001    /*
002     * Copyright (C) 2011 The Guava Authors
003     *
004     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
005     * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
006     *
007     * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
008     *
009     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
010     * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
011     * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
012     * the License.
013     */
015    package com.google.common.hash;
017    import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
018    import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
020    import com.google.common.annotations.Beta;
021    import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
022    import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
023    import com.google.common.hash.BloomFilterStrategies.BitArray;
025    import java.io.Serializable;
027    /**
028     * A Bloom filter for instances of {@code T}. A Bloom filter offers an approximate containment test
029     * with one-sided error: if it claims that an element is contained in it, this might be in error, 
030     * but if it claims that an element is <i>not</i> contained in it, then this is definitely true.
031     * 
032     * <p>If you are unfamiliar with Bloom filters, this nice 
033     * <a href="http://llimllib.github.com/bloomfilter-tutorial/">tutorial</a> may help you understand 
034     * how they work.
035     * 
036     * @param <T> the type of instances that the {@code BloomFilter} accepts
037     * @author Kevin Bourrillion
038     * @author Dimitris Andreou
039     * @since 11.0
040     */
041    @Beta
042    public final class BloomFilter<T> implements Serializable {
043      /**
044       * A strategy to translate T instances, to {@code numHashFunctions} bit indexes.
045       */
046      interface Strategy extends java.io.Serializable {
047        /**
048         * Sets {@code numHashFunctions} bits of the given bit array, by hashing a user element. 
049         */
050        <T> void put(T object, Funnel<? super T> funnel, int numHashFunctions, BitArray bits);
052        /**
053         * Queries {@code numHashFunctions} bits of the given bit array, by hashing a user element;
054         * returns {@code true} if and only if all selected bits are set. 
055         */
056        <T> boolean mightContain(
057            T object, Funnel<? super T> funnel, int numHashFunctions, BitArray bits);
058      }
060      /** The bit set of the BloomFilter (not necessarily power of 2!)*/
061      private final BitArray bits;
063      /** Number of hashes per element */ 
064      private final int numHashFunctions;
066      /** The funnel to translate Ts to bytes */
067      private final Funnel<T> funnel;
069      /**
070       * The strategy we employ to map an element T to {@code numHashFunctions} bit indexes.
071       */
072      private final Strategy strategy;
074      /**
075       * Creates a BloomFilter. 
076       */
077      private BloomFilter(BitArray bits, int numHashFunctions, Funnel<T> funnel,
078          Strategy strategy) {
079        Preconditions.checkArgument(numHashFunctions > 0, "numHashFunctions zero or negative");
080        this.bits = checkNotNull(bits);
081        this.numHashFunctions = numHashFunctions;
082        this.funnel = checkNotNull(funnel);
083        this.strategy = strategy;
084      }
086      /**
087       * Returns {@code true} if the element <i>might</i> have been put in this Bloom filter, 
088       * {@code false} if this is <i>definitely</i> not the case. 
089       */
090      public boolean mightContain(T object) {
091        return strategy.mightContain(object, funnel, numHashFunctions, bits);
092      }
094      /**
095       * Puts an element into this {@code BloomFilter}. Ensures that subsequent invocations of 
096       * {@link #mightContain(Object)} with the same element will always return {@code true}.
097       */
098      public void put(T object) {
099        strategy.put(object, funnel, numHashFunctions, bits);
100      }
102      @VisibleForTesting int getHashCount() {
103        return numHashFunctions;
104      }
106      @VisibleForTesting double computeExpectedFalsePositiveRate(int insertions) {
107        return Math.pow(
108            1 - Math.exp(-numHashFunctions * ((double) insertions / (bits.size()))),
109            numHashFunctions);
110      }
112      /**
113       * Creates a {@code Builder} of a {@link BloomFilter BloomFilter<T>}, with the expected number 
114       * of insertions and expected false positive probability.
115       * 
116       * <p>Note that overflowing a {@code BloomFilter} with significantly more elements 
117       * than specified, will result in its saturation, and a sharp deterioration of its
118       * false positive probability.
119       * 
120       * <p>The constructed {@code BloomFilter<T>} will be serializable if the provided 
121       * {@code Funnel<T>} is.
122       * 
123       * @param funnel the funnel of T's that the constructed {@code BloomFilter<T>} will use
124       * @param expectedInsertions the number of expected insertions to the constructed 
125       *        {@code BloomFilter<T>}; must be positive
126       * @param falsePositiveProbability the desired false positive probability (must be positive and 
127       *        less than 1.0)
128       * @return a {@code Builder}
129       */
130      public static <T> BloomFilter<T> create(Funnel<T> funnel, int expectedInsertions /* n */,
131          double falsePositiveProbability) {
132        checkNotNull(funnel);
133        checkArgument(expectedInsertions > 0, "Expected insertions must be positive");
134        checkArgument(falsePositiveProbability > 0.0 & falsePositiveProbability < 1.0,
135            "False positive probability in (0.0, 1.0)");
136        /* 
137         * andreou: I wanted to put a warning in the javadoc about tiny fpp values,
138         * since the resulting size is proportional to -log(p), but there is not
139         * much of a point after all, e.g. optimalM(1000, 0.0000000000000001) = 76680
140         * which is less that 10kb. Who cares!
141         */
142        int numBits = optimalNumOfBits(expectedInsertions, falsePositiveProbability);
143        int numHashFunctions = optimalNumOfHashFunctions(expectedInsertions, numBits);
144        return new BloomFilter<T>(new BitArray(numBits), numHashFunctions, funnel,
145            BloomFilterStrategies.MURMUR128_MITZ_32);
146      }
148      /**
149       * Creates a {@code Builder} of a {@link BloomFilter BloomFilter<T>}, with the expected number 
150       * of insertions, and a default expected false positive probability of 3%.
151       * 
152       * <p>Note that overflowing a {@code BloomFilter} with significantly more elements 
153       * than specified, will result in its saturation, and a sharp deterioration of its
154       * false positive probability.
155       * 
156       * <p>The constructed {@code BloomFilter<T>} will be serializable if the provided 
157       * {@code Funnel<T>} is.
158       * 
159       * @param funnel the funnel of T's that the constructed {@code BloomFilter<T>} will use
160       * @param expectedInsertions the number of expected insertions to the constructed 
161       *        {@code BloomFilter<T>}; must be positive
162       * @return a {@code Builder}
163       */
164      public static <T> BloomFilter<T> create(Funnel<T> funnel, int expectedInsertions /* n */) {
165        return create(funnel, expectedInsertions, 0.03); // FYI, for 3%, we always get 5 hash functions 
166      }
168      /*
169       * Cheat sheet:
170       * 
171       * m: total bits
172       * n: expected insertions
173       * b: m/n, bits per insertion
175       * p: expected false positive probability
176       * 
177       * 1) Optimal k = b * ln2
178       * 2) p = (1 - e ^ (-kn/m))^k
179       * 3) For optimal k: p = 2 ^ (-k) ~= 0.6185^b
180       * 4) For optimal k: m = -nlnp / ((ln2) ^ 2)
181       */
183      private static final double LN2 = Math.log(2);
184      private static final double LN2_SQUARED = LN2 * LN2;
186      /**
187       * Computes the optimal k (number of hashes per element inserted in Bloom filter), given the 
188       * expected insertions and total number of bits in the Bloom filter.
189       * 
190       * See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bloom_filter_fp_probability.svg for the formula.
191       * 
192       * @param n expected insertions (must be positive)
193       * @param m total number of bits in Bloom filter (must be positive)
194       */
195      @VisibleForTesting static int optimalNumOfHashFunctions(int n, int m) {
196        return Math.max(1, (int) Math.round(m / n * LN2));
197      }
199      /**
200       * Computes m (total bits of Bloom filter) which is expected to achieve, for the specified 
201       * expected insertions, the required false positive probability.
202       * 
203       * See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom_filter#Probability_of_false_positives for the formula.
204       * 
205       * @param n expected insertions (must be positive)
206       * @param p false positive rate (must be 0 < p < 1)
207       */
208      @VisibleForTesting static int optimalNumOfBits(int n, double p) {
209        return (int) (-n * Math.log(p) / LN2_SQUARED);
210      }
212      private Object writeReplace() {
213        return new SerialForm<T>(this);
214      }
216      private static class SerialForm<T> implements Serializable {
217        final long[] data;
218        final int numHashFunctions;
219        final Funnel<T> funnel;
220        final Strategy strategy;
222        SerialForm(BloomFilter<T> bf) {
223          this.data = bf.bits.data;
224          this.numHashFunctions = bf.numHashFunctions;
225          this.funnel = bf.funnel;
226          this.strategy = bf.strategy;
227        }
228        Object readResolve() {
229          return new BloomFilter<T>(new BitArray(data), numHashFunctions, funnel, strategy);
230        }
231        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
232      }
233    }