002 * Copyright (C) 2013 The Guava Authors
003 *
004 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
005 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
006 *
007 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
008 *
009 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
010 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
011 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
012 * the License.
013 */
015package com.google.common.base;
017import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.format;
019import com.google.common.annotations.GwtCompatible;
020import com.google.errorprone.annotations.CanIgnoreReturnValue;
021import javax.annotation.Nullable;
024 * Static convenience methods that serve the same purpose as Java language
025 * <a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/language/assert.html">
026 * assertions</a>, except that they are always enabled. These methods should be used instead of Java
027 * assertions whenever there is a chance the check may fail "in real life". Example: <pre>   {@code
028 *
029 *   Bill bill = remoteService.getLastUnpaidBill();
030 *
031 *   // In case bug 12345 happens again we'd rather just die
032 *   Verify.verify(bill.status() == Status.UNPAID,
033 *       "Unexpected bill status: %s", bill.status());}</pre>
034 *
035 * <h3>Comparison to alternatives</h3>
036 *
037 * <p><b>Note:</b> In some cases the differences explained below can be subtle. When it's unclear
038 * which approach to use, <b>don't worry</b> too much about it; just pick something that seems
039 * reasonable and it will be fine.
040 *
041 * <ul>
042 * <li>If checking whether the <i>caller</i> has violated your method or constructor's contract
043 *     (such as by passing an invalid argument), use the utilities of the {@link Preconditions}
044 *     class instead.
045 *
046 * <li>If checking an <i>impossible</i> condition (which <i>cannot</i> happen unless your own class
047 *     or its <i>trusted</i> dependencies is badly broken), this is what ordinary Java assertions
048 *     are for. Note that assertions are not enabled by default; they are essentially considered
049 *     "compiled comments."
050 *
051 * <li>An explicit {@code if/throw} (as illustrated below) is always acceptable; we still recommend
052 *     using our {@link VerifyException} exception type. Throwing a plain {@link RuntimeException}
053 *     is frowned upon.
054 *
055 * <li>Use of {@link java.util.Objects#requireNonNull(Object)} is generally discouraged, since
056 *     {@link #verifyNotNull(Object)} and {@link Preconditions#checkNotNull(Object)} perform the
057 *     same function with more clarity.
058 * </ul>
059 *
060 * <h3>Warning about performance</h3>
061 *
062 * <p>Remember that parameter values for message construction must all be computed eagerly, and
063 * autoboxing and varargs array creation may happen as well, even when the verification succeeds and
064 * the message ends up unneeded. Performance-sensitive verification checks should continue to use
065 * usual form: <pre>   {@code
066 *
067 *   Bill bill = remoteService.getLastUnpaidBill();
068 *   if (bill.status() != Status.UNPAID) {
069 *     throw new VerifyException("Unexpected bill status: " + bill.status());
070 *   }}</pre>
071 *
072 * <h3>Only {@code %s} is supported</h3>
073 *
074 * <p>As with {@link Preconditions} error message template strings, only the {@code "%s"} specifier
075 * is supported, not the full range of {@link java.util.Formatter} specifiers. However, note that if
076 * the number of arguments does not match the number of occurrences of {@code "%s"} in the format
077 * string, {@code Verify} will still behave as expected, and will still include all argument values
078 * in the error message; the message will simply not be formatted exactly as intended.
079 *
080 * <h3>More information</h3>
081 *
082 * See <a href="https://github.com/google/guava/wiki/ConditionalFailuresExplained">Conditional
083 * failures explained</a> in the Guava User Guide for advice on when this class should be used.
084 *
085 * @since 17.0
086 */
088public final class Verify {
089  /**
090   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with no
091   * message otherwise.
092   *
093   * @throws VerifyException if {@code expression} is {@code false}
094   * @see Preconditions#checkState Preconditions.checkState()
095   */
096  public static void verify(boolean expression) {
097    if (!expression) {
098      throw new VerifyException();
099    }
100  }
102  /**
103   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
104   * custom message otherwise.
105   *
106   * @param expression a boolean expression
107   * @param errorMessageTemplate a template for the exception message should the check fail. The
108   *     message is formed by replacing each {@code %s} placeholder in the template with an
109   *     argument. These are matched by position - the first {@code %s} gets
110   *     {@code errorMessageArgs[0]}, etc. Unmatched arguments will be appended to the formatted
111   *     message in square braces. Unmatched placeholders will be left as-is.
112   * @param errorMessageArgs the arguments to be substituted into the message template. Arguments
113   *     are converted to strings using {@link String#valueOf(Object)}.
114   * @throws VerifyException if {@code expression} is {@code false}
115   * @see Preconditions#checkState Preconditions.checkState()
116   */
117  public static void verify(
118      boolean expression,
119      @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate,
120      @Nullable Object... errorMessageArgs) {
121    if (!expression) {
122      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, errorMessageArgs));
123    }
124  }
126  /**
127   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
128   * custom message otherwise.
129   *
130   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
131   *
132   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
133   */
134  public static void verify(boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, char p1) {
135    if (!expression) {
136      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1));
137    }
138  }
140  /**
141   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
142   * custom message otherwise.
143   *
144   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
145   *
146   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
147   */
148  public static void verify(boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, int p1) {
149    if (!expression) {
150      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1));
151    }
152  }
154  /**
155   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
156   * custom message otherwise.
157   *
158   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
159   *
160   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
161   */
162  public static void verify(boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, long p1) {
163    if (!expression) {
164      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1));
165    }
166  }
168  /**
169   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
170   * custom message otherwise.
171   *
172   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
173   *
174   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
175   */
176  public static void verify(
177      boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, @Nullable Object p1) {
178    if (!expression) {
179      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1));
180    }
181  }
183  /**
184   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
185   * custom message otherwise.
186   *
187   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
188   *
189   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
190   */
191  public static void verify(
192      boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, char p1, char p2) {
193    if (!expression) {
194      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2));
195    }
196  }
198  /**
199   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
200   * custom message otherwise.
201   *
202   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
203   *
204   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
205   */
206  public static void verify(
207      boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, int p1, char p2) {
208    if (!expression) {
209      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2));
210    }
211  }
213  /**
214   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
215   * custom message otherwise.
216   *
217   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
218   *
219   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
220   */
221  public static void verify(
222      boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, long p1, char p2) {
223    if (!expression) {
224      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2));
225    }
226  }
228  /**
229   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
230   * custom message otherwise.
231   *
232   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
233   *
234   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
235   */
236  public static void verify(
237      boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, @Nullable Object p1, char p2) {
238    if (!expression) {
239      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2));
240    }
241  }
243  /**
244   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
245   * custom message otherwise.
246   *
247   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
248   *
249   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
250   */
251  public static void verify(
252      boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, char p1, int p2) {
253    if (!expression) {
254      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2));
255    }
256  }
258  /**
259   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
260   * custom message otherwise.
261   *
262   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
263   *
264   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
265   */
266  public static void verify(
267      boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, int p1, int p2) {
268    if (!expression) {
269      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2));
270    }
271  }
273  /**
274   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
275   * custom message otherwise.
276   *
277   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
278   *
279   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
280   */
281  public static void verify(
282      boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, long p1, int p2) {
283    if (!expression) {
284      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2));
285    }
286  }
288  /**
289   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
290   * custom message otherwise.
291   *
292   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
293   *
294   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
295   */
296  public static void verify(
297      boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, @Nullable Object p1, int p2) {
298    if (!expression) {
299      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2));
300    }
301  }
303  /**
304   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
305   * custom message otherwise.
306   *
307   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
308   *
309   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
310   */
311  public static void verify(
312      boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, char p1, long p2) {
313    if (!expression) {
314      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2));
315    }
316  }
318  /**
319   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
320   * custom message otherwise.
321   *
322   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
323   *
324   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
325   */
326  public static void verify(
327      boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, int p1, long p2) {
328    if (!expression) {
329      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2));
330    }
331  }
333  /**
334   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
335   * custom message otherwise.
336   *
337   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
338   *
339   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
340   */
341  public static void verify(
342      boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, long p1, long p2) {
343    if (!expression) {
344      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2));
345    }
346  }
348  /**
349   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
350   * custom message otherwise.
351   *
352   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
353   *
354   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
355   */
356  public static void verify(
357      boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, @Nullable Object p1, long p2) {
358    if (!expression) {
359      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2));
360    }
361  }
363  /**
364   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
365   * custom message otherwise.
366   *
367   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
368   *
369   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
370   */
371  public static void verify(
372      boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, char p1, @Nullable Object p2) {
373    if (!expression) {
374      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2));
375    }
376  }
378  /**
379   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
380   * custom message otherwise.
381   *
382   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
383   *
384   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
385   */
386  public static void verify(
387      boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, int p1, @Nullable Object p2) {
388    if (!expression) {
389      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2));
390    }
391  }
393  /**
394   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
395   * custom message otherwise.
396   *
397   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
398   *
399   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
400   */
401  public static void verify(
402      boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, long p1, @Nullable Object p2) {
403    if (!expression) {
404      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2));
405    }
406  }
408  /**
409   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
410   * custom message otherwise.
411   *
412   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
413   *
414   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
415   */
416  public static void verify(
417      boolean expression,
418      @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate,
419      @Nullable Object p1,
420      @Nullable Object p2) {
421    if (!expression) {
422      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2));
423    }
424  }
426  /**
427   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
428   * custom message otherwise.
429   *
430   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
431   *
432   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
433   */
434  public static void verify(
435      boolean expression,
436      @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate,
437      @Nullable Object p1,
438      @Nullable Object p2,
439      @Nullable Object p3) {
440    if (!expression) {
441      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2, p3));
442    }
443  }
445  /**
446   * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a
447   * custom message otherwise.
448   *
449   * <p>See {@link #verify(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
450   *
451   * @since 23.1 (varargs overload since 17.0)
452   */
453  public static void verify(
454      boolean expression,
455      @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate,
456      @Nullable Object p1,
457      @Nullable Object p2,
458      @Nullable Object p3,
459      @Nullable Object p4) {
460    if (!expression) {
461      throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2, p3, p4));
462    }
463  }
465  /**
466   * Ensures that {@code reference} is non-null, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a default
467   * message otherwise.
468   *
469   * @return {@code reference}, guaranteed to be non-null, for convenience
470   * @throws VerifyException if {@code reference} is {@code null}
471   * @see Preconditions#checkNotNull Preconditions.checkNotNull()
472   */
473  @CanIgnoreReturnValue
474  public static <T> T verifyNotNull(@Nullable T reference) {
475    return verifyNotNull(reference, "expected a non-null reference");
476  }
478  /**
479   * Ensures that {@code reference} is non-null, throwing a {@code VerifyException} with a custom
480   * message otherwise.
481   *
482   * @param errorMessageTemplate a template for the exception message should the check fail. The
483   *     message is formed by replacing each {@code %s} placeholder in the template with an
484   *     argument. These are matched by position - the first {@code %s} gets
485   *     {@code errorMessageArgs[0]}, etc. Unmatched arguments will be appended to the formatted
486   *     message in square braces. Unmatched placeholders will be left as-is.
487   * @param errorMessageArgs the arguments to be substituted into the message template. Arguments
488   *     are converted to strings using {@link String#valueOf(Object)}.
489   * @return {@code reference}, guaranteed to be non-null, for convenience
490   * @throws VerifyException if {@code reference} is {@code null}
491   * @see Preconditions#checkNotNull Preconditions.checkNotNull()
492   */
493  @CanIgnoreReturnValue
494  public static <T> T verifyNotNull(
495      @Nullable T reference,
496      @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate,
497      @Nullable Object... errorMessageArgs) {
498    verify(reference != null, errorMessageTemplate, errorMessageArgs);
499    return reference;
500  }
502  // TODO(kevinb): consider <T> T verifySingleton(Iterable<T>) to take over for
503  // Iterables.getOnlyElement()
505  private Verify() {}