ArrayListMultimap |
Implementation of Multimap that uses an ArrayList to store the values for a given
ArrayTable |
Fixed-size Table implementation backed by a two-dimensional array.
BiMap |
A bimap (or "bidirectional map") is a map that preserves the uniqueness of its values as well as
that of its keys.
BoundType |
Indicates whether an endpoint of some range is contained in the range itself ("closed") or not
ClassToInstanceMap |
A map, each entry of which maps a Java raw type to an
instance of that type.
ComparisonChain |
A utility for performing a chained comparison statement.
ConcurrentHashMultiset |
A multiset that supports concurrent modifications and that provides atomic versions of most
Multiset operations (exceptions where noted).
ContiguousSet |
DiscreteDomain |
A descriptor for a discrete Comparable domain such as all Integer
EnumBiMap |
A BiMap backed by two EnumMap instances.
EnumHashBiMap |
A BiMap backed by an EnumMap instance for keys-to-values, and a HashMap
instance for values-to-keys.
EnumMultiset |
Multiset implementation specialized for enum elements, supporting all single-element operations
in O(1).
EvictingQueue |
A non-blocking queue which automatically evicts elements from the head of the queue when
attempting to add new elements onto the queue and it is full.
FluentIterable |
An expanded Iterable API, providing functionality similar to Java 8's powerful streams library in a slightly different way.
ForwardingCollection |
A collection which forwards all its method calls to another collection.
ForwardingDeque |
A deque which forwards all its method calls to another deque.
ForwardingIterator |
An iterator which forwards all its method calls to another iterator.
ForwardingMap |
A map which forwards all its method calls to another map.
ForwardingMultimap |
A multimap which forwards all its method calls to another multimap.
ForwardingMultiset |
A multiset which forwards all its method calls to another multiset.
ForwardingNavigableSet |
A navigable set which forwards all its method calls to another navigable set.
ForwardingObject |
ForwardingQueue |
A queue which forwards all its method calls to another queue.
ForwardingSet |
A set which forwards all its method calls to another set.
ForwardingSetMultimap |
A set multimap which forwards all its method calls to another set multimap.
ForwardingSortedMap |
A sorted map which forwards all its method calls to another sorted map.
ForwardingSortedSet |
A sorted set which forwards all its method calls to another sorted set.
HashBasedTable |
Implementation of Table using linked hash tables.
HashBiMap |
A BiMap backed by two hash tables.
HashMultimap |
Implementation of Multimap using hash tables.
HashMultiset |
Multiset implementation that uses hashing for key and entry access.
ImmutableBiMap |
ImmutableBiMap.Builder |
A builder for creating immutable bimap instances, especially public static final bimaps
("constant bimaps").
ImmutableClassToInstanceMap |
ImmutableClassToInstanceMap.Builder |
A builder for creating immutable class-to-instance maps.
ImmutableCollection |
A Collection whose contents will never change, and which offers a few additional
guarantees detailed below.
ImmutableCollection.Builder |
ImmutableList |
A List whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed at
ImmutableCollection .
ImmutableList.Builder |
A builder for creating immutable list instances, especially public static final lists
("constant lists").
ImmutableListMultimap |
ImmutableListMultimap.Builder |
A builder for creating immutable ListMultimap instances, especially public
static final multimaps ("constant multimaps").
ImmutableMap |
A Map whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed at
ImmutableCollection .
ImmutableMap.Builder |
A builder for creating immutable map instances, especially public static final maps
("constant maps").
ImmutableMultimap |
ImmutableMultimap.Builder |
A builder for creating immutable multimap instances, especially public static final
multimaps ("constant multimaps").
ImmutableMultiset |
ImmutableMultiset.Builder |
A builder for creating immutable multiset instances, especially public static final
multisets ("constant multisets").
ImmutableRangeMap |
ImmutableRangeMap.Builder |
A builder for immutable range maps.
ImmutableRangeSet |
ImmutableRangeSet.Builder |
A builder for immutable range sets.
ImmutableSet |
A Set whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed at
ImmutableCollection .
ImmutableSet.Builder |
A builder for creating ImmutableSet instances.
ImmutableSetMultimap |
ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder |
A builder for creating immutable SetMultimap instances, especially public static
final multimaps ("constant multimaps").
ImmutableSortedMap |
A NavigableMap whose contents will never change, with many other important properties
detailed at ImmutableCollection .
ImmutableSortedMap.Builder |
A builder for creating immutable sorted map instances, especially public static final
maps ("constant maps").
ImmutableSortedMultiset |
ImmutableSortedMultiset.Builder |
A builder for creating immutable multiset instances, especially public static final
multisets ("constant multisets").
ImmutableSortedSet |
A NavigableSet whose contents will never change, with many other important properties
detailed at ImmutableCollection .
ImmutableSortedSet.Builder |
A builder for creating immutable sorted set instances, especially public static final
sets ("constant sets"), with a given comparator.
ImmutableTable |
ImmutableTable.Builder |
A builder for creating immutable table instances, especially public static final tables
("constant tables").
Interner |
Provides similar behavior to String.intern() for any immutable type.
Interners.InternerBuilder |
LinkedHashMultimap |
Implementation of Multimap that does not allow duplicate key-value entries and that
returns collections whose iterators follow the ordering in which the data was added to the
LinkedHashMultiset |
A Multiset implementation with predictable iteration order.
LinkedListMultimap |
An implementation of ListMultimap that supports deterministic iteration order for both
keys and values.
ListMultimap |
A Multimap that can hold duplicate key-value pairs and that maintains the insertion
ordering of values for a given key.
MapDifference |
An object representing the differences between two maps.
MapDifference.ValueDifference |
A difference between the mappings from two maps with the same key.
MapMaker |
A builder of ConcurrentMap instances that can have keys or values automatically wrapped
in weak references.
Maps.EntryTransformer |
A transformation of the value of a key-value pair, using both key and value as inputs.
MinMaxPriorityQueue |
A double-ended priority queue, which provides constant-time access to both its least element and
its greatest element, as determined by the queue's specified comparator.
MinMaxPriorityQueue.Builder |
The builder class used in creation of min-max priority queues.
Multimap |
A collection that maps keys to values, similar to Map , but in which each key may be
associated with multiple values.
MultimapBuilder |
An immutable builder for Multimap instances, letting you independently select the desired
behaviors (for example, ordering) of the backing map and value-collections.
MultimapBuilder.ListMultimapBuilder |
MultimapBuilder.MultimapBuilderWithKeys |
An intermediate stage in a MultimapBuilder in which the key-value collection map
implementation has been specified, but the value collection implementation has not.
MultimapBuilder.SetMultimapBuilder |
MultimapBuilder.SortedSetMultimapBuilder |
Multiset |
A collection that supports order-independent equality, like Set , but may have duplicate
Multiset.Entry |
An unmodifiable element-count pair for a multiset.
MutableClassToInstanceMap |
A mutable class-to-instance map backed by an arbitrary user-provided map.
Ordering |
A comparator, with additional methods to support common operations.
PeekingIterator |
An iterator that supports a one-element lookahead while iterating.
Range |
A range (or "interval") defines the boundaries around a contiguous span of values of some
Comparable type; for example, "integers from 1 to 100 inclusive."
RangeMap |
A mapping from disjoint nonempty ranges to non-null values.
RangeSet |
RowSortedTable |
Interface that extends Table and whose rows are sorted.
SetMultimap |
A Multimap that cannot hold duplicate key-value pairs.
Sets.SetView |
An unmodifiable view of a set which may be backed by other sets; this view will change as the
backing sets do.
SortedMapDifference |
An object representing the differences between two sorted maps.
SortedMultiset |
A Multiset which maintains the ordering of its elements, according to either their
natural order or an explicit Comparator .
SortedSetMultimap |
A SetMultimap whose set of values for a given key are kept sorted; that is, they comprise
a SortedSet .
Table |
A collection that associates an ordered pair of keys, called a row key and a column key, with a
single value.
Table.Cell |
Row key / column key / value triplet corresponding to a mapping in a table.
TreeBasedTable |
Implementation of Table whose row keys and column keys are ordered by their natural
ordering or by supplied comparators.
TreeMultimap |
Implementation of Multimap whose keys and values are ordered by their natural ordering or
by supplied comparators.
TreeMultiset |
A multiset which maintains the ordering of its elements, according to either their natural order
or an explicit Comparator .
TreeRangeMap |
An implementation of RangeMap based on a TreeMap , supporting all optional
TreeRangeSet |
An implementation of RangeSet backed by a TreeMap .
TreeTraverser |
UnmodifiableIterator |
UnmodifiableListIterator |