002 * Copyright (C) 2007 The Guava Authors
003 *
004 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
005 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
006 *
007 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
008 *
009 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
010 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
011 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
012 * the License.
013 */
015package com.google.common.util.concurrent;
017import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
018import static com.google.common.base.Throwables.throwIfUnchecked;
019import static com.google.common.util.concurrent.Futures.getDone;
020import static com.google.common.util.concurrent.MoreExecutors.directExecutor;
021import static java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater;
023import com.google.common.annotations.Beta;
024import com.google.common.annotations.GwtCompatible;
025import com.google.errorprone.annotations.CanIgnoreReturnValue;
026import com.google.errorprone.annotations.DoNotMock;
027import com.google.j2objc.annotations.ReflectionSupport;
028import java.security.AccessController;
029import java.security.PrivilegedActionException;
030import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
031import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
032import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
033import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
034import java.util.concurrent.Future;
035import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
036import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
037import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;
038import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;
039import java.util.logging.Level;
040import java.util.logging.Logger;
041import javax.annotation.Nullable;
044 * An abstract implementation of {@link ListenableFuture}, intended for advanced users only. More
045 * common ways to create a {@code ListenableFuture} include instantiating a {@link SettableFuture},
046 * submitting a task to a {@link ListeningExecutorService}, and deriving a {@code Future} from an
047 * existing one, typically using methods like {@link Futures#transform(ListenableFuture,
048 * com.google.common.base.Function) Futures.transform} and {@link Futures#catching(ListenableFuture,
049 * Class, com.google.common.base.Function, java.util.concurrent.Executor) Futures.catching}.
050 *
051 * <p>This class implements all methods in {@code ListenableFuture}. Subclasses should provide a way
052 * to set the result of the computation through the protected methods {@link #set(Object)}, {@link
053 * #setFuture(ListenableFuture)} and {@link #setException(Throwable)}. Subclasses may also override
054 * {@link #afterDone()}, which will be invoked automatically when the future completes. Subclasses
055 * should rarely override other methods.
056 *
057 * @author Sven Mawson
058 * @author Luke Sandberg
059 * @since 1.0
060 */
061@DoNotMock("Use Futures.immediate*Future or SettableFuture")
062@GwtCompatible(emulated = true)
063@ReflectionSupport(value = ReflectionSupport.Level.FULL)
064public abstract class AbstractFuture<V> implements ListenableFuture<V> {
065  // NOTE: Whenever both tests are cheap and functional, it's faster to use &, | instead of &&, ||
067  private static final boolean GENERATE_CANCELLATION_CAUSES =
068      Boolean.parseBoolean(
069          System.getProperty("guava.concurrent.generate_cancellation_cause", "false"));
071  /**
072   * A less abstract subclass of AbstractFuture. This can be used to optimize setFuture by ensuring
073   * that {@link #get} calls exactly the implementation of {@link AbstractFuture#get}.
074   */
075  abstract static class TrustedFuture<V> extends AbstractFuture<V> {
076    @CanIgnoreReturnValue
077    @Override
078    public final V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
079      return super.get();
080    }
082    @CanIgnoreReturnValue
083    @Override
084    public final V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
085        throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
086      return super.get(timeout, unit);
087    }
089    @Override
090    public final boolean isDone() {
091      return super.isDone();
092    }
094    @Override
095    public final boolean isCancelled() {
096      return super.isCancelled();
097    }
099    @Override
100    public final void addListener(Runnable listener, Executor executor) {
101      super.addListener(listener, executor);
102    }
104    @CanIgnoreReturnValue
105    @Override
106    public final boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
107      return super.cancel(mayInterruptIfRunning);
108    }
109  }
111  // Logger to log exceptions caught when running listeners.
112  private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AbstractFuture.class.getName());
114  // A heuristic for timed gets. If the remaining timeout is less than this, spin instead of
115  // blocking. This value is what AbstractQueuedSynchronizer uses.
116  private static final long SPIN_THRESHOLD_NANOS = 1000L;
118  private static final AtomicHelper ATOMIC_HELPER;
120  static {
121    AtomicHelper helper;
123    try {
124      helper = new UnsafeAtomicHelper();
125    } catch (Throwable unsafeFailure) {
126      // catch absolutely everything and fall through to our 'SafeAtomicHelper'
127      // The access control checks that ARFU does means the caller class has to be AbstractFuture
128      // instead of SafeAtomicHelper, so we annoyingly define these here
129      try {
130        helper =
131            new SafeAtomicHelper(
132                newUpdater(Waiter.class, Thread.class, "thread"),
133                newUpdater(Waiter.class, Waiter.class, "next"),
134                newUpdater(AbstractFuture.class, Waiter.class, "waiters"),
135                newUpdater(AbstractFuture.class, Listener.class, "listeners"),
136                newUpdater(AbstractFuture.class, Object.class, "value"));
137      } catch (Throwable atomicReferenceFieldUpdaterFailure) {
138        // Some Android 5.0.x Samsung devices have bugs in JDK reflection APIs that cause
139        // getDeclaredField to throw a NoSuchFieldException when the field is definitely there.
140        // For these users fallback to a suboptimal implementation, based on synchronized. This will
141        // be a definite performance hit to those users.
142        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "UnsafeAtomicHelper is broken!", unsafeFailure);
143        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "SafeAtomicHelper is broken!", atomicReferenceFieldUpdaterFailure);
144        helper = new SynchronizedHelper();
145      }
146    }
147    ATOMIC_HELPER = helper;
149    // Prevent rare disastrous classloading in first call to LockSupport.park.
150    // See: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8074773
151    @SuppressWarnings("unused")
152    Class<?> ensureLoaded = LockSupport.class;
153  }
155  /**
156   * Waiter links form a Treiber stack, in the {@link #waiters} field.
157   */
158  private static final class Waiter {
159    static final Waiter TOMBSTONE = new Waiter(false /* ignored param */);
161    @Nullable volatile Thread thread;
162    @Nullable volatile Waiter next;
164    /**
165     * Constructor for the TOMBSTONE, avoids use of ATOMIC_HELPER in case this class is loaded
166     * before the ATOMIC_HELPER. Apparently this is possible on some android platforms.
167     */
168    Waiter(boolean unused) {}
170    Waiter() {
171      // avoid volatile write, write is made visible by subsequent CAS on waiters field
172      ATOMIC_HELPER.putThread(this, Thread.currentThread());
173    }
175    // non-volatile write to the next field. Should be made visible by subsequent CAS on waiters
176    // field.
177    void setNext(Waiter next) {
178      ATOMIC_HELPER.putNext(this, next);
179    }
181    void unpark() {
182      // This is racy with removeWaiter. The consequence of the race is that we may spuriously call
183      // unpark even though the thread has already removed itself from the list. But even if we did
184      // use a CAS, that race would still exist (it would just be ever so slightly smaller).
185      Thread w = thread;
186      if (w != null) {
187        thread = null;
188        LockSupport.unpark(w);
189      }
190    }
191  }
193  /**
194   * Marks the given node as 'deleted' (null waiter) and then scans the list to unlink all deleted
195   * nodes. This is an O(n) operation in the common case (and O(n^2) in the worst), but we are saved
196   * by two things.
197   * <ul>
198   * <li>This is only called when a waiting thread times out or is interrupted. Both of which should
199   *     be rare.
200   * <li>The waiters list should be very short.
201   * </ul>
202   */
203  private void removeWaiter(Waiter node) {
204    node.thread = null; // mark as 'deleted'
205    restart:
206    while (true) {
207      Waiter pred = null;
208      Waiter curr = waiters;
209      if (curr == Waiter.TOMBSTONE) {
210        return; // give up if someone is calling complete
211      }
212      Waiter succ;
213      while (curr != null) {
214        succ = curr.next;
215        if (curr.thread != null) { // we aren't unlinking this node, update pred.
216          pred = curr;
217        } else if (pred != null) { // We are unlinking this node and it has a predecessor.
218          pred.next = succ;
219          if (pred.thread == null) { // We raced with another node that unlinked pred. Restart.
220            continue restart;
221          }
222        } else if (!ATOMIC_HELPER.casWaiters(this, curr, succ)) { // We are unlinking head
223          continue restart; // We raced with an add or complete
224        }
225        curr = succ;
226      }
227      break;
228    }
229  }
231  /** Listeners also form a stack through the {@link #listeners} field. */
232  private static final class Listener {
233    static final Listener TOMBSTONE = new Listener(null, null);
234    final Runnable task;
235    final Executor executor;
237    // writes to next are made visible by subsequent CAS's on the listeners field
238    @Nullable Listener next;
240    Listener(Runnable task, Executor executor) {
241      this.task = task;
242      this.executor = executor;
243    }
244  }
246  /** A special value to represent {@code null}. */
247  private static final Object NULL = new Object();
249  /** A special value to represent failure, when {@link #setException} is called successfully. */
250  private static final class Failure {
251    static final Failure FALLBACK_INSTANCE =
252        new Failure(
253            new Throwable("Failure occurred while trying to finish a future.") {
254              @Override
255              public synchronized Throwable fillInStackTrace() {
256                return this; // no stack trace
257              }
258            });
259    final Throwable exception;
261    Failure(Throwable exception) {
262      this.exception = checkNotNull(exception);
263    }
264  }
266  /** A special value to represent cancellation and the 'wasInterrupted' bit. */
267  private static final class Cancellation {
268    final boolean wasInterrupted;
269    @Nullable final Throwable cause;
271    Cancellation(boolean wasInterrupted, @Nullable Throwable cause) {
272      this.wasInterrupted = wasInterrupted;
273      this.cause = cause;
274    }
275  }
277  /** A special value that encodes the 'setFuture' state. */
278  private static final class SetFuture<V> implements Runnable {
279    final AbstractFuture<V> owner;
280    final ListenableFuture<? extends V> future;
282    SetFuture(AbstractFuture<V> owner, ListenableFuture<? extends V> future) {
283      this.owner = owner;
284      this.future = future;
285    }
287    @Override
288    public void run() {
289      if (owner.value != this) {
290        // nothing to do, we must have been cancelled, don't bother inspecting the future.
291        return;
292      }
293      Object valueToSet = getFutureValue(future);
294      if (ATOMIC_HELPER.casValue(owner, this, valueToSet)) {
295        complete(owner);
296      }
297    }
298  }
300  // TODO(lukes): investigate using the @Contended annotation on these fields when jdk8 is
301  // available.
302  /**
303   * This field encodes the current state of the future.
304   *
305   * <p>The valid values are:
306   * <ul>
307   * <li>{@code null} initial state, nothing has happened.
308   * <li>{@link Cancellation} terminal state, {@code cancel} was called.
309   * <li>{@link Failure} terminal state, {@code setException} was called.
310   * <li>{@link SetFuture} intermediate state, {@code setFuture} was called.
311   * <li>{@link #NULL} terminal state, {@code set(null)} was called.
312   * <li>Any other non-null value, terminal state, {@code set} was called with a non-null argument.
313   * </ul>
314   */
315  private volatile Object value;
317  /** All listeners. */
318  private volatile Listener listeners;
320  /** All waiting threads. */
321  private volatile Waiter waiters;
323  /**
324   * Constructor for use by subclasses.
325   */
326  protected AbstractFuture() {}
328  // Gets and Timed Gets
329  //
330  // * Be responsive to interruption
331  // * Don't create Waiter nodes if you aren't going to park, this helps reduce contention on the
332  //   waiters field.
333  // * Future completion is defined by when #value becomes non-null/non SetFuture
334  // * Future completion can be observed if the waiters field contains a TOMBSTONE
336  // Timed Get
337  // There are a few design constraints to consider
338  // * We want to be responsive to small timeouts, unpark() has non trivial latency overheads (I
339  //   have observed 12 micros on 64 bit linux systems to wake up a parked thread). So if the
340  //   timeout is small we shouldn't park(). This needs to be traded off with the cpu overhead of
341  //   spinning, so we use SPIN_THRESHOLD_NANOS which is what AbstractQueuedSynchronizer uses for
342  //   similar purposes.
343  // * We want to behave reasonably for timeouts of 0
344  // * We are more responsive to completion than timeouts. This is because parkNanos depends on
345  //   system scheduling and as such we could either miss our deadline, or unpark() could be delayed
346  //   so that it looks like we timed out even though we didn't. For comparison FutureTask respects
347  //   completion preferably and AQS is non-deterministic (depends on where in the queue the waiter
348  //   is). If we wanted to be strict about it, we could store the unpark() time in the Waiter node
349  //   and we could use that to make a decision about whether or not we timed out prior to being
350  //   unparked.
352  /*
353   * Improve the documentation of when InterruptedException is thrown. Our behavior matches the
354   * JDK's, but the JDK's documentation is misleading.
355   */
357  /**
358   * {@inheritDoc}
359   *
360   * <p>The default {@link AbstractFuture} implementation throws {@code InterruptedException} if the
361   * current thread is interrupted before or during the call, even if the value is already
362   * available.
363   *
364   * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread was interrupted before or during the call
365   *     (optional but recommended).
366   * @throws CancellationException {@inheritDoc}
367   */
368  @CanIgnoreReturnValue
369  @Override
370  public V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
371      throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, ExecutionException {
372    // NOTE: if timeout < 0, remainingNanos will be < 0 and we will fall into the while(true) loop
373    // at the bottom and throw a timeoutexception.
374    long remainingNanos = unit.toNanos(timeout); // we rely on the implicit null check on unit.
375    if (Thread.interrupted()) {
376      throw new InterruptedException();
377    }
378    Object localValue = value;
379    if (localValue != null & !(localValue instanceof SetFuture)) {
380      return getDoneValue(localValue);
381    }
382    // we delay calling nanoTime until we know we will need to either park or spin
383    final long endNanos = remainingNanos > 0 ? System.nanoTime() + remainingNanos : 0;
384    long_wait_loop:
385    if (remainingNanos >= SPIN_THRESHOLD_NANOS) {
386      Waiter oldHead = waiters;
387      if (oldHead != Waiter.TOMBSTONE) {
388        Waiter node = new Waiter();
389        do {
390          node.setNext(oldHead);
391          if (ATOMIC_HELPER.casWaiters(this, oldHead, node)) {
392            while (true) {
393              LockSupport.parkNanos(this, remainingNanos);
394              // Check interruption first, if we woke up due to interruption we need to honor that.
395              if (Thread.interrupted()) {
396                removeWaiter(node);
397                throw new InterruptedException();
398              }
400              // Otherwise re-read and check doneness. If we loop then it must have been a spurious
401              // wakeup
402              localValue = value;
403              if (localValue != null & !(localValue instanceof SetFuture)) {
404                return getDoneValue(localValue);
405              }
407              // timed out?
408              remainingNanos = endNanos - System.nanoTime();
409              if (remainingNanos < SPIN_THRESHOLD_NANOS) {
410                // Remove the waiter, one way or another we are done parking this thread.
411                removeWaiter(node);
412                break long_wait_loop; // jump down to the busy wait loop
413              }
414            }
415          }
416          oldHead = waiters; // re-read and loop.
417        } while (oldHead != Waiter.TOMBSTONE);
418      }
419      // re-read value, if we get here then we must have observed a TOMBSTONE while trying to add a
420      // waiter.
421      return getDoneValue(value);
422    }
423    // If we get here then we have remainingNanos < SPIN_THRESHOLD_NANOS and there is no node on the
424    // waiters list
425    while (remainingNanos > 0) {
426      localValue = value;
427      if (localValue != null & !(localValue instanceof SetFuture)) {
428        return getDoneValue(localValue);
429      }
430      if (Thread.interrupted()) {
431        throw new InterruptedException();
432      }
433      remainingNanos = endNanos - System.nanoTime();
434    }
435    throw new TimeoutException();
436  }
438  /*
439   * Improve the documentation of when InterruptedException is thrown. Our behavior matches the
440   * JDK's, but the JDK's documentation is misleading.
441   */
443  /**
444   * {@inheritDoc}
445   *
446   * <p>The default {@link AbstractFuture} implementation throws {@code InterruptedException} if the
447   * current thread is interrupted before or during the call, even if the value is already
448   * available.
449   *
450   * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread was interrupted before or during the call
451   *     (optional but recommended).
452   * @throws CancellationException {@inheritDoc}
453   */
454  @CanIgnoreReturnValue
455  @Override
456  public V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
457    if (Thread.interrupted()) {
458      throw new InterruptedException();
459    }
460    Object localValue = value;
461    if (localValue != null & !(localValue instanceof SetFuture)) {
462      return getDoneValue(localValue);
463    }
464    Waiter oldHead = waiters;
465    if (oldHead != Waiter.TOMBSTONE) {
466      Waiter node = new Waiter();
467      do {
468        node.setNext(oldHead);
469        if (ATOMIC_HELPER.casWaiters(this, oldHead, node)) {
470          // we are on the stack, now wait for completion.
471          while (true) {
472            LockSupport.park(this);
473            // Check interruption first, if we woke up due to interruption we need to honor that.
474            if (Thread.interrupted()) {
475              removeWaiter(node);
476              throw new InterruptedException();
477            }
478            // Otherwise re-read and check doneness. If we loop then it must have been a spurious
479            // wakeup
480            localValue = value;
481            if (localValue != null & !(localValue instanceof SetFuture)) {
482              return getDoneValue(localValue);
483            }
484          }
485        }
486        oldHead = waiters; // re-read and loop.
487      } while (oldHead != Waiter.TOMBSTONE);
488    }
489    // re-read value, if we get here then we must have observed a TOMBSTONE while trying to add a
490    // waiter.
491    return getDoneValue(value);
492  }
494  /**
495   * Unboxes {@code obj}. Assumes that obj is not {@code null} or a {@link SetFuture}.
496   */
497  private V getDoneValue(Object obj) throws ExecutionException {
498    // While this seems like it might be too branch-y, simple benchmarking proves it to be
499    // unmeasurable (comparing done AbstractFutures with immediateFuture)
500    if (obj instanceof Cancellation) {
501      throw cancellationExceptionWithCause("Task was cancelled.", ((Cancellation) obj).cause);
502    } else if (obj instanceof Failure) {
503      throw new ExecutionException(((Failure) obj).exception);
504    } else if (obj == NULL) {
505      return null;
506    } else {
507      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // this is the only other option
508      V asV = (V) obj;
509      return asV;
510    }
511  }
513  @Override
514  public boolean isDone() {
515    final Object localValue = value;
516    return localValue != null & !(localValue instanceof SetFuture);
517  }
519  @Override
520  public boolean isCancelled() {
521    final Object localValue = value;
522    return localValue instanceof Cancellation;
523  }
525  /**
526   * {@inheritDoc}
527   *
528   * <p>If a cancellation attempt succeeds on a {@code Future} that had previously been {@linkplain
529   * #setFuture set asynchronously}, then the cancellation will also be propagated to the delegate
530   * {@code Future} that was supplied in the {@code setFuture} call.
531   *
532   * <p>Rather than override this method to perform additional cancellation work or cleanup,
533   * subclasses should override {@link #afterDone}, consulting {@link #isCancelled} and {@link
534   * #wasInterrupted} as necessary. This ensures that the work is done even if the future is
535   * cancelled without a call to {@code cancel}, such as by calling {@code
536   * setFuture(cancelledFuture)}.
537   */
538  @CanIgnoreReturnValue
539  @Override
540  public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
541    Object localValue = value;
542    boolean rValue = false;
543    if (localValue == null | localValue instanceof SetFuture) {
544      // Try to delay allocating the exception. At this point we may still lose the CAS, but it is
545      // certainly less likely.
546      Throwable cause =
548              ? new CancellationException("Future.cancel() was called.")
549              : null;
550      Object valueToSet = new Cancellation(mayInterruptIfRunning, cause);
551      AbstractFuture<?> abstractFuture = this;
552      while (true) {
553        if (ATOMIC_HELPER.casValue(abstractFuture, localValue, valueToSet)) {
554          rValue = true;
555          // We call interuptTask before calling complete(), which is consistent with
556          // FutureTask
557          if (mayInterruptIfRunning) {
558            abstractFuture.interruptTask();
559          }
560          complete(abstractFuture);
561          if (localValue instanceof SetFuture) {
562            // propagate cancellation to the future set in setfuture, this is racy, and we don't
563            // care if we are successful or not.
564            ListenableFuture<?> futureToPropagateTo = ((SetFuture) localValue).future;
565            if (futureToPropagateTo instanceof TrustedFuture) {
566              // If the future is a TrustedFuture then we specifically avoid calling cancel()
567              // this has 2 benefits
568              // 1. for long chains of futures strung together with setFuture we consume less stack
569              // 2. we avoid allocating Cancellation objects at every level of the cancellation
570              //    chain
571              // We can only do this for TrustedFuture, because TrustedFuture.cancel is final and
572              // does nothing but delegate to this method.
573              AbstractFuture<?> trusted = (AbstractFuture<?>) futureToPropagateTo;
574              localValue = trusted.value;
575              if (localValue == null | localValue instanceof SetFuture) {
576                abstractFuture = trusted;
577                continue;  // loop back up and try to complete the new future
578              }
579            } else {
580              // not a TrustedFuture, call cancel directly.
581              futureToPropagateTo.cancel(mayInterruptIfRunning);
582            }
583          }
584          break;
585        }
586        // obj changed, reread
587        localValue = abstractFuture.value;
588        if (!(localValue instanceof SetFuture)) {
589          // obj cannot be null at this point, because value can only change from null to non-null.
590          // So if value changed (and it did since we lost the CAS), then it cannot be null and
591          // since it isn't a SetFuture, then the future must be done and we should exit the loop
592          break;
593        }
594      }
595    }
596    return rValue;
597  }
599  /**
600   * Subclasses can override this method to implement interruption of the future's computation. The
601   * method is invoked automatically by a successful call to {@link #cancel(boolean) cancel(true)}.
602   *
603   * <p>The default implementation does nothing.
604   *
605   * <p>This method is likely to be deprecated. Prefer to override {@link #afterDone}, consulting
606   * {@link #wasInterrupted} to decide whether to interrupt your task.
607   *
608   * @since 10.0
609   */
610  protected void interruptTask() {}
612  /**
613   * Returns true if this future was cancelled with {@code mayInterruptIfRunning} set to {@code
614   * true}.
615   *
616   * @since 14.0
617   */
618  protected final boolean wasInterrupted() {
619    final Object localValue = value;
620    return (localValue instanceof Cancellation) && ((Cancellation) localValue).wasInterrupted;
621  }
623  /**
624   * {@inheritDoc}
625   *
626   * @since 10.0
627   */
628  @Override
629  public void addListener(Runnable listener, Executor executor) {
630    checkNotNull(listener, "Runnable was null.");
631    checkNotNull(executor, "Executor was null.");
632    Listener oldHead = listeners;
633    if (oldHead != Listener.TOMBSTONE) {
634      Listener newNode = new Listener(listener, executor);
635      do {
636        newNode.next = oldHead;
637        if (ATOMIC_HELPER.casListeners(this, oldHead, newNode)) {
638          return;
639        }
640        oldHead = listeners; // re-read
641      } while (oldHead != Listener.TOMBSTONE);
642    }
643    // If we get here then the Listener TOMBSTONE was set, which means the future is done, call
644    // the listener.
645    executeListener(listener, executor);
646  }
648  /**
649   * Sets the result of this {@code Future} unless this {@code Future} has already been cancelled or
650   * set (including {@linkplain #setFuture set asynchronously}). When a call to this method returns,
651   * the {@code Future} is guaranteed to be {@linkplain #isDone done} <b>only if</b> the call was
652   * accepted (in which case it returns {@code true}). If it returns {@code false}, the {@code
653   * Future} may have previously been set asynchronously, in which case its result may not be known
654   * yet. That result, though not yet known, cannot be overridden by a call to a {@code set*}
655   * method, only by a call to {@link #cancel}.
656   *
657   * @param value the value to be used as the result
658   * @return true if the attempt was accepted, completing the {@code Future}
659   */
660  @CanIgnoreReturnValue
661  protected boolean set(@Nullable V value) {
662    Object valueToSet = value == null ? NULL : value;
663    if (ATOMIC_HELPER.casValue(this, null, valueToSet)) {
664      complete(this);
665      return true;
666    }
667    return false;
668  }
670  /**
671   * Sets the failed result of this {@code Future} unless this {@code Future} has already been
672   * cancelled or set (including {@linkplain #setFuture set asynchronously}). When a call to this
673   * method returns, the {@code Future} is guaranteed to be {@linkplain #isDone done} <b>only if</b>
674   * the call was accepted (in which case it returns {@code true}). If it returns {@code false}, the
675   * {@code Future} may have previously been set asynchronously, in which case its result may not be
676   * known yet. That result, though not yet known, cannot be overridden by a call to a {@code set*}
677   * method, only by a call to {@link #cancel}.
678   *
679   * @param throwable the exception to be used as the failed result
680   * @return true if the attempt was accepted, completing the {@code Future}
681   */
682  @CanIgnoreReturnValue
683  protected boolean setException(Throwable throwable) {
684    Object valueToSet = new Failure(checkNotNull(throwable));
685    if (ATOMIC_HELPER.casValue(this, null, valueToSet)) {
686      complete(this);
687      return true;
688    }
689    return false;
690  }
692  /**
693   * Sets the result of this {@code Future} to match the supplied input {@code Future} once the
694   * supplied {@code Future} is done, unless this {@code Future} has already been cancelled or set
695   * (including "set asynchronously," defined below).
696   *
697   * <p>If the supplied future is {@linkplain #isDone done} when this method is called and the call
698   * is accepted, then this future is guaranteed to have been completed with the supplied future by
699   * the time this method returns. If the supplied future is not done and the call is accepted, then
700   * the future will be <i>set asynchronously</i>. Note that such a result, though not yet known,
701   * cannot be overridden by a call to a {@code set*} method, only by a call to {@link #cancel}.
702   *
703   * <p>If the call {@code setFuture(delegate)} is accepted and this {@code Future} is later
704   * cancelled, cancellation will be propagated to {@code delegate}. Additionally, any call to
705   * {@code setFuture} after any cancellation will propagate cancellation to the supplied {@code
706   * Future}.
707   *
708   * @param future the future to delegate to
709   * @return true if the attempt was accepted, indicating that the {@code Future} was not previously
710   *     cancelled or set.
711   * @since 19.0
712   */
713  @Beta
714  @CanIgnoreReturnValue
715  protected boolean setFuture(ListenableFuture<? extends V> future) {
716    checkNotNull(future);
717    Object localValue = value;
718    if (localValue == null) {
719      if (future.isDone()) {
720        Object value = getFutureValue(future);
721        if (ATOMIC_HELPER.casValue(this, null, value)) {
722          complete(this);
723          return true;
724        }
725        return false;
726      }
727      SetFuture valueToSet = new SetFuture<V>(this, future);
728      if (ATOMIC_HELPER.casValue(this, null, valueToSet)) {
729        // the listener is responsible for calling completeWithFuture, directExecutor is appropriate
730        // since all we are doing is unpacking a completed future which should be fast.
731        try {
732          future.addListener(valueToSet, directExecutor());
733        } catch (Throwable t) {
734          // addListener has thrown an exception! SetFuture.run can't throw any exceptions so this
735          // must have been caused by addListener itself. The most likely explanation is a
736          // misconfigured mock. Try to switch to Failure.
737          Failure failure;
738          try {
739            failure = new Failure(t);
740          } catch (Throwable oomMostLikely) {
741            failure = Failure.FALLBACK_INSTANCE;
742          }
743          // Note: The only way this CAS could fail is if cancel() has raced with us. That is ok.
744          boolean unused = ATOMIC_HELPER.casValue(this, valueToSet, failure);
745        }
746        return true;
747      }
748      localValue = value; // we lost the cas, fall through and maybe cancel
749    }
750    // The future has already been set to something. If it is cancellation we should cancel the
751    // incoming future.
752    if (localValue instanceof Cancellation) {
753      // we don't care if it fails, this is best-effort.
754      future.cancel(((Cancellation) localValue).wasInterrupted);
755    }
756    return false;
757  }
759  /**
760   * Returns a value, suitable for storing in the {@link #value} field. From the given future,
761   * which is assumed to be done.
762   *
763   * <p>This is approximately the inverse of {@link #getDoneValue(Object)}
764   */
765  private static Object getFutureValue(ListenableFuture<?> future) {
766    Object valueToSet;
767    if (future instanceof TrustedFuture) {
768      // Break encapsulation for TrustedFuture instances since we know that subclasses cannot
769      // override .get() (since it is final) and therefore this is equivalent to calling .get()
770      // and unpacking the exceptions like we do below (just much faster because it is a single
771      // field read instead of a read, several branches and possibly creating exceptions).
772      return ((AbstractFuture<?>) future).value;
773    } else {
774      // Otherwise calculate valueToSet by calling .get()
775      try {
776        Object v = getDone(future);
777        valueToSet = v == null ? NULL : v;
778      } catch (ExecutionException exception) {
779        valueToSet = new Failure(exception.getCause());
780      } catch (CancellationException cancellation) {
781        valueToSet = new Cancellation(false, cancellation);
782      } catch (Throwable t) {
783        valueToSet = new Failure(t);
784      }
785    }
786    return valueToSet;
787  }
789  /** Unblocks all threads and runs all listeners. */
790  private static void complete(AbstractFuture<?> future) {
791    Listener next = null;
792    outer: while (true) {
793      future.releaseWaiters();
794      // We call this before the listeners in order to avoid needing to manage a separate stack data
795      // structure for them.
796      // afterDone() should be generally fast and only used for cleanup work... but in theory can
797      // also be recursive and create StackOverflowErrors
798      future.afterDone();
799      // push the current set of listeners onto next
800      next = future.clearListeners(next);
801      future = null;
802      while (next != null) {
803        Listener curr = next;
804        next = next.next;
805        Runnable task = curr.task;
806        if (task instanceof SetFuture) {
807          SetFuture<?> setFuture = (SetFuture<?>) task;
808          // We unwind setFuture specifically to avoid StackOverflowErrors in the case of long
809          // chains of SetFutures
810          // Handling this special case is important because there is no way to pass an executor to
811          // setFuture, so a user couldn't break the chain by doing this themselves.  It is also
812          // potentially common if someone writes a recursive Futures.transformAsync transformer.
813          future = setFuture.owner;
814          if (future.value == setFuture) {
815            Object valueToSet = getFutureValue(setFuture.future);
816            if (ATOMIC_HELPER.casValue(future, setFuture, valueToSet)) {
817              continue outer;
818            }
819          }
820          // other wise the future we were trying to set is already done.
821        } else {
822          executeListener(task, curr.executor);
823        }
824      }
825      break;
826    }
827  }
829  /**
830   * Callback method that is called exactly once after the future is completed.
831   *
832   * <p>If {@link #interruptTask} is also run during completion, {@link #afterDone} runs after it.
833   *
834   * <p>The default implementation of this method in {@code AbstractFuture} does nothing.  This is
835   * intended for very lightweight cleanup work, for example, timing statistics or clearing fields.
836   * If your task does anything heavier consider, just using a listener with an executor.
837   *
838   * @since 20.0
839   */
840  // TODO(cpovirk): @ForOverride https://github.com/google/error-prone/issues/342
841  @Beta
842  protected void afterDone() {}
844  /**
845   * Returns the exception that this {@code Future} completed with. This includes completion through
846   * a call to {@link setException} or {@link setFuture}{@code (failedFuture)} but not cancellation.
847   *
848   * @throws RuntimeException if the {@code Future} has not failed
849   */
850  final Throwable trustedGetException() {
851    return ((Failure) value).exception;
852  }
854  /**
855   * If this future has been cancelled (and possibly interrupted), cancels (and possibly interrupts)
856   * the given future (if available).
857   *
858   * <p>This method should be used only when this future is completed. It is designed to be called
859   * from {@code done}.
860   */
861  final void maybePropagateCancellation(@Nullable Future<?> related) {
862    if (related != null & isCancelled()) {
863      related.cancel(wasInterrupted());
864    }
865  }
867  /** Releases all threads in the {@link #waiters} list, and clears the list. */
868  private void releaseWaiters() {
869    Waiter head;
870    do {
871      head = waiters;
872    } while (!ATOMIC_HELPER.casWaiters(this, head, Waiter.TOMBSTONE));
873    for (Waiter currentWaiter = head;
874        currentWaiter != null;
875        currentWaiter = currentWaiter.next) {
876      currentWaiter.unpark();
877    }
878  }
880  /**
881   * Clears the {@link #listeners} list and prepends its contents to {@code onto}, least recently
882   * added first.
883   */
884  private Listener clearListeners(Listener onto) {
885    // We need to
886    // 1. atomically swap the listeners with TOMBSTONE, this is because addListener uses that to
887    //    to synchronize with us
888    // 2. reverse the linked list, because despite our rather clear contract, people depend on us
889    //    executing listeners in the order they were added
890    // 3. push all the items onto 'onto' and return the new head of the stack
891    Listener head;
892    do {
893      head = listeners;
894    } while (!ATOMIC_HELPER.casListeners(this, head, Listener.TOMBSTONE));
895    Listener reversedList = onto;
896    while (head != null) {
897      Listener tmp = head;
898      head = head.next;
899      tmp.next = reversedList;
900      reversedList = tmp;
901    }
902    return reversedList;
903  }
905  /**
906   * Submits the given runnable to the given {@link Executor} catching and logging all
907   * {@linkplain RuntimeException runtime exceptions} thrown by the executor.
908   */
909  private static void executeListener(Runnable runnable, Executor executor) {
910    try {
911      executor.execute(runnable);
912    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
913      // Log it and keep going -- bad runnable and/or executor. Don't punish the other runnables if
914      // we're given a bad one. We only catch RuntimeException because we want Errors to propagate
915      // up.
916      log.log(
917          Level.SEVERE,
918          "RuntimeException while executing runnable " + runnable + " with executor " + executor,
919          e);
920    }
921  }
923  private abstract static class AtomicHelper {
924    /** Non volatile write of the thread to the {@link Waiter#thread} field. */
925    abstract void putThread(Waiter waiter, Thread newValue);
927    /** Non volatile write of the waiter to the {@link Waiter#next} field. */
928    abstract void putNext(Waiter waiter, Waiter newValue);
930    /** Performs a CAS operation on the {@link #waiters} field. */
931    abstract boolean casWaiters(AbstractFuture<?> future, Waiter expect, Waiter update);
933    /** Performs a CAS operation on the {@link #listeners} field. */
934    abstract boolean casListeners(AbstractFuture<?> future, Listener expect, Listener update);
936    /** Performs a CAS operation on the {@link #value} field. */
937    abstract boolean casValue(AbstractFuture<?> future, Object expect, Object update);
938  }
940  /**
941   * {@link AtomicHelper} based on {@link sun.misc.Unsafe}.
942   *
943   * <p>Static initialization of this class will fail if the {@link sun.misc.Unsafe} object cannot
944   * be accessed.
945   */
946  private static final class UnsafeAtomicHelper extends AtomicHelper {
947    static final sun.misc.Unsafe UNSAFE;
948    static final long LISTENERS_OFFSET;
949    static final long WAITERS_OFFSET;
950    static final long VALUE_OFFSET;
951    static final long WAITER_THREAD_OFFSET;
952    static final long WAITER_NEXT_OFFSET;
954    static {
955      sun.misc.Unsafe unsafe = null;
956      try {
957        unsafe = sun.misc.Unsafe.getUnsafe();
958      } catch (SecurityException tryReflectionInstead) {
959        try {
960          unsafe =
961              AccessController.doPrivileged(
962                  new PrivilegedExceptionAction<sun.misc.Unsafe>() {
963                    @Override
964                    public sun.misc.Unsafe run() throws Exception {
965                      Class<sun.misc.Unsafe> k = sun.misc.Unsafe.class;
966                      for (java.lang.reflect.Field f : k.getDeclaredFields()) {
967                        f.setAccessible(true);
968                        Object x = f.get(null);
969                        if (k.isInstance(x)) {
970                          return k.cast(x);
971                        }
972                      }
973                      throw new NoSuchFieldError("the Unsafe");
974                    }
975                  });
976        } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
977          throw new RuntimeException("Could not initialize intrinsics", e.getCause());
978        }
979      }
980      try {
981        Class<?> abstractFuture = AbstractFuture.class;
982        WAITERS_OFFSET = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(abstractFuture.getDeclaredField("waiters"));
983        LISTENERS_OFFSET = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(abstractFuture.getDeclaredField("listeners"));
984        VALUE_OFFSET = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(abstractFuture.getDeclaredField("value"));
985        WAITER_THREAD_OFFSET = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(Waiter.class.getDeclaredField("thread"));
986        WAITER_NEXT_OFFSET = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(Waiter.class.getDeclaredField("next"));
987        UNSAFE = unsafe;
988      } catch (Exception e) {
989        throwIfUnchecked(e);
990        throw new RuntimeException(e);
991      }
992    }
994    @Override
995    void putThread(Waiter waiter, Thread newValue) {
996      UNSAFE.putObject(waiter, WAITER_THREAD_OFFSET, newValue);
997    }
999    @Override
1000    void putNext(Waiter waiter, Waiter newValue) {
1001      UNSAFE.putObject(waiter, WAITER_NEXT_OFFSET, newValue);
1002    }
1004    /** Performs a CAS operation on the {@link #waiters} field. */
1005    @Override
1006    boolean casWaiters(AbstractFuture<?> future, Waiter expect, Waiter update) {
1007      return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(future, WAITERS_OFFSET, expect, update);
1008    }
1010    /** Performs a CAS operation on the {@link #listeners} field. */
1011    @Override
1012    boolean casListeners(AbstractFuture<?> future, Listener expect, Listener update) {
1013      return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(future, LISTENERS_OFFSET, expect, update);
1014    }
1016    /** Performs a CAS operation on the {@link #value} field. */
1017    @Override
1018    boolean casValue(AbstractFuture<?> future, Object expect, Object update) {
1019      return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(future, VALUE_OFFSET, expect, update);
1020    }
1021  }
1023  /** {@link AtomicHelper} based on {@link AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater}. */
1024  private static final class SafeAtomicHelper extends AtomicHelper {
1025    final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<Waiter, Thread> waiterThreadUpdater;
1026    final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<Waiter, Waiter> waiterNextUpdater;
1027    final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<AbstractFuture, Waiter> waitersUpdater;
1028    final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<AbstractFuture, Listener> listenersUpdater;
1029    final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<AbstractFuture, Object> valueUpdater;
1031    SafeAtomicHelper(
1032        AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<Waiter, Thread> waiterThreadUpdater,
1033        AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<Waiter, Waiter> waiterNextUpdater,
1034        AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<AbstractFuture, Waiter> waitersUpdater,
1035        AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<AbstractFuture, Listener> listenersUpdater,
1036        AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<AbstractFuture, Object> valueUpdater) {
1037      this.waiterThreadUpdater = waiterThreadUpdater;
1038      this.waiterNextUpdater = waiterNextUpdater;
1039      this.waitersUpdater = waitersUpdater;
1040      this.listenersUpdater = listenersUpdater;
1041      this.valueUpdater = valueUpdater;
1042    }
1044    @Override
1045    void putThread(Waiter waiter, Thread newValue) {
1046      waiterThreadUpdater.lazySet(waiter, newValue);
1047    }
1049    @Override
1050    void putNext(Waiter waiter, Waiter newValue) {
1051      waiterNextUpdater.lazySet(waiter, newValue);
1052    }
1054    @Override
1055    boolean casWaiters(AbstractFuture<?> future, Waiter expect, Waiter update) {
1056      return waitersUpdater.compareAndSet(future, expect, update);
1057    }
1059    @Override
1060    boolean casListeners(AbstractFuture<?> future, Listener expect, Listener update) {
1061      return listenersUpdater.compareAndSet(future, expect, update);
1062    }
1064    @Override
1065    boolean casValue(AbstractFuture<?> future, Object expect, Object update) {
1066      return valueUpdater.compareAndSet(future, expect, update);
1067    }
1068  }
1070  /**
1071   * {@link AtomicHelper} based on {@code synchronized} and volatile writes.
1072   *
1073   * <p>This is an implementation of last resort for when certain basic VM features are broken (like
1074   * AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater).
1075   */
1076  private static final class SynchronizedHelper extends AtomicHelper {
1077    @Override
1078    void putThread(Waiter waiter, Thread newValue) {
1079      waiter.thread = newValue;
1080    }
1082    @Override
1083    void putNext(Waiter waiter, Waiter newValue) {
1084      waiter.next = newValue;
1085    }
1087    @Override
1088    boolean casWaiters(AbstractFuture<?> future, Waiter expect, Waiter update) {
1089      synchronized (future) {
1090        if (future.waiters == expect) {
1091          future.waiters = update;
1092          return true;
1093        }
1094        return false;
1095      }
1096    }
1098    @Override
1099    boolean casListeners(AbstractFuture<?> future, Listener expect, Listener update) {
1100      synchronized (future) {
1101        if (future.listeners == expect) {
1102          future.listeners = update;
1103          return true;
1104        }
1105        return false;
1106      }
1107    }
1109    @Override
1110    boolean casValue(AbstractFuture<?> future, Object expect, Object update) {
1111      synchronized (future) {
1112        if (future.value == expect) {
1113          future.value = update;
1114          return true;
1115        }
1116        return false;
1117      }
1118    }
1119  }
1121  private static CancellationException cancellationExceptionWithCause(
1122      @Nullable String message, @Nullable Throwable cause) {
1123    CancellationException exception = new CancellationException(message);
1124    exception.initCause(cause);
1125    return exception;
1126  }