002 * Copyright (C) 2011 The Guava Authors
003 *
004 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
005 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
006 *
007 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
008 *
009 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
010 * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either
011 * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
012 * limitations under the License.
013 */
015package com.google.common.collect;
017import com.google.common.annotations.GwtIncompatible;
018import com.google.errorprone.annotations.DoNotMock;
019import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
020import java.util.Set;
021import javax.annotation.CheckForNull;
024 * A set comprising zero or more {@linkplain Range#isEmpty nonempty}, {@linkplain
025 * Range#isConnected(Range) disconnected} ranges of type {@code C}.
026 *
027 * <p>Implementations that choose to support the {@link #add(Range)} operation are required to
028 * ignore empty ranges and coalesce connected ranges. For example:
029 *
030 * <pre>{@code
031 * RangeSet<Integer> rangeSet = TreeRangeSet.create();
032 * rangeSet.add(Range.closed(1, 10)); // {[1, 10]}
033 * rangeSet.add(Range.closedOpen(11, 15)); // disconnected range; {[1, 10], [11, 15)}
034 * rangeSet.add(Range.closedOpen(15, 20)); // connected range; {[1, 10], [11, 20)}
035 * rangeSet.add(Range.openClosed(0, 0)); // empty range; {[1, 10], [11, 20)}
036 * rangeSet.remove(Range.open(5, 10)); // splits [1, 10]; {[1, 5], [10, 10], [11, 20)}
037 * }</pre>
038 *
039 * <p>Note that the behavior of {@link Range#isEmpty()} and {@link Range#isConnected(Range)} may not
040 * be as expected on discrete ranges. See the Javadoc of those methods for details.
041 *
042 * <p>For a {@link Set} whose contents are specified by a {@link Range}, see {@link ContiguousSet}.
043 *
044 * <p>See the Guava User Guide article on <a href=
045 * "https://github.com/google/guava/wiki/NewCollectionTypesExplained#rangeset">RangeSets</a>.
046 *
047 * @author Kevin Bourrillion
048 * @author Louis Wasserman
049 * @since 14.0
050 */
051@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") // https://github.com/google/guava/issues/989
052@DoNotMock("Use ImmutableRangeSet or TreeRangeSet")
055public interface RangeSet<C extends Comparable> {
057  // Query methods
059  /** Determines whether any of this range set's member ranges contains {@code value}. */
060  boolean contains(C value);
062  /**
063   * Returns the unique range from this range set that {@linkplain Range#contains contains} {@code
064   * value}, or {@code null} if this range set does not contain {@code value}.
065   */
066  @CheckForNull
067  Range<C> rangeContaining(C value);
069  /**
070   * Returns {@code true} if there exists a non-empty range enclosed by both a member range in this
071   * range set and the specified range. This is equivalent to calling {@code
072   * subRangeSet(otherRange)} and testing whether the resulting range set is non-empty.
073   *
074   * @since 20.0
075   */
076  boolean intersects(Range<C> otherRange);
078  /**
079   * Returns {@code true} if there exists a member range in this range set which {@linkplain
080   * Range#encloses encloses} the specified range.
081   */
082  boolean encloses(Range<C> otherRange);
084  /**
085   * Returns {@code true} if for each member range in {@code other} there exists a member range in
086   * this range set which {@linkplain Range#encloses encloses} it. It follows that {@code
087   * this.contains(value)} whenever {@code other.contains(value)}. Returns {@code true} if {@code
088   * other} is empty.
089   *
090   * <p>This is equivalent to checking if this range set {@link #encloses} each of the ranges in
091   * {@code other}.
092   */
093  boolean enclosesAll(RangeSet<C> other);
095  /**
096   * Returns {@code true} if for each range in {@code other} there exists a member range in this
097   * range set which {@linkplain Range#encloses encloses} it. Returns {@code true} if {@code other}
098   * is empty.
099   *
100   * <p>This is equivalent to checking if this range set {@link #encloses} each range in {@code
101   * other}.
102   *
103   * @since 21.0
104   */
105  boolean enclosesAll(Iterable<Range<C>> other);
107  /** Returns {@code true} if this range set contains no ranges. */
108  boolean isEmpty();
110  /**
111   * Returns the minimal range which {@linkplain Range#encloses(Range) encloses} all ranges in this
112   * range set.
113   *
114   * @throws NoSuchElementException if this range set is {@linkplain #isEmpty() empty}
115   */
116  Range<C> span();
118  // Views
120  /**
121   * Returns a view of the {@linkplain Range#isConnected disconnected} ranges that make up this
122   * range set. The returned set may be empty. The iterators returned by its {@link
123   * Iterable#iterator} method return the ranges in increasing order of lower bound (equivalently,
124   * of upper bound).
125   */
126  Set<Range<C>> asRanges();
128  /**
129   * Returns a descending view of the {@linkplain Range#isConnected disconnected} ranges that make
130   * up this range set. The returned set may be empty. The iterators returned by its {@link
131   * Iterable#iterator} method return the ranges in decreasing order of lower bound (equivalently,
132   * of upper bound).
133   *
134   * @since 19.0
135   */
136  Set<Range<C>> asDescendingSetOfRanges();
138  /**
139   * Returns a view of the complement of this {@code RangeSet}.
140   *
141   * <p>The returned view supports the {@link #add} operation if this {@code RangeSet} supports
142   * {@link #remove}, and vice versa.
143   */
144  RangeSet<C> complement();
146  /**
147   * Returns a view of the intersection of this {@code RangeSet} with the specified range.
148   *
149   * <p>The returned view supports all optional operations supported by this {@code RangeSet}, with
150   * the caveat that an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown on an attempt to {@linkplain
151   * #add(Range) add} any range not {@linkplain Range#encloses(Range) enclosed} by {@code view}.
152   */
153  RangeSet<C> subRangeSet(Range<C> view);
155  // Modification
157  /**
158   * Adds the specified range to this {@code RangeSet} (optional operation). That is, for equal
159   * range sets a and b, the result of {@code a.add(range)} is that {@code a} will be the minimal
160   * range set for which both {@code a.enclosesAll(b)} and {@code a.encloses(range)}.
161   *
162   * <p>Note that {@code range} will be {@linkplain Range#span(Range) coalesced} with any ranges in
163   * the range set that are {@linkplain Range#isConnected(Range) connected} with it. Moreover, if
164   * {@code range} is empty, this is a no-op.
165   *
166   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this range set does not support the {@code add}
167   *     operation
168   */
169  void add(Range<C> range);
171  /**
172   * Removes the specified range from this {@code RangeSet} (optional operation). After this
173   * operation, if {@code range.contains(c)}, {@code this.contains(c)} will return {@code false}.
174   *
175   * <p>If {@code range} is empty, this is a no-op.
176   *
177   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this range set does not support the {@code remove}
178   *     operation
179   */
180  void remove(Range<C> range);
182  /**
183   * Removes all ranges from this {@code RangeSet} (optional operation). After this operation,
184   * {@code this.contains(c)} will return false for all {@code c}.
185   *
186   * <p>This is equivalent to {@code remove(Range.all())}.
187   *
188   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this range set does not support the {@code clear}
189   *     operation
190   */
191  void clear();
193  /**
194   * Adds all of the ranges from the specified range set to this range set (optional operation).
195   * After this operation, this range set is the minimal range set that {@linkplain
196   * #enclosesAll(RangeSet) encloses} both the original range set and {@code other}.
197   *
198   * <p>This is equivalent to calling {@link #add} on each of the ranges in {@code other} in turn.
199   *
200   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this range set does not support the {@code addAll}
201   *     operation
202   */
203  void addAll(RangeSet<C> other);
205  /**
206   * Adds all of the specified ranges to this range set (optional operation). After this operation,
207   * this range set is the minimal range set that {@linkplain #enclosesAll(RangeSet) encloses} both
208   * the original range set and each range in {@code other}.
209   *
210   * <p>This is equivalent to calling {@link #add} on each of the ranges in {@code other} in turn.
211   *
212   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this range set does not support the {@code addAll}
213   *     operation
214   * @since 21.0
215   */
216  void addAll(Iterable<Range<C>> ranges);
218  /**
219   * Removes all of the ranges from the specified range set from this range set (optional
220   * operation). After this operation, if {@code other.contains(c)}, {@code this.contains(c)} will
221   * return {@code false}.
222   *
223   * <p>This is equivalent to calling {@link #remove} on each of the ranges in {@code other} in
224   * turn.
225   *
226   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this range set does not support the {@code removeAll}
227   *     operation
228   */
229  void removeAll(RangeSet<C> other);
231  /**
232   * Removes all of the specified ranges from this range set (optional operation).
233   *
234   * <p>This is equivalent to calling {@link #remove} on each of the ranges in {@code other} in
235   * turn.
236   *
237   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this range set does not support the {@code removeAll}
238   *     operation
239   * @since 21.0
240   */
241  void removeAll(Iterable<Range<C>> ranges);
243  // Object methods
245  /**
246   * Returns {@code true} if {@code obj} is another {@code RangeSet} that contains the same ranges
247   * according to {@link Range#equals(Object)}.
248   */
249  @Override
250  boolean equals(@CheckForNull Object obj);
252  /** Returns {@code asRanges().hashCode()}. */
253  @Override
254  int hashCode();
256  /**
257   * Returns a readable string representation of this range set. For example, if this {@code
258   * RangeSet} consisted of {@code Range.closed(1, 3)} and {@code Range.greaterThan(4)}, this might
259   * return {@code " [1..3](4..+∞)}"}.
260   */
261  @Override
262  String toString();