001    /*
002     * Copyright (C) 2007 The Guava Authors
003     *
004     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007     *
008     * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009     *
010     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014     * limitations under the License.
015     */
017    package com.google.common.eventbus;
019    import com.google.common.annotations.Beta;
020    import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
021    import com.google.common.base.Supplier;
022    import com.google.common.base.Throwables;
023    import com.google.common.cache.CacheBuilder;
024    import com.google.common.cache.CacheLoader;
025    import com.google.common.cache.LoadingCache;
026    import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
027    import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
028    import com.google.common.collect.Multimaps;
029    import com.google.common.collect.SetMultimap;
030    import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
032    import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
033    import java.util.Collection;
034    import java.util.List;
035    import java.util.Map.Entry;
036    import java.util.Set;
037    import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
038    import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
039    import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
040    import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
041    import java.util.logging.Level;
042    import java.util.logging.Logger;
044    /**
045     * Dispatches events to listeners, and provides ways for listeners to register
046     * themselves.
047     *
048     * <p>The EventBus allows publish-subscribe-style communication between
049     * components without requiring the components to explicitly register with one
050     * another (and thus be aware of each other).  It is designed exclusively to
051     * replace traditional Java in-process event distribution using explicit
052     * registration. It is <em>not</em> a general-purpose publish-subscribe system,
053     * nor is it intended for interprocess communication.
054     *
055     * <h2>Receiving Events</h2>
056     * To receive events, an object should:<ol>
057     * <li>Expose a public method, known as the <i>event handler</i>, which accepts
058     *     a single argument of the type of event desired;</li>
059     * <li>Mark it with a {@link Subscribe} annotation;</li>
060     * <li>Pass itself to an EventBus instance's {@link #register(Object)} method.
061     *     </li>
062     * </ol>
063     *
064     * <h2>Posting Events</h2>
065     * To post an event, simply provide the event object to the
066     * {@link #post(Object)} method.  The EventBus instance will determine the type
067     * of event and route it to all registered listeners.
068     *
069     * <p>Events are routed based on their type &mdash; an event will be delivered
070     * to any handler for any type to which the event is <em>assignable.</em>  This
071     * includes implemented interfaces, all superclasses, and all interfaces
072     * implemented by superclasses.
073     *
074     * <p>When {@code post} is called, all registered handlers for an event are run
075     * in sequence, so handlers should be reasonably quick.  If an event may trigger
076     * an extended process (such as a database load), spawn a thread or queue it for
077     * later.  (For a convenient way to do this, use an {@link AsyncEventBus}.)
078     *
079     * <h2>Handler Methods</h2>
080     * Event handler methods must accept only one argument: the event.
081     *
082     * <p>Handlers should not, in general, throw.  If they do, the EventBus will
083     * catch and log the exception.  This is rarely the right solution for error
084     * handling and should not be relied upon; it is intended solely to help find
085     * problems during development.
086     *
087     * <p>The EventBus guarantees that it will not call a handler method from
088     * multiple threads simultaneously, unless the method explicitly allows it by
089     * bearing the {@link AllowConcurrentEvents} annotation.  If this annotation is
090     * not present, handler methods need not worry about being reentrant, unless
091     * also called from outside the EventBus.
092     *
093     * <h2>Dead Events</h2>
094     * If an event is posted, but no registered handlers can accept it, it is
095     * considered "dead."  To give the system a second chance to handle dead events,
096     * they are wrapped in an instance of {@link DeadEvent} and reposted.
097     *
098     * <p>If a handler for a supertype of all events (such as Object) is registered,
099     * no event will ever be considered dead, and no DeadEvents will be generated.
100     * Accordingly, while DeadEvent extends {@link Object}, a handler registered to
101     * receive any Object will never receive a DeadEvent.
102     *
103     * <p>This class is safe for concurrent use.
104     * 
105     * <p>See the Guava User Guide article on <a href=
106     * "http://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/wiki/EventBusExplained">
107     * {@code EventBus}</a>.
108     *
109     * @author Cliff Biffle
110     * @since 10.0
111     */
112    @Beta
113    public class EventBus {
115      /**
116       * All registered event handlers, indexed by event type.
117       */
118      private final SetMultimap<Class<?>, EventHandler> handlersByType =
119          Multimaps.newSetMultimap(new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, Collection<EventHandler>>(),
120              new Supplier<Set<EventHandler>>() {
121                @Override
122                public Set<EventHandler> get() {
123                  return new CopyOnWriteArraySet<EventHandler>();
124                }
125              });
127      /**
128       * Logger for event dispatch failures.  Named by the fully-qualified name of
129       * this class, followed by the identifier provided at construction.
130       */
131      private final Logger logger;
133      /**
134       * Strategy for finding handler methods in registered objects.  Currently,
135       * only the {@link AnnotatedHandlerFinder} is supported, but this is
136       * encapsulated for future expansion.
137       */
138      private final HandlerFindingStrategy finder = new AnnotatedHandlerFinder();
140      /** queues of events for the current thread to dispatch */
141      private final ThreadLocal<ConcurrentLinkedQueue<EventWithHandler>>
142          eventsToDispatch =
143          new ThreadLocal<ConcurrentLinkedQueue<EventWithHandler>>() {
144        @Override protected ConcurrentLinkedQueue<EventWithHandler> initialValue() {
145          return new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<EventWithHandler>();
146        }
147      };
149      /** true if the current thread is currently dispatching an event */
150      private final ThreadLocal<Boolean> isDispatching =
151          new ThreadLocal<Boolean>() {
152        @Override protected Boolean initialValue() {
153          return false;
154        }
155      };
157      /**
158       * A thread-safe cache for flattenHierarch(). The Class class is immutable.
159       */
160      private LoadingCache<Class<?>, Set<Class<?>>> flattenHierarchyCache =
161          CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
162              .weakKeys()
163              .build(new CacheLoader<Class<?>, Set<Class<?>>>() {
164                @Override
165                public Set<Class<?>> load(Class<?> concreteClass) throws Exception {
166                  List<Class<?>> parents = Lists.newLinkedList();
167                  Set<Class<?>> classes = Sets.newHashSet();
169                  parents.add(concreteClass);
171                  while (!parents.isEmpty()) {
172                    Class<?> clazz = parents.remove(0);
173                    classes.add(clazz);
175                    Class<?> parent = clazz.getSuperclass();
176                    if (parent != null) {
177                      parents.add(parent);
178                    }
180                    for (Class<?> iface : clazz.getInterfaces()) {
181                      parents.add(iface);
182                    }
183                  }
185                  return classes;
186                }
187              });
189      /**
190       * Creates a new EventBus named "default".
191       */
192      public EventBus() {
193        this("default");
194      }
196      /**
197       * Creates a new EventBus with the given {@code identifier}.
198       *
199       * @param identifier  a brief name for this bus, for logging purposes.  Should
200       *                    be a valid Java identifier.
201       */
202      public EventBus(String identifier) {
203        logger = Logger.getLogger(EventBus.class.getName() + "." + identifier);
204      }
206      /**
207       * Registers all handler methods on {@code object} to receive events.
208       * Handler methods are selected and classified using this EventBus's
209       * {@link HandlerFindingStrategy}; the default strategy is the
210       * {@link AnnotatedHandlerFinder}.
211       *
212       * @param object  object whose handler methods should be registered.
213       */
214      public void register(Object object) {
215        handlersByType.putAll(finder.findAllHandlers(object));
216      }
218      /**
219       * Unregisters all handler methods on a registered {@code object}.
220       *
221       * @param object  object whose handler methods should be unregistered.
222       * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the object was not previously registered.
223       */
224      public void unregister(Object object) {
225        Multimap<Class<?>, EventHandler> methodsInListener = finder.findAllHandlers(object);
226        for (Entry<Class<?>, Collection<EventHandler>> entry : methodsInListener.asMap().entrySet()) {
227          Set<EventHandler> currentHandlers = getHandlersForEventType(entry.getKey());
228          Collection<EventHandler> eventMethodsInListener = entry.getValue();
230          if (currentHandlers == null || !currentHandlers.containsAll(entry.getValue())) {
231            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
232                "missing event handler for an annotated method. Is " + object + " registered?");
233          }
234          currentHandlers.removeAll(eventMethodsInListener);
235        }
236      }
238      /**
239       * Posts an event to all registered handlers.  This method will return
240       * successfully after the event has been posted to all handlers, and
241       * regardless of any exceptions thrown by handlers.
242       *
243       * <p>If no handlers have been subscribed for {@code event}'s class, and
244       * {@code event} is not already a {@link DeadEvent}, it will be wrapped in a
245       * DeadEvent and reposted.
246       *
247       * @param event  event to post.
248       */
249      public void post(Object event) {
250        Set<Class<?>> dispatchTypes = flattenHierarchy(event.getClass());
252        boolean dispatched = false;
253        for (Class<?> eventType : dispatchTypes) {
254          Set<EventHandler> wrappers = getHandlersForEventType(eventType);
256          if (wrappers != null && !wrappers.isEmpty()) {
257            dispatched = true;
258            for (EventHandler wrapper : wrappers) {
259              enqueueEvent(event, wrapper);
260            }
261          }
262        }
264        if (!dispatched && !(event instanceof DeadEvent)) {
265          post(new DeadEvent(this, event));
266        }
268        dispatchQueuedEvents();
269      }
271      /**
272       * Queue the {@code event} for dispatch during
273       * {@link #dispatchQueuedEvents()}. Events are queued in-order of occurrence
274       * so they can be dispatched in the same order.
275       */
276      protected void enqueueEvent(Object event, EventHandler handler) {
277        eventsToDispatch.get().offer(new EventWithHandler(event, handler));
278      }
280      /**
281       * Drain the queue of events to be dispatched. As the queue is being drained,
282       * new events may be posted to the end of the queue.
283       */
284      protected void dispatchQueuedEvents() {
285        // don't dispatch if we're already dispatching, that would allow reentrancy
286        // and out-of-order events. Instead, leave the events to be dispatched
287        // after the in-progress dispatch is complete.
288        if (isDispatching.get()) {
289          return;
290        }
292        isDispatching.set(true);
293        try {
294          while (true) {
295            EventWithHandler eventWithHandler = eventsToDispatch.get().poll();
296            if (eventWithHandler == null) {
297              break;
298            }
300            dispatch(eventWithHandler.event, eventWithHandler.handler);
301          }
302        } finally {
303          isDispatching.set(false);
304        }
305      }
307      /**
308       * Dispatches {@code event} to the handler in {@code wrapper}.  This method
309       * is an appropriate override point for subclasses that wish to make
310       * event delivery asynchronous.
311       *
312       * @param event  event to dispatch.
313       * @param wrapper  wrapper that will call the handler.
314       */
315      protected void dispatch(Object event, EventHandler wrapper) {
316        try {
317          wrapper.handleEvent(event);
318        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
319          logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
320              "Could not dispatch event: " + event + " to handler " + wrapper, e);
321        }
322      }
324      /**
325       * Retrieves a mutable set of the currently registered handlers for
326       * {@code type}.  If no handlers are currently registered for {@code type},
327       * this method may either return {@code null} or an empty set.
328       *
329       * @param type  type of handlers to retrieve.
330       * @return currently registered handlers, or {@code null}.
331       */
332      Set<EventHandler> getHandlersForEventType(Class<?> type) {
333        return handlersByType.get(type);
334      }
336      /**
337       * Creates a new Set for insertion into the handler map.  This is provided
338       * as an override point for subclasses. The returned set should support
339       * concurrent access.
340       *
341       * @return a new, mutable set for handlers.
342       */
343      protected Set<EventHandler> newHandlerSet() {
344        return new CopyOnWriteArraySet<EventHandler>();
345      }
347      /**
348       * Flattens a class's type hierarchy into a set of Class objects.  The set
349       * will include all superclasses (transitively), and all interfaces
350       * implemented by these superclasses.
351       *
352       * @param concreteClass  class whose type hierarchy will be retrieved.
353       * @return {@code clazz}'s complete type hierarchy, flattened and uniqued.
354       */
355      @VisibleForTesting
356      Set<Class<?>> flattenHierarchy(Class<?> concreteClass) {
357        try {
358          return flattenHierarchyCache.get(concreteClass);
359        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
360          throw Throwables.propagate(e.getCause());
361        }
362      }
364      /** simple struct representing an event and it's handler */
365      static class EventWithHandler {
366        final Object event;
367        final EventHandler handler;
368        public EventWithHandler(Object event, EventHandler handler) {
369          this.event = event;
370          this.handler = handler;
371        }
372      }
373    }