001    /*
002     * Copyright (C) 2009 The Guava Authors
003     *
004     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007     *
008     * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009     *
010     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014     * limitations under the License.
015     */
017    package com.google.common.collect;
019    import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
020    import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
022    import com.google.common.annotations.Beta;
023    import com.google.common.base.Objects;
025    import java.io.Serializable;
026    import java.lang.reflect.Array;
027    import java.util.AbstractCollection;
028    import java.util.AbstractSet;
029    import java.util.Arrays;
030    import java.util.Collection;
031    import java.util.Iterator;
032    import java.util.List;
033    import java.util.Map;
034    import java.util.Set;
036    import javax.annotation.Nullable;
038    /**
039     * Fixed-size {@link Table} implementation backed by a two-dimensional array.
040     *
041     * <p>The allowed row and column keys must be supplied when the table is
042     * created. The table always contains a mapping for every row key / column pair.
043     * The value corresponding to a given row and column is null unless another
044     * value is provided.
045     *
046     * <p>The table's size is constant: the product of the number of supplied row
047     * keys and the number of supplied column keys. The {@code remove} and {@code
048     * clear} methods are not supported by the table or its views. The {@link
049     * #erase} and {@link #eraseAll} methods may be used instead.
050     *
051     * <p>The ordering of the row and column keys provided when the table is
052     * constructed determines the iteration ordering across rows and columns in the
053     * table's views. None of the view iterators support {@link Iterator#remove}.
054     * If the table is modified after an iterator is created, the iterator remains
055     * valid.
056     *
057     * <p>This class requires less memory than the {@link HashBasedTable} and {@link
058     * TreeBasedTable} implementations, except when the table is sparse.
059     *
060     * <p>Null row keys or column keys are not permitted.
061     *
062     * <p>This class provides methods involving the underlying array structure,
063     * where the array indices correspond to the position of a row or column in the
064     * lists of allowed keys and values. See the {@link #at}, {@link #set}, {@link
065     * #toArray}, {@link #rowKeyList}, and {@link #columnKeyList} methods for more
066     * details.
067     *
068     * <p>Note that this implementation is not synchronized. If multiple threads
069     * access the same cell of an {@code ArrayTable} concurrently and one of the
070     * threads modifies its value, there is no guarantee that the new value will be
071     * fully visible to the other threads. To guarantee that modifications are
072     * visible, synchronize access to the table. Unlike other {@code Table}
073     * implementations, synchronization is unnecessary between a thread that writes
074     * to one cell and a thread that reads from another.
075     *
076     * <p>See the Guava User Guide article on <a href=
077     * "http://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/wiki/NewCollectionTypesExplained#Table">
078     * {@code Table}</a>.
079     *
080     * @author Jared Levy
081     * @since 10.0
082     */
083    @Beta
084    public final class ArrayTable<R, C, V> implements Table<R, C, V>, Serializable {
086      /**
087       * Creates an empty {@code ArrayTable}.
088       *
089       * @param rowKeys row keys that may be stored in the generated table
090       * @param columnKeys column keys that may be stored in the generated table
091       * @throws NullPointerException if any of the provided keys is null
092       * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code rowKeys} or {@code columnKeys}
093       *     contains duplicates or is empty
094       */
095      public static <R, C, V> ArrayTable<R, C, V> create(
096          Iterable<? extends R> rowKeys, Iterable<? extends C> columnKeys) {
097        return new ArrayTable<R, C, V>(rowKeys, columnKeys);
098      }
100      /*
101       * TODO(jlevy): Add factory methods taking an Enum class, instead of an
102       * iterable, to specify the allowed row keys and/or column keys. Note that
103       * custom serialization logic is needed to support different enum sizes during
104       * serialization and deserialization.
105       */
107      /**
108       * Creates an {@code ArrayTable} with the mappings in the provided table.
109       *
110       * <p>If {@code table} includes a mapping with row key {@code r} and a
111       * separate mapping with column key {@code c}, the returned table contains a
112       * mapping with row key {@code r} and column key {@code c}. If that row key /
113       * column key pair in not in {@code table}, the pair maps to {@code null} in
114       * the generated table.
115       *
116       * <p>The returned table allows subsequent {@code put} calls with the row keys
117       * in {@code table.rowKeySet()} and the column keys in {@code
118       * table.columnKeySet()}. Calling {@link #put} with other keys leads to an
119       * {@code IllegalArgumentException}.
120       *
121       * <p>The ordering of {@code table.rowKeySet()} and {@code
122       * table.columnKeySet()} determines the row and column iteration ordering of
123       * the returned table.
124       *
125       * @throws NullPointerException if {@code table} has a null key
126       * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided table is empty
127       */
128      public static <R, C, V> ArrayTable<R, C, V> create(Table<R, C, V> table) {
129        return new ArrayTable<R, C, V>(table);
130      }
132      /**
133       * Creates an {@code ArrayTable} with the same mappings, allowed keys, and
134       * iteration ordering as the provided {@code ArrayTable}.
135       */
136      public static <R, C, V> ArrayTable<R, C, V> create(
137          ArrayTable<R, C, V> table) {
138        return new ArrayTable<R, C, V>(table);
139      }
141      private final ImmutableList<R> rowList;
142      private final ImmutableList<C> columnList;
144      // TODO(jlevy): Add getters returning rowKeyToIndex and columnKeyToIndex?
145      private final ImmutableMap<R, Integer> rowKeyToIndex;
146      private final ImmutableMap<C, Integer> columnKeyToIndex;
147      private final V[][] array;
149      private ArrayTable(Iterable<? extends R> rowKeys,
150          Iterable<? extends C> columnKeys) {
151        this.rowList = ImmutableList.copyOf(rowKeys);
152        this.columnList = ImmutableList.copyOf(columnKeys);
153        checkArgument(!rowList.isEmpty());
154        checkArgument(!columnList.isEmpty());
156        /*
157         * TODO(jlevy): Support empty rowKeys or columnKeys? If we do, when
158         * columnKeys is empty but rowKeys isn't, the table is empty but
159         * containsRow() can return true and rowKeySet() isn't empty.
160         */
161        rowKeyToIndex = index(rowList);
162        columnKeyToIndex = index(columnList);
164        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
165        V[][] tmpArray
166            = (V[][]) new Object[rowList.size()][columnList.size()];
167        array = tmpArray;
168      }
170      private static <E> ImmutableMap<E, Integer> index(List<E> list) {
171        ImmutableMap.Builder<E, Integer> columnBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
172        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
173          columnBuilder.put(list.get(i), i);
174        }
175        return columnBuilder.build();
176      }
178      private ArrayTable(Table<R, C, V> table) {
179        this(table.rowKeySet(), table.columnKeySet());
180        putAll(table);
181      }
183      private ArrayTable(ArrayTable<R, C, V> table) {
184        rowList = table.rowList;
185        columnList = table.columnList;
186        rowKeyToIndex = table.rowKeyToIndex;
187        columnKeyToIndex = table.columnKeyToIndex;
188        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
189        V[][] copy = (V[][]) new Object[rowList.size()][columnList.size()];
190        array = copy;
191        for (int i = 0; i < rowList.size(); i++) {
192          System.arraycopy(table.array[i], 0, copy[i], 0, table.array[i].length);
193        }
194      }
196      private abstract static class ArrayMap<K, V> extends Maps.ImprovedAbstractMap<K, V> {
197        private final ImmutableMap<K, Integer> keyIndex;
199        private ArrayMap(ImmutableMap<K, Integer> keyIndex) {
200          this.keyIndex = keyIndex;
201        }
203        @Override
204        public Set<K> keySet() {
205          return keyIndex.keySet();
206        }
208        K getKey(int index) {
209          return keyIndex.keySet().asList().get(index);
210        }
212        abstract String getKeyRole();
214        @Nullable abstract V getValue(int index);
216        @Nullable abstract V setValue(int index, V newValue);
218        @Override
219        public int size() {
220          return keyIndex.size();
221        }
223        @Override
224        public boolean isEmpty() {
225          return keyIndex.isEmpty();
226        }
228        @Override
229        protected Set<Entry<K, V>> createEntrySet() {
230          return new Maps.EntrySet<K, V>() {
231            @Override
232            Map<K, V> map() {
233              return ArrayMap.this;
234            }
236            @Override
237            public Iterator<Entry<K, V>> iterator() {
238              return new AbstractIndexedListIterator<Entry<K, V>>(size()) {
239                @Override
240                protected Entry<K, V> get(final int index) {
241                  return new AbstractMapEntry<K, V>() {
242                    @Override
243                    public K getKey() {
244                      return ArrayMap.this.getKey(index);
245                    }
247                    @Override
248                    public V getValue() {
249                      return ArrayMap.this.getValue(index);
250                    }
252                    @Override
253                    public V setValue(V value) {
254                      return ArrayMap.this.setValue(index, value);
255                    }
256                  };
257                }
258              };
259            }
260          };
261        }
263        @Override
264        public boolean containsKey(@Nullable Object key) {
265          return keyIndex.containsKey(key);
266        }
268        @Override
269        public V get(@Nullable Object key) {
270          Integer index = keyIndex.get(key);
271          if (index == null) {
272            return null;
273          } else {
274            return getValue(index);
275          }
276        }
278        @Override
279        public V put(K key, V value) {
280          Integer index = keyIndex.get(key);
281          if (index == null) {
282            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
283                getKeyRole() + " " + key + " not in " + keyIndex.keySet());
284          }
285          return setValue(index, value);
286        }
288        @Override
289        public V remove(Object key) {
290          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
291        }
293        @Override
294        public void clear() {
295          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
296        }
297      }
299      /**
300       * Returns, as an immutable list, the row keys provided when the table was
301       * constructed, including those that are mapped to null values only.
302       */
303      public ImmutableList<R> rowKeyList() {
304        return rowList;
305      }
307      /**
308       * Returns, as an immutable list, the column keys provided when the table was
309       * constructed, including those that are mapped to null values only.
310       */
311      public ImmutableList<C> columnKeyList() {
312        return columnList;
313      }
315      /**
316       * Returns the value corresponding to the specified row and column indices.
317       * The same value is returned by {@code
318       * get(rowKeyList().get(rowIndex), columnKeyList().get(columnIndex))}, but
319       * this method runs more quickly.
320       *
321       * @param rowIndex position of the row key in {@link #rowKeyList()}
322       * @param columnIndex position of the row key in {@link #columnKeyList()}
323       * @return the value with the specified row and column
324       * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if either index is negative, {@code
325       *     rowIndex} is greater then or equal to the number of allowed row keys,
326       *     or {@code columnIndex} is greater then or equal to the number of
327       *     allowed column keys
328       */
329      public V at(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
330        return array[rowIndex][columnIndex];
331      }
333      /**
334       * Associates {@code value} with the specified row and column indices. The
335       * logic {@code
336       * put(rowKeyList().get(rowIndex), columnKeyList().get(columnIndex), value)}
337       * has the same behavior, but this method runs more quickly.
338       *
339       * @param rowIndex position of the row key in {@link #rowKeyList()}
340       * @param columnIndex position of the row key in {@link #columnKeyList()}
341       * @param value value to store in the table
342       * @return the previous value with the specified row and column
343       * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if either index is negative, {@code
344       *     rowIndex} is greater then or equal to the number of allowed row keys,
345       *     or {@code columnIndex} is greater then or equal to the number of
346       *     allowed column keys
347       */
348      public V set(int rowIndex, int columnIndex, @Nullable V value) {
349        V oldValue = array[rowIndex][columnIndex];
350        array[rowIndex][columnIndex] = value;
351        return oldValue;
352      }
354      /**
355       * Returns a two-dimensional array with the table contents. The row and column
356       * indices correspond to the positions of the row and column in the iterables
357       * provided during table construction. If the table lacks a mapping for a
358       * given row and column, the corresponding array element is null.
359       *
360       * <p>Subsequent table changes will not modify the array, and vice versa.
361       *
362       * @param valueClass class of values stored in the returned array
363       */
364      public V[][] toArray(Class<V> valueClass) {
365        // Can change to use varargs in JDK 1.6 if we want
366        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // TODO: safe?
367        V[][] copy = (V[][]) Array.newInstance(
368            valueClass, new int[] { rowList.size(), columnList.size() });
369        for (int i = 0; i < rowList.size(); i++) {
370          System.arraycopy(array[i], 0, copy[i], 0, array[i].length);
371        }
372        return copy;
373      }
375      /**
376       * Not supported. Use {@link #eraseAll} instead.
377       *
378       * @throws UnsupportedOperationException always
379       * @deprecated Use {@link #eraseAll}
380       */
381      @Override
382      @Deprecated public void clear() {
383        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
384      }
386      /**
387       * Associates the value {@code null} with every pair of allowed row and column
388       * keys.
389       */
390      public void eraseAll() {
391        for (V[] row : array) {
392          Arrays.fill(row, null);
393        }
394      }
396      /**
397       * Returns {@code true} if the provided keys are among the keys provided when
398       * the table was constructed.
399       */
400      @Override
401      public boolean contains(@Nullable Object rowKey, @Nullable Object columnKey) {
402        return containsRow(rowKey) && containsColumn(columnKey);
403      }
405      /**
406       * Returns {@code true} if the provided column key is among the column keys
407       * provided when the table was constructed.
408       */
409      @Override
410      public boolean containsColumn(@Nullable Object columnKey) {
411        return columnKeyToIndex.containsKey(columnKey);
412      }
414      /**
415       * Returns {@code true} if the provided row key is among the row keys
416       * provided when the table was constructed.
417       */
418      @Override
419      public boolean containsRow(@Nullable Object rowKey) {
420        return rowKeyToIndex.containsKey(rowKey);
421      }
423      @Override
424      public boolean containsValue(@Nullable Object value) {
425        for (V[] row : array) {
426          for (V element : row) {
427            if (Objects.equal(value, element)) {
428              return true;
429            }
430          }
431        }
432        return false;
433      }
435      @Override
436      public V get(@Nullable Object rowKey, @Nullable Object columnKey) {
437        Integer rowIndex = rowKeyToIndex.get(rowKey);
438        Integer columnIndex = columnKeyToIndex.get(columnKey);
439        return (rowIndex == null || columnIndex == null)
440            ? null : array[rowIndex][columnIndex];
441      }
443      /**
444       * Always returns {@code false}.
445       */
446      @Override
447      public boolean isEmpty() {
448        return false;
449      }
451      /**
452       * {@inheritDoc}
453       *
454       * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code rowKey} is not in {@link
455       *     #rowKeySet()} or {@code columnKey} is not in {@link #columnKeySet()}.
456       */
457      @Override
458      public V put(R rowKey, C columnKey, @Nullable V value) {
459        checkNotNull(rowKey);
460        checkNotNull(columnKey);
461        Integer rowIndex = rowKeyToIndex.get(rowKey);
462        checkArgument(rowIndex != null, "Row %s not in %s", rowKey, rowList);
463        Integer columnIndex = columnKeyToIndex.get(columnKey);
464        checkArgument(columnIndex != null,
465            "Column %s not in %s", columnKey, columnList);
466        return set(rowIndex, columnIndex, value);
467      }
469      /*
470       * TODO(jlevy): Consider creating a merge() method, similar to putAll() but
471       * copying non-null values only.
472       */
474      /**
475       * {@inheritDoc}
476       *
477       * <p>If {@code table} is an {@code ArrayTable}, its null values will be
478       * stored in this table, possibly replacing values that were previously
479       * non-null.
480       *
481       * @throws NullPointerException if {@code table} has a null key
482       * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the provided table's row keys or
483       *     column keys is not in {@link #rowKeySet()} or {@link #columnKeySet()}
484       */
485      @Override
486      public void putAll(Table<? extends R, ? extends C, ? extends V> table) {
487        for (Cell<? extends R, ? extends C, ? extends V> cell : table.cellSet()) {
488          put(cell.getRowKey(), cell.getColumnKey(), cell.getValue());
489        }
490      }
492      /**
493       * Not supported. Use {@link #erase} instead.
494       *
495       * @throws UnsupportedOperationException always
496       * @deprecated Use {@link #erase}
497       */
498      @Override
499      @Deprecated public V remove(Object rowKey, Object columnKey) {
500        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
501      }
503      /**
504       * Associates the value {@code null} with the specified keys, assuming both
505       * keys are valid. If either key is null or isn't among the keys provided
506       * during construction, this method has no effect.
507       *
508       * <p>This method is equivalent to {@code put(rowKey, columnKey, null)} when
509       * both provided keys are valid.
510       *
511       * @param rowKey row key of mapping to be erased
512       * @param columnKey column key of mapping to be erased
513       * @return the value previously associated with the keys, or {@code null} if
514       *     no mapping existed for the keys
515       */
516      public V erase(@Nullable Object rowKey, @Nullable Object columnKey) {
517        Integer rowIndex = rowKeyToIndex.get(rowKey);
518        Integer columnIndex = columnKeyToIndex.get(columnKey);
519        if (rowIndex == null || columnIndex == null) {
520          return null;
521        }
522        return set(rowIndex, columnIndex, null);
523      }
525      // TODO(jlevy): Add eraseRow and eraseColumn methods?
527      @Override
528      public int size() {
529        return rowList.size() * columnList.size();
530      }
532      @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
533        if (obj instanceof Table) {
534          Table<?, ?, ?> other = (Table<?, ?, ?>) obj;
535          return cellSet().equals(other.cellSet());
536        }
537        return false;
538      }
540      @Override public int hashCode() {
541        return cellSet().hashCode();
542      }
544      /**
545       * Returns the string representation {@code rowMap().toString()}.
546       */
547      @Override public String toString() {
548        return rowMap().toString();
549      }
551      private transient CellSet cellSet;
553      /**
554       * Returns an unmodifiable set of all row key / column key / value
555       * triplets. Changes to the table will update the returned set.
556       *
557       * <p>The returned set's iterator traverses the mappings with the first row
558       * key, the mappings with the second row key, and so on.
559       *
560       * <p>The value in the returned cells may change if the table subsequently
561       * changes.
562       *
563       * @return set of table cells consisting of row key / column key / value
564       *     triplets
565       */
566      @Override
567      public Set<Cell<R, C, V>> cellSet() {
568        CellSet set = cellSet;
569        return (set == null) ? cellSet = new CellSet() : set;
570      }
572      private class CellSet extends AbstractSet<Cell<R, C, V>> {
574        @Override public Iterator<Cell<R, C, V>> iterator() {
575          return new AbstractIndexedListIterator<Cell<R, C, V>>(size()) {
576            @Override protected Cell<R, C, V> get(final int index) {
577              return new Tables.AbstractCell<R, C, V>() {
578                final int rowIndex = index / columnList.size();
579                final int columnIndex = index % columnList.size();
580                @Override
581                public R getRowKey() {
582                  return rowList.get(rowIndex);
583                }
584                @Override
585                public C getColumnKey() {
586                  return columnList.get(columnIndex);
587                }
588                @Override
589                public V getValue() {
590                  return array[rowIndex][columnIndex];
591                }
592              };
593            }
594          };
595        }
597        @Override public int size() {
598          return ArrayTable.this.size();
599        }
601        @Override public boolean contains(Object obj) {
602          if (obj instanceof Cell) {
603            Cell<?, ?, ?> cell = (Cell<?, ?, ?>) obj;
604            Integer rowIndex = rowKeyToIndex.get(cell.getRowKey());
605            Integer columnIndex = columnKeyToIndex.get(cell.getColumnKey());
606            return rowIndex != null
607                && columnIndex != null
608                && Objects.equal(array[rowIndex][columnIndex], cell.getValue());
609          }
610          return false;
611        }
612      }
614      /**
615       * Returns a view of all mappings that have the given column key. If the
616       * column key isn't in {@link #columnKeySet()}, an empty immutable map is
617       * returned.
618       *
619       * <p>Otherwise, for each row key in {@link #rowKeySet()}, the returned map
620       * associates the row key with the corresponding value in the table. Changes
621       * to the returned map will update the underlying table, and vice versa.
622       *
623       * @param columnKey key of column to search for in the table
624       * @return the corresponding map from row keys to values
625       */
626      @Override
627      public Map<R, V> column(C columnKey) {
628        checkNotNull(columnKey);
629        Integer columnIndex = columnKeyToIndex.get(columnKey);
630        return (columnIndex == null)
631            ? ImmutableMap.<R, V>of() : new Column(columnIndex);
632      }
634      private class Column extends ArrayMap<R, V> {
635        final int columnIndex;
637        Column(int columnIndex) {
638          super(rowKeyToIndex);
639          this.columnIndex = columnIndex;
640        }
642        @Override
643        String getKeyRole() {
644          return "Row";
645        }
647        @Override
648        V getValue(int index) {
649          return at(index, columnIndex);
650        }
652        @Override
653        V setValue(int index, V newValue) {
654          return set(index, columnIndex, newValue);
655        }
656      }
658      /**
659       * Returns an immutable set of the valid column keys, including those that
660       * are associated with null values only.
661       *
662       * @return immutable set of column keys
663       */
664      @Override
665      public ImmutableSet<C> columnKeySet() {
666        return columnKeyToIndex.keySet();
667      }
669      private transient ColumnMap columnMap;
671      @Override
672      public Map<C, Map<R, V>> columnMap() {
673        ColumnMap map = columnMap;
674        return (map == null) ? columnMap = new ColumnMap() : map;
675      }
677      private class ColumnMap extends ArrayMap<C, Map<R, V>> {
678        private ColumnMap() {
679          super(columnKeyToIndex);
680        }
682        @Override
683        String getKeyRole() {
684          return "Column";
685        }
687        @Override
688        Map<R, V> getValue(int index) {
689          return new Column(index);
690        }
692        @Override
693        Map<R, V> setValue(int index, Map<R, V> newValue) {
694          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
695        }
697        @Override
698        public Map<R, V> put(C key, Map<R, V> value) {
699          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
700        }
701      }
703      /**
704       * Returns a view of all mappings that have the given row key. If the
705       * row key isn't in {@link #rowKeySet()}, an empty immutable map is
706       * returned.
707       *
708       * <p>Otherwise, for each column key in {@link #columnKeySet()}, the returned
709       * map associates the column key with the corresponding value in the
710       * table. Changes to the returned map will update the underlying table, and
711       * vice versa.
712       *
713       * @param rowKey key of row to search for in the table
714       * @return the corresponding map from column keys to values
715       */
716      @Override
717      public Map<C, V> row(R rowKey) {
718        checkNotNull(rowKey);
719        Integer rowIndex = rowKeyToIndex.get(rowKey);
720        return (rowIndex == null) ? ImmutableMap.<C, V>of() : new Row(rowIndex);
721      }
723      private class Row extends ArrayMap<C, V> {
724        final int rowIndex;
726        Row(int rowIndex) {
727          super(columnKeyToIndex);
728          this.rowIndex = rowIndex;
729        }
731        @Override
732        String getKeyRole() {
733          return "Column";
734        }
736        @Override
737        V getValue(int index) {
738          return at(rowIndex, index);
739        }
741        @Override
742        V setValue(int index, V newValue) {
743          return set(rowIndex, index, newValue);
744        }
745      }
747      /**
748       * Returns an immutable set of the valid row keys, including those that are
749       * associated with null values only.
750       *
751       * @return immutable set of row keys
752       */
753      @Override
754      public ImmutableSet<R> rowKeySet() {
755        return rowKeyToIndex.keySet();
756      }
758      private transient RowMap rowMap;
760      @Override
761      public Map<R, Map<C, V>> rowMap() {
762        RowMap map = rowMap;
763        return (map == null) ? rowMap = new RowMap() : map;
764      }
766      private class RowMap extends ArrayMap<R, Map<C, V>> {
767        private RowMap() {
768          super(rowKeyToIndex);
769        }
771        @Override
772        String getKeyRole() {
773          return "Row";
774        }
776        @Override
777        Map<C, V> getValue(int index) {
778          return new Row(index);
779        }
781        @Override
782        Map<C, V> setValue(int index, Map<C, V> newValue) {
783          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
784        }
786        @Override
787        public Map<C, V> put(R key, Map<C, V> value) {
788          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
789        }
790      }
792      private transient Collection<V> values;
794      /**
795       * Returns an unmodifiable collection of all values, which may contain
796       * duplicates. Changes to the table will update the returned collection.
797       *
798       * <p>The returned collection's iterator traverses the values of the first row
799       * key, the values of the second row key, and so on.
800       *
801       * @return collection of values
802       */
803      @Override
804      public Collection<V> values() {
805        Collection<V> v = values;
806        return (v == null) ? values = new Values() : v;
807      }
809      private class Values extends AbstractCollection<V> {
810        @Override public Iterator<V> iterator() {
811          return new TransformedIterator<Cell<R, C, V>, V>(cellSet().iterator()) {
812            @Override
813            V transform(Cell<R, C, V> cell) {
814              return cell.getValue();
815            }
816          };
817        }
819        @Override public int size() {
820          return ArrayTable.this.size();
821        }
822      }
824      private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
825    }