002 * Copyright (C) 2009 The Guava Authors
003 *
004 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
005 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
006 *
007 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
008 *
009 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
010 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
011 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
012 * the License.
013 */
015package com.google.common.net;
017import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
018import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
019import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;
021import com.google.common.annotations.Beta;
022import com.google.common.annotations.GwtCompatible;
023import com.google.common.base.Ascii;
024import com.google.common.base.CharMatcher;
025import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
026import com.google.common.base.Optional;
027import com.google.common.base.Splitter;
028import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
029import com.google.errorprone.annotations.Immutable;
030import com.google.thirdparty.publicsuffix.PublicSuffixPatterns;
031import com.google.thirdparty.publicsuffix.PublicSuffixType;
032import java.util.List;
033import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.compatqual.NullableDecl;
036 * An immutable well-formed internet domain name, such as {@code com} or {@code foo.co.uk}. Only
037 * syntactic analysis is performed; no DNS lookups or other network interactions take place. Thus
038 * there is no guarantee that the domain actually exists on the internet.
039 *
040 * <p>One common use of this class is to determine whether a given string is likely to represent an
041 * addressable domain on the web -- that is, for a candidate string {@code "xxx"}, might browsing to
042 * {@code "http://xxx/"} result in a webpage being displayed? In the past, this test was frequently
043 * done by determining whether the domain ended with a {@linkplain #isPublicSuffix() public suffix}
044 * but was not itself a public suffix. However, this test is no longer accurate. There are many
045 * domains which are both public suffixes and addressable as hosts; {@code "uk.com"} is one example.
046 * Using the subset of public suffixes that are {@linkplain #isRegistrySuffix() registry suffixes},
047 * one can get a better result, as only a few registry suffixes are addressable. However, the most
048 * useful test to determine if a domain is a plausible web host is {@link #hasPublicSuffix()}. This
049 * will return {@code true} for many domains which (currently) are not hosts, such as {@code "com"},
050 * but given that any public suffix may become a host without warning, it is better to err on the
051 * side of permissiveness and thus avoid spurious rejection of valid sites. Of course, to actually
052 * determine addressability of any host, clients of this class will need to perform their own DNS
053 * lookups.
054 *
055 * <p>During construction, names are normalized in two ways:
056 *
057 * <ol>
058 *   <li>ASCII uppercase characters are converted to lowercase.
059 *   <li>Unicode dot separators other than the ASCII period ({@code '.'}) are converted to the ASCII
060 *       period.
061 * </ol>
062 *
063 * <p>The normalized values will be returned from {@link #toString()} and {@link #parts()}, and will
064 * be reflected in the result of {@link #equals(Object)}.
065 *
066 * <p><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internationalized_domain_name">Internationalized domain
067 * names</a> such as {@code 网络.cn} are supported, as are the equivalent <a
068 * href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internationalized_domain_name">IDNA Punycode-encoded</a>
069 * versions.
070 *
071 * @author Catherine Berry
072 * @since 5.0
073 */
077public final class InternetDomainName {
079  private static final CharMatcher DOTS_MATCHER = CharMatcher.anyOf(".\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61");
080  private static final Splitter DOT_SPLITTER = Splitter.on('.');
081  private static final Joiner DOT_JOINER = Joiner.on('.');
083  /**
084   * Value of {@link #publicSuffixIndex} or {@link #registrySuffixIndex} which indicates that no
085   * relevant suffix was found.
086   */
087  private static final int NO_SUFFIX_FOUND = -1;
089  private static final String DOT_REGEX = "\\.";
091  /**
092   * Maximum parts (labels) in a domain name. This value arises from the 255-octet limit described
093   * in <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2181.txt">RFC 2181</a> part 11 with the fact that the
094   * encoding of each part occupies at least two bytes (dot plus label externally, length byte plus
095   * label internally). Thus, if all labels have the minimum size of one byte, 127 of them will fit.
096   */
097  private static final int MAX_PARTS = 127;
099  /**
100   * Maximum length of a full domain name, including separators, and leaving room for the root
101   * label. See <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2181.txt">RFC 2181</a> part 11.
102   */
103  private static final int MAX_LENGTH = 253;
105  /**
106   * Maximum size of a single part of a domain name. See <a
107   * href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2181.txt">RFC 2181</a> part 11.
108   */
109  private static final int MAX_DOMAIN_PART_LENGTH = 63;
111  /** The full domain name, converted to lower case. */
112  private final String name;
114  /** The parts of the domain name, converted to lower case. */
115  private final ImmutableList<String> parts;
117  /**
118   * The index in the {@link #parts()} list at which the public suffix begins. For example, for the
119   * domain name {@code myblog.blogspot.co.uk}, the value would be 1 (the index of the {@code
120   * blogspot} part). The value is negative (specifically, {@link #NO_SUFFIX_FOUND}) if no public
121   * suffix was found.
122   */
123  private final int publicSuffixIndex;
125  /**
126   * The index in the {@link #parts()} list at which the registry suffix begins. For example, for
127   * the domain name {@code myblog.blogspot.co.uk}, the value would be 2 (the index of the {@code
128   * co} part). The value is negative (specifically, {@link #NO_SUFFIX_FOUND}) if no registry suffix
129   * was found.
130   */
131  private final int registrySuffixIndex;
133  /** Constructor used to implement {@link #from(String)}, and from subclasses. */
134  InternetDomainName(String name) {
135    // Normalize:
136    // * ASCII characters to lowercase
137    // * All dot-like characters to '.'
138    // * Strip trailing '.'
140    name = Ascii.toLowerCase(DOTS_MATCHER.replaceFrom(name, '.'));
142    if (name.endsWith(".")) {
143      name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 1);
144    }
146    checkArgument(name.length() <= MAX_LENGTH, "Domain name too long: '%s':", name);
147    this.name = name;
149    this.parts = ImmutableList.copyOf(DOT_SPLITTER.split(name));
150    checkArgument(parts.size() <= MAX_PARTS, "Domain has too many parts: '%s'", name);
151    checkArgument(validateSyntax(parts), "Not a valid domain name: '%s'", name);
153    this.publicSuffixIndex = findSuffixOfType(Optional.<PublicSuffixType>absent());
154    this.registrySuffixIndex = findSuffixOfType(Optional.of(PublicSuffixType.REGISTRY));
155  }
157  /**
158   * Returns the index of the leftmost part of the suffix, or -1 if not found. Note that the value
159   * defined as a suffix may not produce {@code true} results from {@link #isPublicSuffix()} or
160   * {@link #isRegistrySuffix()} if the domain ends with an excluded domain pattern such as {@code
161   * "nhs.uk"}.
162   *
163   * <p>If a {@code desiredType} is specified, this method only finds suffixes of the given type.
164   * Otherwise, it finds the first suffix of any type.
165   */
166  private int findSuffixOfType(Optional<PublicSuffixType> desiredType) {
167    final int partsSize = parts.size();
169    for (int i = 0; i < partsSize; i++) {
170      String ancestorName = DOT_JOINER.join(parts.subList(i, partsSize));
172      if (matchesType(
173          desiredType, Optional.fromNullable(PublicSuffixPatterns.EXACT.get(ancestorName)))) {
174        return i;
175      }
177      // Excluded domains (e.g. !nhs.uk) use the next highest
178      // domain as the effective public suffix (e.g. uk).
180      if (PublicSuffixPatterns.EXCLUDED.containsKey(ancestorName)) {
181        return i + 1;
182      }
184      if (matchesWildcardSuffixType(desiredType, ancestorName)) {
185        return i;
186      }
187    }
189    return NO_SUFFIX_FOUND;
190  }
192  /**
193   * Returns an instance of {@link InternetDomainName} after lenient validation. Specifically,
194   * validation against <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3490.txt">RFC 3490</a>
195   * ("Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications") is skipped, while validation against <a
196   * href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1035.txt">RFC 1035</a> is relaxed in the following ways:
197   *
198   * <ul>
199   *   <li>Any part containing non-ASCII characters is considered valid.
200   *   <li>Underscores ('_') are permitted wherever dashes ('-') are permitted.
201   *   <li>Parts other than the final part may start with a digit, as mandated by <a
202   *       href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1123#section-2">RFC 1123</a>.
203   * </ul>
204   *
205   *
206   * @param domain A domain name (not IP address)
207   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code name} is not syntactically valid according to {@link
208   *     #isValid}
209   * @since 10.0 (previously named {@code fromLenient})
210   */
211  public static InternetDomainName from(String domain) {
212    return new InternetDomainName(checkNotNull(domain));
213  }
215  /**
216   * Validation method used by {@code from} to ensure that the domain name is syntactically valid
217   * according to RFC 1035.
218   *
219   * @return Is the domain name syntactically valid?
220   */
221  private static boolean validateSyntax(List<String> parts) {
222    final int lastIndex = parts.size() - 1;
224    // Validate the last part specially, as it has different syntax rules.
226    if (!validatePart(parts.get(lastIndex), true)) {
227      return false;
228    }
230    for (int i = 0; i < lastIndex; i++) {
231      String part = parts.get(i);
232      if (!validatePart(part, false)) {
233        return false;
234      }
235    }
237    return true;
238  }
240  private static final CharMatcher DASH_MATCHER = CharMatcher.anyOf("-_");
242  private static final CharMatcher PART_CHAR_MATCHER =
243      CharMatcher.javaLetterOrDigit().or(DASH_MATCHER);
245  /**
246   * Helper method for {@link #validateSyntax(List)}. Validates that one part of a domain name is
247   * valid.
248   *
249   * @param part The domain name part to be validated
250   * @param isFinalPart Is this the final (rightmost) domain part?
251   * @return Whether the part is valid
252   */
253  private static boolean validatePart(String part, boolean isFinalPart) {
255    // These tests could be collapsed into one big boolean expression, but
256    // they have been left as independent tests for clarity.
258    if (part.length() < 1 || part.length() > MAX_DOMAIN_PART_LENGTH) {
259      return false;
260    }
262    /*
263     * GWT claims to support java.lang.Character's char-classification methods, but it actually only
264     * works for ASCII. So for now, assume any non-ASCII characters are valid. The only place this
265     * seems to be documented is here:
266     * http://osdir.com/ml/GoogleWebToolkitContributors/2010-03/msg00178.html
267     *
268     * <p>ASCII characters in the part are expected to be valid per RFC 1035, with underscore also
269     * being allowed due to widespread practice.
270     */
272    String asciiChars = CharMatcher.ascii().retainFrom(part);
274    if (!PART_CHAR_MATCHER.matchesAllOf(asciiChars)) {
275      return false;
276    }
278    // No initial or final dashes or underscores.
280    if (DASH_MATCHER.matches(part.charAt(0))
281        || DASH_MATCHER.matches(part.charAt(part.length() - 1))) {
282      return false;
283    }
285    /*
286     * Note that we allow (in contravention of a strict interpretation of the relevant RFCs) domain
287     * parts other than the last may begin with a digit (for example, "3com.com"). It's important to
288     * disallow an initial digit in the last part; it's the only thing that stops an IPv4 numeric
289     * address like from looking like a valid domain name.
290     */
292    if (isFinalPart && CharMatcher.digit().matches(part.charAt(0))) {
293      return false;
294    }
296    return true;
297  }
299  /**
300   * Returns the individual components of this domain name, normalized to all lower case. For
301   * example, for the domain name {@code mail.google.com}, this method returns the list {@code
302   * ["mail", "google", "com"]}.
303   */
304  public ImmutableList<String> parts() {
305    return parts;
306  }
308  /**
309   * Indicates whether this domain name represents a <i>public suffix</i>, as defined by the Mozilla
310   * Foundation's <a href="http://publicsuffix.org/">Public Suffix List</a> (PSL). A public suffix
311   * is one under which Internet users can directly register names, such as {@code com}, {@code
312   * co.uk} or {@code pvt.k12.wy.us}. Examples of domain names that are <i>not</i> public suffixes
313   * include {@code google.com}, {@code foo.co.uk}, and {@code myblog.blogspot.com}.
314   *
315   * <p>Public suffixes are a proper superset of {@linkplain #isRegistrySuffix() registry suffixes}.
316   * The list of public suffixes additionally contains privately owned domain names under which
317   * Internet users can register subdomains. An example of a public suffix that is not a registry
318   * suffix is {@code blogspot.com}. Note that it is true that all public suffixes <i>have</i>
319   * registry suffixes, since domain name registries collectively control all internet domain names.
320   *
321   * <p>For considerations on whether the public suffix or registry suffix designation is more
322   * suitable for your application, see <a
323   * href="https://github.com/google/guava/wiki/InternetDomainNameExplained">this article</a>.
324   *
325   * @return {@code true} if this domain name appears exactly on the public suffix list
326   * @since 6.0
327   */
328  public boolean isPublicSuffix() {
329    return publicSuffixIndex == 0;
330  }
332  /**
333   * Indicates whether this domain name ends in a {@linkplain #isPublicSuffix() public suffix},
334   * including if it is a public suffix itself. For example, returns {@code true} for {@code
335   * www.google.com}, {@code foo.co.uk} and {@code com}, but not for {@code invalid} or {@code
336   * google.invalid}. This is the recommended method for determining whether a domain is potentially
337   * an addressable host.
338   *
339   * <p>Note that this method is equivalent to {@link #hasRegistrySuffix()} because all registry
340   * suffixes are public suffixes <i>and</i> all public suffixes have registry suffixes.
341   *
342   * @since 6.0
343   */
344  public boolean hasPublicSuffix() {
345    return publicSuffixIndex != NO_SUFFIX_FOUND;
346  }
348  /**
349   * Returns the {@linkplain #isPublicSuffix() public suffix} portion of the domain name, or {@code
350   * null} if no public suffix is present.
351   *
352   * @since 6.0
353   */
354  public InternetDomainName publicSuffix() {
355    return hasPublicSuffix() ? ancestor(publicSuffixIndex) : null;
356  }
358  /**
359   * Indicates whether this domain name ends in a {@linkplain #isPublicSuffix() public suffix},
360   * while not being a public suffix itself. For example, returns {@code true} for {@code
361   * www.google.com}, {@code foo.co.uk} and {@code myblog.blogspot.com}, but not for {@code com},
362   * {@code co.uk}, {@code google.invalid}, or {@code blogspot.com}.
363   *
364   * <p>This method can be used to determine whether it will probably be possible to set cookies on
365   * the domain, though even that depends on individual browsers' implementations of cookie
366   * controls. See <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2109.txt">RFC 2109</a> for details.
367   *
368   * @since 6.0
369   */
370  public boolean isUnderPublicSuffix() {
371    return publicSuffixIndex > 0;
372  }
374  /**
375   * Indicates whether this domain name is composed of exactly one subdomain component followed by a
376   * {@linkplain #isPublicSuffix() public suffix}. For example, returns {@code true} for {@code
377   * google.com} {@code foo.co.uk}, and {@code myblog.blogspot.com}, but not for {@code
378   * www.google.com}, {@code co.uk}, or {@code blogspot.com}.
379   *
380   * <p>This method can be used to determine whether a domain is probably the highest level for
381   * which cookies may be set, though even that depends on individual browsers' implementations of
382   * cookie controls. See <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2109.txt">RFC 2109</a> for details.
383   *
384   * @since 6.0
385   */
386  public boolean isTopPrivateDomain() {
387    return publicSuffixIndex == 1;
388  }
390  /**
391   * Returns the portion of this domain name that is one level beneath the {@linkplain
392   * #isPublicSuffix() public suffix}. For example, for {@code x.adwords.google.co.uk} it returns
393   * {@code google.co.uk}, since {@code co.uk} is a public suffix. Similarly, for {@code
394   * myblog.blogspot.com} it returns the same domain, {@code myblog.blogspot.com}, since {@code
395   * blogspot.com} is a public suffix.
396   *
397   * <p>If {@link #isTopPrivateDomain()} is true, the current domain name instance is returned.
398   *
399   * <p>This method can be used to determine the probable highest level parent domain for which
400   * cookies may be set, though even that depends on individual browsers' implementations of cookie
401   * controls.
402   *
403   * @throws IllegalStateException if this domain does not end with a public suffix
404   * @since 6.0
405   */
406  public InternetDomainName topPrivateDomain() {
407    if (isTopPrivateDomain()) {
408      return this;
409    }
410    checkState(isUnderPublicSuffix(), "Not under a public suffix: %s", name);
411    return ancestor(publicSuffixIndex - 1);
412  }
414  /**
415   * Indicates whether this domain name represents a <i>registry suffix</i>, as defined by a subset
416   * of the Mozilla Foundation's <a href="http://publicsuffix.org/">Public Suffix List</a> (PSL). A
417   * registry suffix is one under which Internet users can directly register names via a domain name
418   * registrar, and have such registrations lawfully protected by internet-governing bodies such as
419   * ICANN. Examples of registry suffixes include {@code com}, {@code co.uk}, and {@code
420   * pvt.k12.wy.us}. Examples of domain names that are <i>not</i> registry suffixes include {@code
421   * google.com} and {@code foo.co.uk}.
422   *
423   * <p>Registry suffixes are a proper subset of {@linkplain #isPublicSuffix() public suffixes}. The
424   * list of public suffixes additionally contains privately owned domain names under which Internet
425   * users can register subdomains. An example of a public suffix that is not a registry suffix is
426   * {@code blogspot.com}. Note that it is true that all public suffixes <i>have</i> registry
427   * suffixes, since domain name registries collectively control all internet domain names.
428   *
429   * <p>For considerations on whether the public suffix or registry suffix designation is more
430   * suitable for your application, see <a
431   * href="https://github.com/google/guava/wiki/InternetDomainNameExplained">this article</a>.
432   *
433   * @return {@code true} if this domain name appears exactly on the public suffix list as part of
434   *     the registry suffix section (labelled "ICANN").
435   * @since 23.3
436   */
437  public boolean isRegistrySuffix() {
438    return registrySuffixIndex == 0;
439  }
441  /**
442   * Indicates whether this domain name ends in a {@linkplain #isRegistrySuffix() registry suffix},
443   * including if it is a registry suffix itself. For example, returns {@code true} for {@code
444   * www.google.com}, {@code foo.co.uk} and {@code com}, but not for {@code invalid} or {@code
445   * google.invalid}.
446   *
447   * <p>Note that this method is equivalent to {@link #hasPublicSuffix()} because all registry
448   * suffixes are public suffixes <i>and</i> all public suffixes have registry suffixes.
449   *
450   * @since 23.3
451   */
452  public boolean hasRegistrySuffix() {
453    return registrySuffixIndex != NO_SUFFIX_FOUND;
454  }
456  /**
457   * Returns the {@linkplain #isRegistrySuffix() registry suffix} portion of the domain name, or
458   * {@code null} if no registry suffix is present.
459   *
460   * @since 23.3
461   */
462  public InternetDomainName registrySuffix() {
463    return hasRegistrySuffix() ? ancestor(registrySuffixIndex) : null;
464  }
466  /**
467   * Indicates whether this domain name ends in a {@linkplain #isRegistrySuffix() registry suffix},
468   * while not being a registry suffix itself. For example, returns {@code true} for {@code
469   * www.google.com}, {@code foo.co.uk} and {@code blogspot.com}, but not for {@code com}, {@code
470   * co.uk}, or {@code google.invalid}.
471   *
472   * @since 23.3
473   */
474  public boolean isUnderRegistrySuffix() {
475    return registrySuffixIndex > 0;
476  }
478  /**
479   * Indicates whether this domain name is composed of exactly one subdomain component followed by a
480   * {@linkplain #isRegistrySuffix() registry suffix}. For example, returns {@code true} for {@code
481   * google.com}, {@code foo.co.uk}, and {@code blogspot.com}, but not for {@code www.google.com},
482   * {@code co.uk}, or {@code myblog.blogspot.com}.
483   *
484   * <p><b>Warning:</b> This method should not be used to determine the probable highest level
485   * parent domain for which cookies may be set. Use {@link #topPrivateDomain()} for that purpose.
486   *
487   * @since 23.3
488   */
489  public boolean isTopDomainUnderRegistrySuffix() {
490    return registrySuffixIndex == 1;
491  }
493  /**
494   * Returns the portion of this domain name that is one level beneath the {@linkplain
495   * #isRegistrySuffix() registry suffix}. For example, for {@code x.adwords.google.co.uk} it
496   * returns {@code google.co.uk}, since {@code co.uk} is a registry suffix. Similarly, for {@code
497   * myblog.blogspot.com} it returns {@code blogspot.com}, since {@code com} is a registry suffix.
498   *
499   * <p>If {@link #isTopDomainUnderRegistrySuffix()} is true, the current domain name instance is
500   * returned.
501   *
502   * <p><b>Warning:</b> This method should not be used to determine whether a domain is probably the
503   * highest level for which cookies may be set. Use {@link #isTopPrivateDomain()} for that purpose.
504   *
505   * @throws IllegalStateException if this domain does not end with a registry suffix
506   * @since 23.3
507   */
508  public InternetDomainName topDomainUnderRegistrySuffix() {
509    if (isTopDomainUnderRegistrySuffix()) {
510      return this;
511    }
512    checkState(isUnderRegistrySuffix(), "Not under a registry suffix: %s", name);
513    return ancestor(registrySuffixIndex - 1);
514  }
516  /** Indicates whether this domain is composed of two or more parts. */
517  public boolean hasParent() {
518    return parts.size() > 1;
519  }
521  /**
522   * Returns an {@code InternetDomainName} that is the immediate ancestor of this one; that is, the
523   * current domain with the leftmost part removed. For example, the parent of {@code
524   * www.google.com} is {@code google.com}.
525   *
526   * @throws IllegalStateException if the domain has no parent, as determined by {@link #hasParent}
527   */
528  public InternetDomainName parent() {
529    checkState(hasParent(), "Domain '%s' has no parent", name);
530    return ancestor(1);
531  }
533  /**
534   * Returns the ancestor of the current domain at the given number of levels "higher" (rightward)
535   * in the subdomain list. The number of levels must be non-negative, and less than {@code N-1},
536   * where {@code N} is the number of parts in the domain.
537   *
538   * <p>TODO: Reasonable candidate for addition to public API.
539   */
540  private InternetDomainName ancestor(int levels) {
541    return from(DOT_JOINER.join(parts.subList(levels, parts.size())));
542  }
544  /**
545   * Creates and returns a new {@code InternetDomainName} by prepending the argument and a dot to
546   * the current name. For example, {@code InternetDomainName.from("foo.com").child("www.bar")}
547   * returns a new {@code InternetDomainName} with the value {@code www.bar.foo.com}. Only lenient
548   * validation is performed, as described {@link #from(String) here}.
549   *
550   * @throws NullPointerException if leftParts is null
551   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the resulting name is not valid
552   */
553  public InternetDomainName child(String leftParts) {
554    return from(checkNotNull(leftParts) + "." + name);
555  }
557  /**
558   * Indicates whether the argument is a syntactically valid domain name using lenient validation.
559   * Specifically, validation against <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3490.txt">RFC 3490</a>
560   * ("Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications") is skipped.
561   *
562   * <p>The following two code snippets are equivalent:
563   *
564   * <pre>{@code
565   * domainName = InternetDomainName.isValid(name)
566   *     ? InternetDomainName.from(name)
567   *     : DEFAULT_DOMAIN;
568   * }</pre>
569   *
570   * <pre>{@code
571   * try {
572   *   domainName = InternetDomainName.from(name);
573   * } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
574   *   domainName = DEFAULT_DOMAIN;
575   * }
576   * }</pre>
577   *
578   * @since 8.0 (previously named {@code isValidLenient})
579   */
580  public static boolean isValid(String name) {
581    try {
582      from(name);
583      return true;
584    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
585      return false;
586    }
587  }
589  /**
590   * Does the domain name match one of the "wildcard" patterns (e.g. {@code "*.ar"})? If a {@code
591   * desiredType} is specified, the wildcard pattern must also match that type.
592   */
593  private static boolean matchesWildcardSuffixType(
594      Optional<PublicSuffixType> desiredType, String domain) {
595    final String[] pieces = domain.split(DOT_REGEX, 2);
596    return pieces.length == 2
597        && matchesType(
598            desiredType, Optional.fromNullable(PublicSuffixPatterns.UNDER.get(pieces[1])));
599  }
601  /**
602   * If a {@code desiredType} is specified, returns true only if the {@code actualType} is
603   * identical. Otherwise, returns true as long as {@code actualType} is present.
604   */
605  private static boolean matchesType(
606      Optional<PublicSuffixType> desiredType, Optional<PublicSuffixType> actualType) {
607    return desiredType.isPresent() ? desiredType.equals(actualType) : actualType.isPresent();
608  }
610  /** Returns the domain name, normalized to all lower case. */
611  @Override
612  public String toString() {
613    return name;
614  }
616  /**
617   * Equality testing is based on the text supplied by the caller, after normalization as described
618   * in the class documentation. For example, a non-ASCII Unicode domain name and the Punycode
619   * version of the same domain name would not be considered equal.
620   */
621  @Override
622  public boolean equals(@NullableDecl Object object) {
623    if (object == this) {
624      return true;
625    }
627    if (object instanceof InternetDomainName) {
628      InternetDomainName that = (InternetDomainName) object;
629      return this.name.equals(that.name);
630    }
632    return false;
633  }
635  @Override
636  public int hashCode() {
637    return name.hashCode();
638  }