Uses of Interface

Packages that use ListenableFuture Concurrency utilities. 

Uses of ListenableFuture in

Subinterfaces of ListenableFuture in
 interface CheckedFuture<V,X extends Exception>
          A CheckedFuture is an extension of Future that includes versions of the get methods that can throw a checked exception and allows listeners to be attached to the future.

Classes in that implement ListenableFuture
 class AbstractCheckedFuture<V,X extends Exception>
          A delegating wrapper around a ListenableFuture that adds support for the AbstractCheckedFuture.checkedGet() and AbstractCheckedFuture.checkedGet(long, TimeUnit) methods.
 class AbstractListenableFuture<V>
          An abstract base implementation of the listener support provided by ListenableFuture.
 class ForwardingCheckedFuture<V,X extends Exception>
          A future which forwards all its method calls to another future.
static class ForwardingCheckedFuture.SimpleForwardingCheckedFuture<V,X extends Exception>
          A simplified version of ForwardingCheckedFuture where subclasses can pass in an already constructed CheckedFuture as the delegate.
 class ForwardingListenableFuture<V>
          A ForwardingListenableFuture.SimpleForwardingListenableFuture which forwards all its method calls to another future.
static class ForwardingListenableFuture.SimpleForwardingListenableFuture<V>
          A simplified version of ForwardingListenableFuture where subclasses can pass in an already constructed ListenableFuture as the delegate.
 class ListenableFutureTask<V>
          A FutureTask that also implements the ListenableFuture interface.
 class SettableFuture<V>
          A ListenableFuture whose result may be set by a SettableFuture.set(Object) or SettableFuture.setException(Throwable) call.

Fields in declared as ListenableFuture
protected  ListenableFuture<V> AbstractCheckedFuture.delegate
          The delegate, used to pass along all our methods.

Methods in that return ListenableFuture
<I,O> ListenableFuture<O>
Futures.chain(ListenableFuture<I> input, Function<? super I,? extends ListenableFuture<? extends O>> function)
          Returns a new ListenableFuture whose result is asynchronously derived from the result of the given Future.
<I,O> ListenableFuture<O>
Futures.chain(ListenableFuture<I> input, Function<? super I,? extends ListenableFuture<? extends O>> function, Executor exec)
          Returns a new ListenableFuture whose result is asynchronously derived from the result of the given Future.
protected abstract  ListenableFuture<V> ForwardingListenableFuture.delegate()
protected  ListenableFuture<V> ForwardingListenableFuture.SimpleForwardingListenableFuture.delegate()
<V> ListenableFuture<V>
Futures.immediateFailedFuture(Throwable throwable)
          Returns a ListenableFuture which has an exception set immediately upon construction.
<V> ListenableFuture<V>
Futures.immediateFuture(V value)
          Creates a ListenableFuture which has its value set immediately upon construction.
<V> ListenableFuture<V>
Futures.makeListenable(Future<V> future)
          Creates a ListenableFuture out of a normal Future.
 ListenableFuture<Service.State> AbstractIdleService.start()
 ListenableFuture<Service.State> ForwardingService.start()
 ListenableFuture<Service.State> Service.start()
          If the service state is Service.State.NEW, this initiates service startup and returns immediately.
 ListenableFuture<Service.State> AbstractService.start()
 ListenableFuture<Service.State> AbstractExecutionThreadService.start()
 ListenableFuture<Service.State> AbstractIdleService.stop()
 ListenableFuture<Service.State> ForwardingService.stop()
 ListenableFuture<Service.State> Service.stop()
          If the service is starting or running, this initiates service shutdown and returns immediately.
 ListenableFuture<Service.State> AbstractService.stop()
 ListenableFuture<Service.State> AbstractExecutionThreadService.stop()
<I,O> ListenableFuture<O>
Futures.transform(ListenableFuture<I> future, Function<? super I,? extends O> function)
          Returns a new ListenableFuture whose result is the product of applying the given Function to the result of the given Future.
<I,O> ListenableFuture<O>
Futures.transform(ListenableFuture<I> future, Function<? super I,? extends O> function, Executor exec)
          Returns a new ListenableFuture whose result is the product of applying the given Function to the result of the given Future.

Methods in with parameters of type ListenableFuture
<I,O> ListenableFuture<O>
Futures.chain(ListenableFuture<I> input, Function<? super I,? extends ListenableFuture<? extends O>> function)
          Returns a new ListenableFuture whose result is asynchronously derived from the result of the given Future.
<I,O> ListenableFuture<O>
Futures.chain(ListenableFuture<I> input, Function<? super I,? extends ListenableFuture<? extends O>> function, Executor exec)
          Returns a new ListenableFuture whose result is asynchronously derived from the result of the given Future.
<V,X extends Exception>
Futures.makeChecked(ListenableFuture<V> future, Function<Exception,X> mapper)
          Creates a CheckedFuture out of a normal ListenableFuture and a Function that maps from Exception instances into the appropriate checked type.
<I,O> ListenableFuture<O>
Futures.transform(ListenableFuture<I> future, Function<? super I,? extends O> function)
          Returns a new ListenableFuture whose result is the product of applying the given Function to the result of the given Future.
<I,O> ListenableFuture<O>
Futures.transform(ListenableFuture<I> future, Function<? super I,? extends O> function, Executor exec)
          Returns a new ListenableFuture whose result is the product of applying the given Function to the result of the given Future.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ListenableFuture
<I,O> ListenableFuture<O>
Futures.chain(ListenableFuture<I> input, Function<? super I,? extends ListenableFuture<? extends O>> function)
          Returns a new ListenableFuture whose result is asynchronously derived from the result of the given Future.
<I,O> ListenableFuture<O>
Futures.chain(ListenableFuture<I> input, Function<? super I,? extends ListenableFuture<? extends O>> function, Executor exec)
          Returns a new ListenableFuture whose result is asynchronously derived from the result of the given Future.

Constructors in with parameters of type ListenableFuture
AbstractCheckedFuture(ListenableFuture<V> delegate)
          Constructs an AbstractCheckedFuture that wraps a delegate.
ForwardingListenableFuture.SimpleForwardingListenableFuture(ListenableFuture<V> delegate)