002 * Copyright (C) 2011 The Guava Authors
003 *
004 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
005 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
006 *
007 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
008 *
009 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
010 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
011 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
012 * the License.
013 */
015package com.google.common.net;
017import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
018import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
019import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;
021import com.google.common.annotations.GwtCompatible;
022import com.google.common.base.CharMatcher;
023import com.google.common.base.Objects;
024import com.google.common.base.Strings;
025import com.google.errorprone.annotations.CanIgnoreReturnValue;
026import com.google.errorprone.annotations.Immutable;
027import java.io.Serializable;
028import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
031 * An immutable representation of a host and port.
032 *
033 * <p>Example usage:
034 *
035 * <pre>
036 * HostAndPort hp = HostAndPort.fromString("[2001:db8::1]")
037 *     .withDefaultPort(80)
038 *     .requireBracketsForIPv6();
039 * hp.getHost();   // returns "2001:db8::1"
040 * hp.getPort();   // returns 80
041 * hp.toString();  // returns "[2001:db8::1]:80"
042 * </pre>
043 *
044 * <p>Here are some examples of recognized formats:
045 *
046 * <ul>
047 *   <li>example.com
048 *   <li>example.com:80
049 *   <li>
050 *   <li>
051 *   <li>[2001:db8::1] - {@link #getHost()} omits brackets
052 *   <li>[2001:db8::1]:80 - {@link #getHost()} omits brackets
053 *   <li>2001:db8::1 - Use {@link #requireBracketsForIPv6()} to prohibit this
054 * </ul>
055 *
056 * <p>Note that this is not an exhaustive list, because these methods are only concerned with
057 * brackets, colons, and port numbers. Full validation of the host field (if desired) is the
058 * caller's responsibility.
059 *
060 * @author Paul Marks
061 * @since 10.0
062 */
065public final class HostAndPort implements Serializable {
066  /** Magic value indicating the absence of a port number. */
067  private static final int NO_PORT = -1;
069  /** Hostname, IPv4/IPv6 literal, or unvalidated nonsense. */
070  private final String host;
072  /** Validated port number in the range [0..65535], or NO_PORT */
073  private final int port;
075  /** True if the parsed host has colons, but no surrounding brackets. */
076  private final boolean hasBracketlessColons;
078  private HostAndPort(String host, int port, boolean hasBracketlessColons) {
079    this.host = host;
080    this.port = port;
081    this.hasBracketlessColons = hasBracketlessColons;
082  }
084  /**
085   * Returns the portion of this {@code HostAndPort} instance that should represent the hostname or
086   * IPv4/IPv6 literal.
087   *
088   * <p>A successful parse does not imply any degree of sanity in this field. For additional
089   * validation, see the {@link HostSpecifier} class.
090   *
091   * @since 20.0 (since 10.0 as {@code getHostText})
092   */
093  public String getHost() {
094    return host;
095  }
097  /** Return true if this instance has a defined port. */
098  public boolean hasPort() {
099    return port >= 0;
100  }
102  /**
103   * Get the current port number, failing if no port is defined.
104   *
105   * @return a validated port number, in the range [0..65535]
106   * @throws IllegalStateException if no port is defined. You can use {@link #withDefaultPort(int)}
107   *     to prevent this from occurring.
108   */
109  public int getPort() {
110    checkState(hasPort());
111    return port;
112  }
114  /** Returns the current port number, with a default if no port is defined. */
115  public int getPortOrDefault(int defaultPort) {
116    return hasPort() ? port : defaultPort;
117  }
119  /**
120   * Build a HostAndPort instance from separate host and port values.
121   *
122   * <p>Note: Non-bracketed IPv6 literals are allowed. Use {@link #requireBracketsForIPv6()} to
123   * prohibit these.
124   *
125   * @param host the host string to parse. Must not contain a port number.
126   * @param port a port number from [0..65535]
127   * @return if parsing was successful, a populated HostAndPort object.
128   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code host} contains a port number, or {@code port} is out
129   *     of range.
130   */
131  public static HostAndPort fromParts(String host, int port) {
132    checkArgument(isValidPort(port), "Port out of range: %s", port);
133    HostAndPort parsedHost = fromString(host);
134    checkArgument(!parsedHost.hasPort(), "Host has a port: %s", host);
135    return new HostAndPort(parsedHost.host, port, parsedHost.hasBracketlessColons);
136  }
138  /**
139   * Build a HostAndPort instance from a host only.
140   *
141   * <p>Note: Non-bracketed IPv6 literals are allowed. Use {@link #requireBracketsForIPv6()} to
142   * prohibit these.
143   *
144   * @param host the host-only string to parse. Must not contain a port number.
145   * @return if parsing was successful, a populated HostAndPort object.
146   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code host} contains a port number.
147   * @since 17.0
148   */
149  public static HostAndPort fromHost(String host) {
150    HostAndPort parsedHost = fromString(host);
151    checkArgument(!parsedHost.hasPort(), "Host has a port: %s", host);
152    return parsedHost;
153  }
155  /**
156   * Split a freeform string into a host and port, without strict validation.
157   *
158   * <p>Note that the host-only formats will leave the port field undefined. You can use {@link
159   * #withDefaultPort(int)} to patch in a default value.
160   *
161   * @param hostPortString the input string to parse.
162   * @return if parsing was successful, a populated HostAndPort object.
163   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if nothing meaningful could be parsed.
164   */
165  @CanIgnoreReturnValue // TODO(b/219820829): consider removing
166  public static HostAndPort fromString(String hostPortString) {
167    checkNotNull(hostPortString);
168    String host;
169    String portString = null;
170    boolean hasBracketlessColons = false;
172    if (hostPortString.startsWith("[")) {
173      String[] hostAndPort = getHostAndPortFromBracketedHost(hostPortString);
174      host = hostAndPort[0];
175      portString = hostAndPort[1];
176    } else {
177      int colonPos = hostPortString.indexOf(':');
178      if (colonPos >= 0 && hostPortString.indexOf(':', colonPos + 1) == -1) {
179        // Exactly 1 colon. Split into host:port.
180        host = hostPortString.substring(0, colonPos);
181        portString = hostPortString.substring(colonPos + 1);
182      } else {
183        // 0 or 2+ colons. Bare hostname or IPv6 literal.
184        host = hostPortString;
185        hasBracketlessColons = (colonPos >= 0);
186      }
187    }
189    int port = NO_PORT;
190    if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(portString)) {
191      // Try to parse the whole port string as a number.
192      // Java accepts leading plus signs. We don't want to.
193      checkArgument(
194          !portString.startsWith("+") && CharMatcher.ascii().matchesAllOf(portString),
195          "Unparseable port number: %s",
196          hostPortString);
197      try {
198        port = Integer.parseInt(portString);
199      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
200        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unparseable port number: " + hostPortString);
201      }
202      checkArgument(isValidPort(port), "Port number out of range: %s", hostPortString);
203    }
205    return new HostAndPort(host, port, hasBracketlessColons);
206  }
208  /**
209   * Parses a bracketed host-port string, throwing IllegalArgumentException if parsing fails.
210   *
211   * @param hostPortString the full bracketed host-port specification. Port might not be specified.
212   * @return an array with 2 strings: host and port, in that order.
213   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if parsing the bracketed host-port string fails.
214   */
215  private static String[] getHostAndPortFromBracketedHost(String hostPortString) {
216    checkArgument(
217        hostPortString.charAt(0) == '[',
218        "Bracketed host-port string must start with a bracket: %s",
219        hostPortString);
220    int colonIndex = hostPortString.indexOf(':');
221    int closeBracketIndex = hostPortString.lastIndexOf(']');
222    checkArgument(
223        colonIndex > -1 && closeBracketIndex > colonIndex,
224        "Invalid bracketed host/port: %s",
225        hostPortString);
227    String host = hostPortString.substring(1, closeBracketIndex);
228    if (closeBracketIndex + 1 == hostPortString.length()) {
229      return new String[] {host, ""};
230    } else {
231      checkArgument(
232          hostPortString.charAt(closeBracketIndex + 1) == ':',
233          "Only a colon may follow a close bracket: %s",
234          hostPortString);
235      for (int i = closeBracketIndex + 2; i < hostPortString.length(); ++i) {
236        checkArgument(
237            Character.isDigit(hostPortString.charAt(i)),
238            "Port must be numeric: %s",
239            hostPortString);
240      }
241      return new String[] {host, hostPortString.substring(closeBracketIndex + 2)};
242    }
243  }
245  /**
246   * Provide a default port if the parsed string contained only a host.
247   *
248   * <p>You can chain this after {@link #fromString(String)} to include a port in case the port was
249   * omitted from the input string. If a port was already provided, then this method is a no-op.
250   *
251   * @param defaultPort a port number, from [0..65535]
252   * @return a HostAndPort instance, guaranteed to have a defined port.
253   */
254  public HostAndPort withDefaultPort(int defaultPort) {
255    checkArgument(isValidPort(defaultPort));
256    if (hasPort()) {
257      return this;
258    }
259    return new HostAndPort(host, defaultPort, hasBracketlessColons);
260  }
262  /**
263   * Generate an error if the host might be a non-bracketed IPv6 literal.
264   *
265   * <p>URI formatting requires that IPv6 literals be surrounded by brackets, like "[2001:db8::1]".
266   * Chain this call after {@link #fromString(String)} to increase the strictness of the parser, and
267   * disallow IPv6 literals that don't contain these brackets.
268   *
269   * <p>Note that this parser identifies IPv6 literals solely based on the presence of a colon. To
270   * perform actual validation of IP addresses, see the {@link InetAddresses#forString(String)}
271   * method.
272   *
273   * @return {@code this}, to enable chaining of calls.
274   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if bracketless IPv6 is detected.
275   */
276  @CanIgnoreReturnValue
277  public HostAndPort requireBracketsForIPv6() {
278    checkArgument(!hasBracketlessColons, "Possible bracketless IPv6 literal: %s", host);
279    return this;
280  }
282  @Override
283  public boolean equals(@Nullable Object other) {
284    if (this == other) {
285      return true;
286    }
287    if (other instanceof HostAndPort) {
288      HostAndPort that = (HostAndPort) other;
289      return Objects.equal(this.host, that.host) && this.port == that.port;
290    }
291    return false;
292  }
294  @Override
295  public int hashCode() {
296    return Objects.hashCode(host, port);
297  }
299  /** Rebuild the host:port string, including brackets if necessary. */
300  @Override
301  public String toString() {
302    // "[]:12345" requires 8 extra bytes.
303    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(host.length() + 8);
304    if (host.indexOf(':') >= 0) {
305      builder.append('[').append(host).append(']');
306    } else {
307      builder.append(host);
308    }
309    if (hasPort()) {
310      builder.append(':').append(port);
311    }
312    return builder.toString();
313  }
315  /** Return true for valid port numbers. */
316  private static boolean isValidPort(int port) {
317    return port >= 0 && port <= 65535;
318  }
320  private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;