utilities for collections.
Concurrency utilities.
Uses of ImmutableSetMultimap in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionImmutableMap.asMultimap()
Returns a multimap view of the
Returns a newly-created immutable set multimap.static <K,
V> ImmutableSetMultimap <K, V> Returns an immutable set multimap containing the same mappings asmultimap
.static <K,
V> ImmutableSetMultimap <K, V> Returns an immutable multimap containing the specified entries.ImmutableSetMultimap.inverse()
Returns an immutable multimap which is the inverse of this one.static <K,
V> ImmutableSetMultimap <K, V> ImmutableSetMultimap.of()
Returns the empty multimap.static <K,
V> ImmutableSetMultimap <K, V> ImmutableSetMultimap.of
(K k1, V v1) Returns an immutable multimap containing a single entry.static <K,
V> ImmutableSetMultimap <K, V> ImmutableSetMultimap.of
(K k1, V v1, K k2, V v2) Returns an immutable multimap containing the given entries, in order.static <K,
V> ImmutableSetMultimap <K, V> ImmutableSetMultimap.of
(K k1, V v1, K k2, V v2, K k3, V v3) Returns an immutable multimap containing the given entries, in order.static <K,
V> ImmutableSetMultimap <K, V> ImmutableSetMultimap.of
(K k1, V v1, K k2, V v2, K k3, V v3, K k4, V v4) Returns an immutable multimap containing the given entries, in order.static <K,
V> ImmutableSetMultimap <K, V> ImmutableSetMultimap.of
(K k1, V v1, K k2, V v2, K k3, V v3, K k4, V v4, K k5, V v5) Returns an immutable multimap containing the given entries, in order.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T extends @Nullable Object,
K, V>
Collector<T, ?, ImmutableSetMultimap<K, V>> ImmutableSetMultimap.flatteningToImmutableSetMultimap
(Function<? super T, ? extends K> keyFunction, Function<? super T, ? extends Stream<? extends V>> valuesFunction) Returns aCollector
accumulating entries into anImmutableSetMultimap
.static <T extends @Nullable Object,
K, V>
Collector<T, ?, ImmutableSetMultimap<K, V>> ImmutableSetMultimap.toImmutableSetMultimap
(Function<? super T, ? extends K> keyFunction, Function<? super T, ? extends V> valueFunction) Returns aCollector
that accumulates elements into anImmutableSetMultimap
whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <K,
V> SetMultimap <K, V> Multimaps.unmodifiableSetMultimap
(ImmutableSetMultimap<K, V> delegate) need to use this -
Uses of ImmutableSetMultimap in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionServiceManager.servicesByState()
Provides a snapshot of the current state of all the services under management.